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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Awwww. That's sweet! I wished I could've scheduled mine in April as well. How many of you on the list met up? Good luck on your remaining surgeries and may you heal swiftly without any untoward complications! God Bless you!
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I exactly know how you feel! With all the reviews here and from what we all can see on their site, it really boils down to the actual live consultation. You'll really get a feel of the place once your actually in it and I think that talking with the consultants and doctors in person would really set you up to decide which clinic is best for you. When are you planning on going again?

**where's the list of people going to korea? We need to keep it up to keep the newbies from asking the same question...
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Nice for you to share your experiences! I can't wait for your next chapter on how your surgery went. I really can't wait to schedule my own surgeries! Lucky you!!!
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Found it!!!

March 2013
xsh (27 March - 9 April)

April 2013
Unk (April 1-21) (Kakao confirmed)
Snowcup (April 2-17) (Kakao confirmed)
Reneesyd (April 3-18) (Kakao confirmed)
SeekingBeauty (April 6-17) (Kakao confirmed)
Kimmmy78 (April 6-21) (Kakao Confirmed)
HongKongPhooey & friend (April 9-30) flights booked (Kakao confirmed)
Violet989 (April 10-23) flight booked (Kakao confirmed)
Cinnamongirl06 (April 15-29) (Kakao confirmed)
Taurodont(April 17-April 28)
Happy pills and friend (April 18-30) flights booked (Kakao confirmed)
Missy pink (April 24-May 4) flights booked (Kakao confirmed)

May 2013
Go2Kr (May 8th - May 25th)
Shhshh (May 10th - May 23th)
Schlok (14 - 28 May) *Flight & Hotel confirmed*
annhatesyou (May 15th - June 19th)
Yoonson (May 23rd)

June 2013
Lexethan (June 15th - June 28th). Confirmed and Tickets Booked!
Thumbelina 123 (June 16th - June 26th)
Soong sister (June 18th - July 5th). Bought air ticket.
Janersmaners (towards the end of June)
Plasticbuns (1 month)
Crystallinesnow (end of June)

July 2013
JJ001 (01 July - 27 July)
turningpoint (14July - 28July) Hello hello!
Planc (July 1st - July 27th) Male.
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Hey, I experienced hair loss. Starting at around 2.5-3 months post-op, my hair was just falling out at an irregularly high rate. At about 4.5-5 months post-op (now), it stopped.

I read online that it occurs because:
1. Your body is trying to heal from the trauma and your hair is not something your body prioritizes.
2. A lot of general anesthesia combined with your head being restrained against the surgery table.

It occurs usually after a big surgery (I had two-jaw sugery). I was very worried at first, because tons of hair was falling out especially in the shower, but it has considerably slowed down/stopped.
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Onlyif that tips about how to register were very helpful I did not have any problem with my registration thanks to them, thank You for added them here. So one step is done : ) now I join to Your question, also would like to know of any popular korean plastic surgery forum. Please anyone :help:
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waow... sounds pretty exciting over there in seoul for the april group!!
Hope all of you over there have speedy recovery and beautiful result !! :smile:
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haha really exciting.. feels excited for you!!
Best of luck for your other surgery !!
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hi everyone,

Regarding money exhange, I read some advocate exchanging money at the casino, others suggested face clinic, banks...

what would be the best in terms of commissions? I suppose we should avoid banks.... and is there a limit regarding the amount you can exhange in one shot?

Thank you :smile:
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It's not that the other forum members are forcing her to post pictures to see how disfigured she might be now, but I think it's because, well, no offense OP, we think you're lying. Or over-exaggerating. (And yes snowcup, I mentioned this briefly at dinner tonight with the rest of the Seoul April Group).

Let me explain my accusations:
itsumobaby, you joined TPF January 2012. In your very first post, you mentioned, "I am thinking of going Korea sometime this year, anyone else going so we can join and go together?" (Source: Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea Thread page 70 post#1036). It's a typical first post for any member who has just joined, no suspicious accusations made just yet.
On April 10th, 2012, you also posted stating that you are, "going there[Korea] next week and definately going to check out jewelry, which hotel did you guys stayed in and what are the rates?" (Source: Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea Thread page 117 post#1751).
From the date you joined in January 2012 to when you went to Korea in April 2012, you have only posted a total of 20 posts. After the month of April 2012, you completely disappeared from the forums until October 2012, a six month gap.
These are the questions I am wondering at this point:
You were so keen on meeting other forumers while in Korea, did you actually meet anyone on this forum (an active poster or a past poster with a good reputation) that can vow and say you had surgery in April?
Why didn't you complain about how awful your surgery has gone? Why didn't you update the forum on your surgery status (consultations, surgery dates, reviews, etc)?
Also, if you were so miserable about your surgery at ID Hospital, why wait until almost a year later to complain? A typical forumer would have voiced his/her opinions earlier.

