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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi - sorry for the late reply!

They replied back to me saying it was a "special ointment to help bruising" and i just though in my head...obviously :cool:... haha bu i emailed them back asking if there was a name for it! so will reply back again when i receive that reply !!!
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Hi Emisa,

No, my smile wasnt gummy at all = probably the opposite. for the first week i could barely smile properly showing my top teeth. it still a bit sensitve now and i only smile mouth closed. I think im scared to smile openly because Dr Suh told me not to smile big to prevent the tip drooping O_O... so now im like :smile: little smiles haha no :biggrin:
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I have the samsung s2 - i have a UK phone though, i think your phone may work if you have an american phone. I just used wifi everywhere
most shopping malls, clinics and coffee shops have it and there is some sort of free wifi place somewhere too - about 8/10 i got free wifi with no hassle.
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I took bromelain, vit a and vit c two weeks before surgery until 2weeks post op and my swelling went down pretty quickly. My bruising didnt but swelling was pretty quick to go down.

Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory, vit A is for skin repair and vit c is good for immune syste.
I would avoid vit E as this can thin blood and every surgeon I come acrss tells me to avoid this one at least 2weeks pre-op until 1months post op. for all my surgeries!!!

Arnica is something that is 50/50 - some say it works, some say it doesnt, some Drs recommend it, some dont, so i guess it is up to you whether you want to use it or not

Other de-swelling techniques are drinking plenty of fluids, sleeping at a 45 degree angle and plenty of walking. Also light massage around the area may help but could be sensitive so be careful.
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I saw you are only 18 in another post, so I would like to give the advice I give everyone your age who asks the same question.

- Work hard, save hard :: I work full time at the moment plus overtime. So every penny I earned literally went into a saving pot. I minused money for social means and outgoings and the rest went direct into savings. It took me a whole year to save for my surgeries (eyes, nose and boobs) plus holiday (hong kong and south korea) and wedding things (dress, BM dresses, shoes) and thats from hardcore saving. I barely bought new clothes and when it came to beauty products, I bought what I needed. I made lunches for work rather than buy ready made food and only went out when it was worth it - so no drinking for me as thats literally drinking money away for a night you dont remember :roflmfao:
I didn't ask parents or boyf for money either. this was all me.

You are only 18, you are still growing and still changing so I would definitely advise to WAIT until you are over 21 before doing surgeries.
puberty doesnt completely finish until you are 21 so skin is still changing as is facial features are setting into place. I had my eyes revised at 19 and they changed massivlely to now. thats only 5years and they drooped! . So i would definitely say wait. You will be more mature and have a clearer head too and that will definitely give you time to save enough money

Work a part time job while you are at it. Doesnt need to be loads, 1 will do or if you are desperate 2, But 1 will suffice. and just save save save.
If you REALLY want surgery, saving will come easily. I had no problem putting money away because I knew the surgery is what i wanted. so if you really want it, saving should be easy.
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I'm heading to seoul in late June. Let's meet up!
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Hello to everyone! Its wonderful that there's this mutual, virtual bond between people from around the world supporting one another with, well, what may seem unacceptable to others.

I'm new here! And actually instead of seeking information, I'd like to share my story as it's been several weeks since Ive had my surgeries in Seoul.

I had cheekbone reduction & ASO at Pitangui Clinic.

And.. where do I begin? I suppose with an introducing of myself. My name is Alex (girl) I'm 21, and I came to Korea several weeks back for zygoma reduction and ASO(anterior segmental osteotomy) also known as mouth protrusion correction.

I would love to answer all and any question you may have, and I will update very soon with much more information!
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my cousin had surgery there and her results turned out really nice - completely different - she had really droopy eyes and single eyelids, had muscle correction and incisional and now her eyes are big and round but really natural!
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Ur cousin did it at Teuim if I didn't remb wrongly that u mentioned?
btw did u did epi? just curious :smile:
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Hi Alexis, thanks for sharing! I was about to go for ASO too, do you mind pm me pics before and after of yourself? Ill keep it private :smile: I can't seem to pm u tho. How much did u pay for it?
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Hi - yes my cousin did it at Teuim PS - she had muscle, incisional and epi
I think her results are good considering what her eys were like before - id share pictures but its hers so i cant. But they are nice. She asked for "slightly bigger than natural" so she got exactly that.
To me they are natural, but i prefer em bigger, but to her she thinks they are big but each day they de-swell she likes them more and more!

I never did epi - at one point i was tempted to, but i dont think i need it that much... and i didnt have enough money at the time haha
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Hi! :smile:
Because in the thread discourses overlap, I try to post again my questions.

I did a lot of research, but in the end I found the clinic for my eye revision. One less problem!
But since I'm also interested in other surgeries, here I am asking you to help.
I contacted various clinics, and all they answered me (late and sloooooowly, sometimes I have to solicit their response).
But I'm too afraid to make mistakes, then I would choose the best clinic for the following surgical procedures: face liposuction, masseter reduction with radiofrequency (without touching the bones of the jaw) and maybe a facelift for sagging skin resulting in liposuction (but I'm still unsure if undergo the lifting, then this last point is optional).
Which is the best? I have already written to Banobagi, JW, Regen...or do you suggest others?
After this long post, I ask for your help!


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So, so far I read about 400 pages on cozycot forum according facebon surgery as well as all pages on this forum. Except usefull information about surgery itself and recovery proces and some other useful tips I didn`t find out the most important thing - good and trustworth clinic performing cutting bone surgery. I read all reviews which let me crosse out some clinic from my list becouse of plenty of bad reviews but really on both forums, there is no one clinic who has at least couple good revies from users. I decided than sent pm for people who had something done, God know how many of pm and emails I sent but there was almost no reply. So at this point I feel really frustrated becouse I feel that I STUCK. I have no idea how to choose clinics which I want to visit when I will be in Korea.
I know, some of people adviced here that the best way is talk to with the clinics and doctors and choose this one which we feel the best comfortable but for me it is to big risk for that kind of surgery. I can feel comfortable with the doctor who doesn`t have to be good and skilled, he may just makes good impression so I don`t want to choose someone by that. I also don`t trust till the end this before and after photos on clinics websides. I just want to find out which clinics has good reviews , at least couple good reviews without plenty of bad reviews. So please, please, please could someone give me any tips how can I find out this becouse I am now ran out of ideas. Also is it something like Korean plastic surgery forum, I bet it is ;) but does anybody know the www adress of that forum? Please I would be very glad.
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