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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Oh okay. I wasn't sure if there someone was handling the list so, I didn't want to mess with it.

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Hi guys, I arrived in Seoul earlier this week. Here are some early impressions.

I stayed up all night before the morning of my departure so that I could try to sleep for most of the flight. I'm not exactly a hearty traveler in that I get severely air sick during most flights, particularly long ones. It worked and sleeping on the plane also helped me adjust to the big time difference since I arrived in the afternoon.

The city has definitely changed since the last time I was here. The cosmopolitan main streets are really wide and broad. I don't remember this at all. There are crosswalks but sometimes you need to go into the subway system to cross the street. Attached to the mammoth main streets are numerous winding side streets, all chock-a-block with shops, residences, eateries, and countless buildings of all kinds.

I decided not to worry about having a working phone and just use wifi when I could get it. On hindsight, I would suggest getting consistent wifi coverage so you can use maps and GPS to get around (though English spelling of Korean names and words are remarkably inconsistent). The main reason is that it's really difficult to find a specific location based on an address. It's even hard for locals to see an address and know where it is, given the incredibly complicated street system. (Maybe that's the real reason why Korea became the most wired country in the world. They need wifi and cell phones to find each other. :biggrin:) Initially, I pretty much needed to rely on taxi drivers, who use GPS, to locate specific locations.

Everywhere you go, the signage is in both Korean and English so that helps. I found the subway pretty easy to use, but keep in mind there are numerous numbered entrances/exits and it's important to know which numbered gate to exit that will be nearest to your destination, since one subway stop can actually span several blocks.

I got lost on my first full day. I rushed out in the morning to get to my first consultation by taxi without having fully looked around my own street. Don't do this. :P

Taxi drivers can take advantage of your unfamiliarity with the streets, regardless of whether you are a tourist or Korean. On my first ride, I showed the address of the clinic (from the website) to the driver and he used GPS, but I ended up not even close to my destination and had to get another taxi to finally get me there. But maybe it wasn't fully the first driver's fault, in that I later saw the listed address was in a different form than some of the the other addresses I had. At the end of the day leaving the last clinic, I knew I was near the place I was staying since it was near the same subway stop. I walked around for about an hour, thinking I would see something recognizable. Nope.

I ended up taking a taxi back, even though I was about a 5 minute walk away, but apparently off of a different main street. Thankfully I still had the specific address up on an email on my iPhone without active wifi. (I had all of the clinic addresses on my notepad, but not the actual place I was staying. :rolleyes: ) Overall, I wish I'd known beforehand how hard it is to find specific locations by address. I asked a lot of locals and they couldn't really direct me well. It's funny, but I was often stopped by other Koreans asking me for directions. :cool:

As for Korean style and fashion on the street, it has improved somewhat since I was last here, but it wasn't anything surprising or overwhelming. The guys seem more fashion-forward than they used to be, which is the biggest change, but overall the people in Gangnam dress like people in other big cities to me, maybe more like NYC than LA in the US. People wear more international fashion labels than they used to, but that's logical given the increased global scaling and cosmopolitan environment.
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Another quirk I found in Seoul is that it's surprisingly hard to find a decent cup of coffee despite the numerous coffee shops. (Years ago, I had the same problem with a decent burger.) I'm severely reliant on my morning coffee so when I can't find a decent cup, I can get a little, um, grumpy. Seeing Starbucks gladdened my heart when I first got to Seoul. But the coffee isn't the same. Yes, the prices are a bit higher, but that didn't surprise me because I remembered cafe culture in Korea generally charge high prices for beverages because people tend to go to cafes to hang out.

So far in most places, the coffee is pretty weak and not full-bodied. It's not easy to find just regular drip coffee. It's usually cafe americano (watered down espresso) or latte (too milky for me) as the options. There is no Misto at Starbucks or cafe au lait in other places. And there is no cream(!) to be found anywhere. Milk is hit or miss. The clinics I visited usually had espresso machines but only syrup to go with it.

I remember my parents would take coffee as gifts when they would go to Korea. Now I know why.
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well if you need a good burger place, Kraze Burger was pretty good, if you don't mind paying ~10usd for a burger :P
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Oh, I passed Kraze Burger just the other day! I was thinking of stopping by as I'm sure a craving will hit shortly.

Currently, I'm literally eating my way down one of the main streets as I love all kinds of Korean food. On my first evening, I was still a little nauseous from the flight and probably the food on the plane, so I ate this fiery pork barbecue dish for dinner. (Red pepper and garlic are good for killing bacteria.:idea: ) I thought I made a mistake in the first ten minutes afterwards when my normally cast iron stomach started complaining. But later that night, I was feeling much better.
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Hi guys! Im new to this thread too! Im thinking to go to Korea around June as well. I havent prepared anything yet though..I've done nose plastic surgery about 2yrs ago but im not really happy with it so thinkking of doing it again..Im Korean and if anyone go around same time with me I may can help you guys with translation or even we can meet up together and hang around or something! =) Im happy to chat with you guys on kakaotalk as well! My ID is, itsmesarahj
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oops i disappeared for a while again orz

me and my mom are now finalizing the dates, we'll be arriving in seoul late on june 12 and leaving on june 28 or 29. staying at an airbnb in itaewon, would love to meet up with as many people as possible! i hope i have enough time to meet with 4 clinics. i want to include JW along with view, teium, and chungdam U.

could anyone PM the contact info of zoe or nicole? and the price you paid if you used one of them too. thanks in advance.

hi kisskissbang, would it alright if i e-mailed you too? i have a few questions i wanted to ask about JW. :smile:
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Hey guys! I am pretty positive that I'm going to Korea this June or July to get my eyelids. Everyone I know in Korea disapproves of this especially because my mon and everyone on her side and half my dad's side has it naturally (I am the ugly black sheep LOL), and no one I know including my friends and everyone my parents know ever went under the knife so I know I'm going to get criticisms but oh we'll!

I would LOVE to meet and hang out with you guys for a day or two during my visit, and if anyone would like to set up for consultations at the same hospital for the same day as me, my mon could provide free translation! (long shot, but maybe?) I'm going to get reviews from the locals first before I set up any consultations, so would anyone like reviews? Although there are many reviews in this thread already. I'm so excited. Hope to see some of you guys in a few months!
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I see. I think that there greatest strength is that they have established themselves as "specialists" in eye surgeries. Has anyone here recently had surgery? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Thank you. Yes I am actually planning to stay at a bed and breakfast or find a pad I can rent out for a month because it would be highly impractical to stay in a hotel for the whole trip. I fear that reviews on some of those sites are moderated by "advertisers" and I won't be able to get a decent review until I actually get there. Can anyone suggest where to go to?
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I totally agree! I have never owned a designer bag and the closest I have ever been to one was in a mall separated by a thick glass. If you really want to save up, then the best way is to find a part time job if you are a student or apply for a scholarship to decrease school fees.
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Thank you very much Yoonson. I am not that worried because I think that kim is just all talk and is trying to make a scene to get noticed. I know that the following months will be there peak season, I think, and I would really like to book a flight on the third or last week of this month.
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