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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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March 2013
bella147 (15 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
AEREE (Feb 15th - April 4th) **I'm Here**
kisskissbang + mom (18 March - 31 March) Confirmed
Fishbone (20th Mar - 3rd Apr)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
daa_vaa (March 23rd)
Cherryzz around 24th
xsh (27 March-9 April)
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)

April 2013
Unk (1 April - 21 April )
Snowcup (April 2-17)
Reneesyd (3 April - 18 April)
HongKongPhooey & friend 9th to 30th April, flights booked
SeekingBeauty (April 6th - 17th)
Kimmmy78 ( April 6 to 21)
Yoonson April 18-May 10!!

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th - May 25th)
Shhshh (May 10th - May 23th)

June 2013
Lexethan MALE (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Ticket Booked!
Soong sister (June 18th - July 5th). Bought air ticket.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)

July 2013
JJ001 (01 July - 27 July)
turningpoint (14July-28July) Hello hello!
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You're staying at their officetel right? How many city blocks is it from their clinic? Are you sharing your room or is it your own room? Most importantly, does it have A/C? That's nice that they promised free revision if you're not satisfied. But, hopefully you won't need it. So you stayed in the clinic overnight or did they take you back to your place after the surgery?

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you still can view her full face photo of her profile pic if you use purseforum mobile apps, not from website itself. I couldn't recall her as forumer when i saw her. I just keep thinking that I've seen her before, but can't remember where I've seen her. She just introduced herself as Dr Kim assistant, and continue her jobs which distribution consultation forms, calling Dr Kim, briefing about BK to clients etc... If i can recall her as worries at that time, I would probably pretend as I don't know her and would throw a few questions about her ps, even though i know that she have her primary ps in Taiwan, revision in korea, nose done at Jewlry/BK etc. I might curious what will she answer. I only can recall her as forumer when I received SMS from her a few days later, followed up about consultation, introducing her real name "Ixxx" blah blah...
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I don't know much about her, others than what I've read thru her contributions/posts in this forum. I was confused too, because i saw her working as BK assistant and I heard from a forumer a few months ago that she is doing some sort of arrangement between Dr Chung and clients. Dr Chung even came to Singapore because of her arrangement. and again I didn't really pay attention to all these, BK and Dr Chung are not in my shortlists. that's why I didn't even post about her in the forum when I saw her, it is just her business, I don't see any of her posts lead to promotional behaviors and she is no longer in this forum. until I saw some of her posts in cozycot (after she was banned from this forum), feel a bit worry to those fellow forumers and i think i should voiced up a bit about promotors.

ans your last questions, different people have different opinions about beauty, since you have her email, you can request her recent photo and justify. ;)
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That's a great idea! I'm stuck with sore legs and couldn't really move around that much. Had to walk slowly. :sad: good luck :smile:
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Hey Shhshh! I updated about my surgery yesterday :smile: are you doing whole thigh? That's good that you can do together but please wait till your consiultation and see what they suggest. I wanted to do thigh+hip+abdomen but they recommended to do abdomen a few days later but I decided not to since its uncomfortable to walk now.i had so much fat removed from that 2 areas. Jamie will be consultant since last translator quit. Oh, 365mc move to near Seoul Natonal university of education station, it used to be in Sinsa Station.
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Hi all,

I have decided to get rhinoplasty and will be travelling to Korea on 15 Apr for 2 weeks. Flight booked :yahoo:
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Hi People,

Sorry for the late reply after my consultation post. As promised though I will write an account of my experience at JW clinic :smile:

Day 1 :: Surgery

I arrived at JW beauty clinic at 1:20pm. I had to arrive early to take photos and to have my pre-op consults with both doctors.
Dr Suh himself took my photos, which I thought was interesting, one of the clinic assistants was going to do it but then he took the camera and was like "oh no, I can do it". Maybe so he can take it better? Who knows :shrugs:

Anyway, so I went in for my pre-op consults. First with Dr Suh. He just re-iterated what he was going to do with my nose - break the bone to narrow the bridge, shave down the hump, tip plasty - I then asked if I can have an implant then, and he smiled and said "you don't need one" but I said about my radix and he said "okay, if you really want one I will make a really small implant to increase that bt but still make it look natural" - It was in Korean but the translator translated that for me haha.
I then showed him the picture of the nose I wanted and asked if he could do that nose for me and he said "I can try but what works for her may not work for you so I will make it so it fits your face".
So I think he prefers it if you don't bring in photos.

