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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi I have heard a lot about Cindy clinic but not from Korea friends though mostly are forumers.
If you want to do eye revision I personally recommend you to do at Real clinic because one of my Korean friend did her eyes there and it looks fantastic. It doesn't look so dramatic like other clinics but it looks natural if you do not put makeup on you still look fine.
And if you want to do cheek reduction I strongly suggest you to try Botox or Fat-Dissolve injections first then you can see the V-line shape with going through a major surgery.

I have a big cheeks so I had Botox and Fat injection on my face now my face looks very smaller and people keep asking me if I lose weight.
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Thanks for the info :smile:
anyway...do you mean real cosmetic clinic?
I got high cheek bone so I'm trying to reduce it.
If you do botox/fat injection, does it make your face even bigger/wider?
How long will it stay with fat injection?
I don't like botox because we have to redo and redo again.

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You're welcome:smile:
Yes here is the website of the clinic http://www.realcosmetic.com/english/
If you have high cheekbones then botox may not help.

For me I did Botox(around my jaw)+ Fat Dissolving injection (it reduces the fat on my cheeks) I did both together and it lasts for 10 months.
I did it in Bangkok so it costed me around 500-600 SGD for Botox and 400 SGD for fat dissolving.

When do you want to get your eye done?
I'm planning to get mine done as well.
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i rmb the nurse once told me that for LA with sedation, hv to fast for ard 4hrs before surgery.
For GA usually it starts the night before the op, ard 10pm or 12 midnight.

But for just LA, i remembered They mentioned no need to fast.

i think its best that u send an email & ask the clinic about it and clear all ur doubts..
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Every clinic will differ. For Teuim they will ask you to fast 6 hours before LA whether you have sedation or not. HKP
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Okay...I will share some information while I was in Korea.
I went to korea last month with my hubby and my 10 months baby for holiday only.
I spent sometimes for 3 consultations with cindy clinic, iou & real cosmetic.

1. Cindy clinic
This clinic looks so professional. The place, the people and the service.
I went to this clinic because I saw few people from this forum mentioned that many Korean stars got surgery done at this clinic. I assumed that Korean stars must choose the best for their reputation.
Lady called Sunny came to my room and advised me to have double eyelid revision, cheek reduction & V line. Total cost 27M won (eyes 5M, cheek 7M & Vline 15M). They said they will give discounts and get further consultation with the doctor if I decide to take the operation.

2. IOU clinic
I met Dr Kang and he measured my eyes then explained that I need ptosis, fat injection and revision with lower size 5.5mm. My current size is 8mm (right) & 8.5mm (left) and I'm already happy with my right eyes. My left eye looks too high because my previous ps took too much fat.
The cost given was 4.9M.
Dr Kang is really nice person. The place looks very standard compare to cindy. No elevator and very simple environtment.

3. Finally I went to real cosmetic on my last day before going back to home.
I forgot the name but she speaks english very well.
She told me that they can't fix my eyes, they can do fat injection only on my left eye.
For cheek reduction, she gave me price for 6M.
She touched my jaw and said that I don't need Vline at all.
Place looks okay but not as good as cindy. The lady looks arrogant from the way she talks.
So I decided right away not to come back here. I just don't feel comfortable with the place and people there.

After all consultations, i decide to have both eye revision and cheek reduction at cindy/cinderella clinic with my mum and my sister. My sister will take package but mot sure what needs to be fixed until she get consultation face to face. my mom want to remove her lower eyebag which cost 3M at cindy clinic.
I love before and after photos at cindy website www.globalcindy.com
They did amazing surgery and the eye revision they did also meet my style.
Dr Kang is really good too but most of eyes he's done looks so natural/small for me.
I love make up so it will be hard for me to put eyeliner and eyeshadow on to small/low eyelid.

However, after I read this forum again last night....I am thinking to have eye revision with Dr Kang and cheek reduction at Cindy on the next day. But I need some people here in this forum to help me to make me confident to go to Dr Kang.
So if anyone have done eye revision with IOU especially with size 5.5m-7mm would be great if you could share your before and after photos to help me.
I did 2 double eyelid surgery 10 year & 15 years ago. 1st one was good but then became lower and hard for me to put make up so decided to have 2nd surgery. 2nd surgery came out with unsymetry size, left side higher than right side.
I hope this 3rd surgery will come out with best result.

So anyone in this forum please please please help me to share some of your photos with Dr Kang or Cindy clinic......thank you so much in advance!!!!
My email is [email protected]
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Once all the swelling had subsided after 6 months I did not like the low curve on my radix and the tip had become more rounded. I still don't know why the tip changed so much, I can only deduce my septum cartilage had somehow shifted or broke down. So I had new I shape silicone and Dr Kim had reused my septum and ear cartilage already in my tip but harvested more cartilage from my left ear to project the tip further.

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You're not supposed to eat anything for 8 hours prior to sedation/surgery. If you don't want to that's up to you. But, remember to read what you sign before your surgery. You accept the risk. If eating is more important than your life then you've got bigger problems to worry about.
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Hi Beautyqueen,

Sorry I havent asnwered ur question yet :smile:
I'm going back to Korea mid of June.
I aleadry booked estay gangnam for accomodation.
How about you?
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Hi Chl03,

I don't understand why Cindy clinic didn't let you consult with the doctor first. I do understand that they have a consultant (who even how professional she is. She is not a doctor).