Moving on...
On October 30th, 2012, you mention,

"hey I have EXACTLY the same problem as you and I am 24 as well, I am still not sure about things cuz if i do it it would be the 3rd revision and I am terrified of going under the knives with a worsen result, however I can live with my current eye neither, we should research and discuss things together since we are going throught the same phrase, if you want" (Source: Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery Thread page28 post#419)

This is the first time you have mentioned your failed eyelid surgery. You never inform the thread when your surgery date was. After your posts, numerous forumers have replied and asked you which clinic did your eyes. You ignore them and you don't reply. However, on December 2nd, 2012, you finally posted that it was Migo Clinic that ruined your eyes (Source: Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea - read first before posting Thread page116 post#1736) Why did it take you over a month to respond to all of the questions on which clinic did your eyes? Maybe it is because you did not want to bad mouth a clinic, sure, but you are already saying bad things about one clinic, why not the other?

Another reason why I don't think your posts are real:

On November 14th, 2012, about six months after your ID surgery date, you finally complain about ID Hospital stating, "I had Dr park from ID 6 months ago, he totally SCREWED up my acculift and I ended up with uneven face" (Source: Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea - read first before posting Thread page 46 post#683). If your surgery is as horrible as you are making it seem, why wait until six months afterwards to complain? I know your response will probably be something similar to, "Because I wanted to see how everything would settle overtime." However, if you are this worried and if the surgery has ruined your life, I am pretty sure you would have informed the forum sooner than six months post op.

Why your recent thread post is flawed:
You state you visited Korea again to confront both Migo Clinic for your failed eye revision and ID Hospital for your failed accutlift, sliding genioplasty, and mini v operations. You state that there are "more than 30 cases of people who suffered from failed surgery/surgeries from ID, anywhere from
Eyes, nose , chin to jaws" (Source: My Experience with ID Factory, I Mean ID Hospital Thread page 1 post#2). Where did you find these 30 cases? I am sure ID did not hand them to you. Do you have pictures of these cases? Do you have proof that these cases exist?

You show us the email that Joanna, a past Korean surgery consultant from ID, sent you and complain that it is rude. First off, in Joanna's defense, I would be creeped out if a customer ever called me on my personal cell phone. How did you get this number in the first place? Can you give us this number? I will personally call it myself, ask for Joanna, and meet her at Regen Hospital (her current place of employment) this Monday to see if it is real.

You mention the voice recordings of your confrontation with Dr. Park almost one year after surgery. You also mention that you recorded all conversations on the phone for future references. Can you provide us forumers with those recordings?

THEN... you talk about your failed calf reduction. So, three failed surgeries? If one surgery has failed, why not try to fix that one instead of going onto other surgeries? I don't understand it.

In all of this, you fail to source any of your information, a huge factor when trying to be persuasive or trying to prove a point.

No, I am not an ID Hospital promoter.
No, I am not a Migo Clinic promoter.
I had surgery 6 days ago and I consulted with only one clinic, a clinic that you have never mentioned. And yes, all of the Korea April Forumers can vouch for me.

I am not calling you a liar. I am not calling you a fake. I just want proof. And, in the slim to nothing chance that my accusations are wrong, I apologize in advance.

As for the other forumers, let this post be a lesson in deciding what is real and what is fake on these plastic surgery threads. Just because someone has been active on this forum for over a year, does not give them credibility.

I am posting this on two threads so forumers can read. I took my time into writing this, I hope you take your time into reading it.
So tell us how you really feel, SB. :biggrin:

While we can't really know what is exactly truth or not, I'm not sure that's the point here. The forum is a place where people come to express their views and exchange information. An opinion or viewpoint is subjective by nature and not empirical truth in essence. Knowing what is exactly true and to what extent isn't something the forum should decide. We're not her judge and jury. She already has that ahead of her if she decides to pursue her claim.

I think you may be overestimating how people utilize the forum in your assessment. People fly in and out of the forum, based on their own needs, whims and convenience. I don't think that a failed surgery would necessarily make someone feel obligated to report back to this forum in a timely manner or even at all, given the likely precedence of making sense of what happened and picking up the pieces afterwards. However, when a person does come forth and provides a disturbing report, I for one appreciate the heads up. The strength of a forum is in the collective diversity of the feedback and the full spectrum of stories that are shared, both good and bad.

I suppose the story here does make a person curious to know more or what is suspect or not. It's also troubling to know that forumers aren't always truthful. I think that's why it's always important to assess for oneself how much to believe (or not) just like you would in daily life. This doesn't mean we can't offer our help or show compassion to a person in pain.
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I can't stand not being able to take a shower daily. I'm getting full-incision double eyelid surgery next week. Do you think it would be possible to lightly place swimming goggles on and avoid the negative suction pressure then carefully take a shower while trying the avoid getting soaps and such near my face? I know the clinic that I'm going to offers a hair washing service during suture removal and ointment application the following day, but I'm worried about the other days....
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If you're worried about suction pressure, why not use a scuba mask instead. Sounds like a fine idea.

I actually showered every day. Just do so carefully. A lot of bathrooms in Korea have those long dangling showerheads, which is pretty convenient for this.
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yes I had hair loss..which is normal for big operations. I had the vline and zygoma reductions. If you only do small ops like eyes, I doubt it. But when you had general anesthesia, yes, you should consider what it does to your flocks.
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