After that I went in with my consult with Dr Choi. He was looking at my pictures again and then he asked me "can you tell me exactly what you want and what you think is the problem with your eyes". So i explained to him about my heavy lids and having to use my eyebrows. He told me he thought about my case a lot because he could not decide what is best for me, eyelid revision or eyebrow lift. He preferred eyebrow lift for me as it will give me better shape and fix my problem the best, but from what he showed me, which is better, i preferred eyelid revision because it had less scarring afterwards.
So that was that.

After the consults I then signed some papers about the anesthesia and operation and then washed my face and tied my hair up. About 3pm I then was showed to my recovery room and waited a bit before they took me into the operating theatre.

My eyelid surgery was first.
I lied down and they strapped me in and then covered me with some clothes and the face cloth that only shows the eyes. One of the nurses in there was really nice and spoke quite good english. She was explaining to me how my eyes will be done first and we laughed about something ... i cant remember what though but it was funny... haha
Dr Choi then came in and proceeded to draw on my eyes, the pen btw IS SHARP! I actually thought he was beginning surgery... :roflmfao:
So after he drew he then started to inject my eyes with local anesthesia, which hurt as well. Was about 4-5 shots, OUCH! and boom all numb.
I was completely awake for the surgery, which was actually quite horrifying and now makes me never want to do eye surgery again unless its the sub brow lift... So i could hear him talking as well and hear all the machines and burning when they cut the lids. Again. HORRIFYING! I was so scared i tensed up my body and was sweating too. Was on my time of the month. SO NOT A GOOD FEELING!
But I heard him talk about how it was a revisional, and how I had muscle levator surgery before too. I think a trainee doctor was observing as I could hear someone in the background going "mhmm, yeah okay, mhmmm" lols.
During the operation I had the usual "open close open close" thing, more so than my first revisional surgery 5-years ago - i think he wanted to make sure i got the round shape i asked for and to make sure the lids dont sag as much? But yeah, after a while the loca ana wore off, and wow... i got freaked! I told him it hurt and he just injected more of the anesthesia.
So, after however long that was. it was done. he sewed me up using his "three suture" method that in future prevents triple eyelid [lol i heard him talk about it to the trainee] and wiped me up. He said my right eye will be more swollen because he injected more anesthesia in it, but should be okay.

So that surgery was done, the nice nurse then came and said I would be moving operating theatres to get my nose done but asked if i wanted to go to the toilet first. I said yes so went and I saw myself in the mirror and WOW I was like dayum i look FREAKY! She then came looking for me, i guess i was spending too much time in there, and said Dr Suh was ready for me and was wondering where I was.

So, my nose surgery was done under intravenous anesthesia [i think, the anesthesiologist mumbled a bit then and I just nodded] which I think is sleep sedation or something... i am not 100%. So again I laid down and was strapped down and one of the younger nurses injected me with the needle. SHE WAS NOT NICE. She was pretty rough and when she injected the needle, it hurt like cray cray. It was weird too because she injected it in my right arm in my wrist... odd because I'm use to them doing it in my left arm and more where that joint bit is. Oh well. Still it hurt.
But the anesthesiologist was nice and asked if I have ever been under anything before and I just said yes, sleep and general, after that I don't really remember much. I was asleep for a bit and then I suddenly felt myself waking up. But not like eyes open. my eyes were closed but i was more conscious and felt really spacey and drugged, kind of like how i felt when I woke up from general.
But yeah, i woke up and had a nice conversation with Dr Suh. Pretty much went like this:
ME : ah, is it done now?
DR : no no, we have not finished
ME : Ah okay... I am hungry
DR : Oh... what do you like to eat?
ME : Jajangmyun
DR : Jajangmyun?
ME : Chap jae... and odeng!
DR : laugh ... okay so do you know any korean?
ME : yes! chal chae niseo .... kin cha na (sorry for my awful spelling of korean) and SUNBAE!
DR : laugh

I then blank out again and wake up to hear him say "okay we have finished now" and then he said "I will put something up your nose, this will hurt" so i was like ahaha okay and DAYUM it hurt. it was cotton swabs to stop the bleeding and when he put them in OUCH OUCH OUCH.
I then was slowly waking up and the nurse then helped me to my room.
WHich is then where I met YUMI! yay for yumi :smile:
Yeah, cos my translator had to go because she had some other things... so yeah Yumi took over from then on basically... which I actually preferred...
So I sat for a bit with the ice stuff and the nurse said after 30mins, try and drink some water and Yumi then said that Dr Suh would pay for some food for me [and even my friend]. Which I thought was very generous. We chose to have sandwiches and after that I felt so much better.

In total my surgeries took about 4 and half hours. I went in around 3 and came out around 7:30. I think my nose took longer than expected though because of the bone breaking and stuff.
By the time I had finished food and was dressed it was gone 8pm and I just walked back to my hotel with my friend. Was really fine and the cold air was nice.
JW gave me my medication and also some face masks. SO I was wearing that on the way back.
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So this is just a summary of after care.

Day 2 : Day after surgery
- Rested most of the day but went out later that day to see a friend, was feeling pretty okay just really bunged up in the face
- Couldnt sleep very well as breathing through mouth was not nice and sleeping up right as well, which is very uncomfortable - spesh if you dont have a V-Pillow!!

Day 3 : Cotton swabs taken out
- Great coming in today as I had my cotton swabs taken out! It didn't hurt that much, actually felt nice as it was as if she was scratching the nose and there was an itch. HAHA.
Anyway, the nurse told me that for a couple days after my nose will drip randomly and to just wipe it. Yeh it dripped quite a bit. If I got up too fast my nose would drip a mixture of blood and see-through liquid stuff and yeah wasn't nice. and on top of that cos i cant blow my nose, it also dripped boogies too. NICE.
- Had my hair washed too
- Had a de-swelling treatment. They put some ointment on my bruise and then put this heat lamp thing on my face for 15minutes. Felt nice but was really bright.
- Felt fine though, I was up and about but I did rest mostly this day.

Day 4 : Chill day
Again, felt fine today, when I woke up in the morning I did feel a bit more swollen, which is normal, but after ice pack it was fine. I just went out that day. I think I went to see the a palace.

Day 5 : Stitch removal
- Had some of my eye lid stitches removed. This HURT. But not like loads was more pinching and stingy type of hurt than anything. The nurse was somewhat gentle. Was funny. I could hear her and the other nurse gossiping. I dont know what because they were speaking Korean, but judging by the tone of their voices and stuff, it was definitely gossiping!
- Had de-swelling treatment again
- No hair wash :sad: Sad times... I think I have to ask to have it done again... or maybe cos I wore a cap they thought I didn't need it? IDK.

Day 6 : Chill day - went to museum - felt great today

Day 7 : Final stitch removal and post-op with Doctors
- Remaining eye stitches were removed. This one hurt a bit more, the nurse [different from the previous one] was a bit more rough but then the previous one came back and she did my nose. That didn't hurt and she was quite thorough, checking inside my nose for all stitches. I actually felt sorry for her at one point cos it must be gross having to do that.
Again, she said my nose will drip a bit afterwards and to just wipe it. Honestly though, it only dripped once that night again. After that the only dripping was boogies I couldn't sneeze out :roflmfao:
She also took off my bandages around my nose and I finally saw my nose. and i was HAPPY!!! I was literally smiling eye to eye. My eyes not so much, because they were so swollen still i was a bit shocked a how big they were lol
- Had de-swelling treatment again
- Dr Suh came in first when I had my stitches and bandages removed. He felt my nose and put pressure on it [which hurt quite a bit] and said it was good. Very straight and small. He said no laughing big for a month and no glasses for a month too :sad: sad times. He then said there is a lot of bruising because of the bone surgery, and it should go down in time. I had a massive bruise under my eye, looked like someone punched me LOL. But he seemed pleased and shook my hand then when he left.
- Dr Choi was still in surgery, so I had to go up to see him. He evaluated my eyes and said they are still very swollen but they should turn out big and round anyway. No contacts for a week after that point too.. so for a week i was blind... but yeah he smiled then and patted me on my back.. pretty awkward but whatever haha.

After all that then Yumi then said she had a gift for me, basically, they arranged for us to have a private car take us back to the airport. It was nice of them but I think they do it for their international patients? But yeah, meant we have a bit of money left over to have more food.
I felt bad for using a translator and in hindsight, totally did not need one as I ended up with JW and my friend with Teuim, both of which had english speaking staff, and sometimes I feel if I went with JW only i could have gotten a better deal etc, but then I think it was lucky I got Dr Suh and Dr Choi and i might not have got them if I done them myself cos it was luck that they had a cancellation anyway which meant i could take the spot...

But overall, JW was really nice. SOme of the staff are a bit questionable, but Yumi was really nice, like beyond and Dr Suh and Dr Choi, are really good doctors.
They are expanding and starting to get more international patients too, which means they may get more expensive - who knows - but i would recommend them - but only if you have Dr Suh or Dr Choi, as if you remember from my previous post, the other doctor i wasn't so keen on!!

Also, I paid cash and they waivered the 10% and also if you go with a friend they do better deal... but only if you go with a friend and if the friend books it too. they gave me and my friend a better deal if we were to do it together but when she decided not to then gave me the original price, which wasn't great, but i think that co-ordinator [not yum] wasn't very nice. don't know her name but she seemed a right ol ... female dog...

So i 3 and half weeks post op now. The picture below is 2-weeks post op though. Only side view though.


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March 2013
bella147 (15 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
AEREE (Feb 15th - April 4th) **I'm Here**
kisskissbang + mom (18 March - 31 March) Confirmed
Fishbone (20th Mar - 3rd Apr)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
daa_vaa (March 23rd)
Cherryzz around 24th
xsh (27 March-9 April)
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)

April 2013
Unk (1 April - 21 April )
Snowcup (April 2-17)
Reneesyd (3 April - 18 April)
HongKongPhooey & friend 9th to 30th April, flights booked
SeekingBeauty (April 6th - 17th)
Kimmmy78 ( April 6 to 21)
Yoonson April 18-May 10!!

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th - May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan MALE (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Ticket Booked!
Soong sister (June 18th - July 5th). Bought air ticket.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)
Thumbelina123 (June 16th - June 26th)
July 2013
JJ001 (01 July - 27 July)
turningpoint (14July-28July) Hello hello!
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Hello! Its Thumbelina here. I plan to do zygoma reduction and fat graft for the face and maybe chin implant revision depending on the consultation.
I'm more or less looking at Regen and JW. Have not yet decided on the 3rd one yet.
Added myself to the schedule. hope to meet up with the June folks! :yahoo:
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Wow, your nose looks SO good. I'm impressed!! I think I will put JW on my list... kkim also had a really nice, natural result. What did you do for a whole week while you were blind? :sad: My eyesight is so bad, I'm going to go nuts.

Hope you have a speedy recovery!!
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March 2013
bella147 (15 march - 2 April) **confirmed :smile:
AEREE (Feb 15th - April 4th) **I'm Here**
kisskissbang + mom (18 March - 31 March) Confirmed
Fishbone (20th Mar - 3rd Apr)
R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
daa_vaa (March 23rd)
Cherryzz around 24th
xsh (27 March-9 April)
angiebellex (28 March- 7 April)

April 2013
Unk (1 April - 21 April )
Snowcup (April 2-17)
Reneesyd (3 April - 18 April)
violet989 (10 April-23 April) flight booked
HongKongPhooey & friend 9th to 30th April, flights booked
SeekingBeauty (April 6th - 17th)
Kimmmy78 ( April 6 to 21)
Yoonson April 18-May 10!!

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th - May 25th)

June 2013
Lexethan MALE (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Ticket Booked!
Soong sister (June 18th - July 5th). Bought air ticket.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)
Thumbelina123 (June 16th - June 26th)
July 2013
JJ001 (01 July - 27 July)
turningpoint (14July-28July) Hello hello!
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Hi Cinnamon Girl!

Welcome to the group!!

What surgery are you having done and where will you be travelling from?

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If the red lid porridge is Abalone I was told to not eat this during recovery as it is seafood and could give you an infection. I think the other one is green lid which is ginseng chicken, I had that one instead.
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