Please note that many celebrities have undergone many procedures not by one doctors.
And seems like many doctors like to claim that celebrities have visited their clinic that is a marketing trick because good doctor should never disclose clients' information especially if they are celebrities!

I saw 2 girls who are friends of my friend said they went to Korea to have PS done with doctor who did for JYP stars but I saw their face the noses look very normal and not very impressive and that clinic is not in Seoul.

I don't know if we overate Korea PS now I'm so confused as well.

I'm so sorry to hear about Real clinic. Many clinics have an attitude when they are famous and my friend who got her eyes done is pure Korean so I think they treated her ok.

I'm still researching and hopefully I could go by end of the year because I'm very busy at work.
I will share the clinics that I think I will visit.

1. Cindy Clinic
2. Real Cosmetic Clinic
3.Banobagi Clinic
4.Top Class Clinic http://www.topps.co.kr/
5.Teuimps Clinic
6.JW Plastic Surgery
7. Face Line Clinic
8. Grand Clinic
9. HERSHE Clinic
10. View Clinic
11. Jewelry Plastic Clinic http://www.jewelryps.kr
12. Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery
13. Dream Clinic
14. Changdam U Clinic http://www.dryang.co.kr/

You know went to one Korean medical tour company for PS consultation and the lady recommended me to go Samsung Line. She said she has been in this business for over 10 years she knows where is the best.

I think after all you have to ask yourself which one you feel comfortable with because even we choose the same clinic that did for celeb we may not have the same result. And please note that alot of B&A pictures it looks so drastic due to many factors makeup, circle lens, and light. And people who has distort face when they do a surgery of course they will look way much better.

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I'm 2 months post-op from Grand Clinic, and not considering the disfiguration caused by Grand Clinic, I am healing very well and my friends don't see any swelling.
And for those who knows about my issue (chin fold/dent as well as a protruding bone within my left nostril), IT HAS NOT GOTTEN ANY BETTER!
I still feel anguish every time I look at the mirror and wonder why the HELL I chose Grand clinic.

I have emailed them 3 times about my chin and the bloody protruding bone/ligament in my nose (I will post a pic later).

At first, the doctor said things like my chin is still swollen, and the Dr Seo said he rather tie the muscle tighter to the bones than not to prevent the muscle from drooping which sounds really utter nonsense excuse to me to be honest. As if the rest of the people who went through jaw surgery all had their muscles tied loosely to their chin and that's why they didn't get the chin fold? I'm not an idiot plus I have consulted 2 doctors here plus an email assessment from a reputable doc from US for god's sake!

He goes on to say "if the chin line is still there, a "simple" surgery will fixed it."

As of my latest email reply, which they asked me to go over to Korea to let them have a check especially on my nose protrusion and I "scolded" them on why didn't the doctor check when the surgery was done then instead of now, and if they are gonna pay for my airticket, lodging etc... it's been 3 weeks and they have been ignoring me now (not that I care seriously but it shows again how they treat you once your surgery is over and things go wrong)

As of today, the protruding nose bone/ligament within my left nostril still continues to bleed when I gently run a cotton bud over it, and my close friends whom I've finally let them know that Ive done surgery. One of them told me truthfully that it looks like a buttock on my chin (due to the chin fold), or it looks obvious that I had surgery because it's damn ugly etc especially when I'm under a light!

Interestingly, a local reporter contacted me a few weeks back and asked if he could interview me for my plastic surgery issue for a TV program as PS is getting more and more famous here. I'll be doing it with another local forumer whose PS went wrong with BK clinic (she happens to be in Korea now and told me the clinic blamed her face structure instead after things went wrong).

It gave me an idea that I could contact Korea newspaper/reporters/magazines! If they are interested in interviewing us as well. I think it's quite interesting news about foreigners coming all the way to Korea, whose PS went wrong and go all the way to Korea to actually sue them and the result of the legal case. It will likely boost the professionalism of doctors not to take foreign patients lightly, and remind people to not make any rash choice which is what I want to achieve.

Also I just searched naver as I want to post what happened to me there and see if I can get more advice..
Found quite a famous cafe just only if anyone is interested - http://cafe.naver.com/feko.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleList.nhn%3Fsearch.clubid=10912875%26search.menuid=1%26search.boardtype=L

Apparently in English, plastic surgery is translated to "molding" which still makes sense, and if I am correct, the member list subscribed to the forum are in the 6 digits!
I'm using chrome(google) and translate the language into English, and having learned Korean before (able to read everything, but understanding is another. Thankfully some words sounds similar to Chinese and English), I think slowly I'll be able to decipher how to navigate the forum soon, and find more famous forums. SOmehow, in a positive way, all these sparks the interest in me to wanna learn the Korean language again and I think I will sign up for Korean classes soon.

The forums will be very useful for all you people who are going for PS to get information from local Koreans on top of this forum too! I'm sure there are many awesome clinics who provide good services and are professional, as well as what to do when things go wrong.. I'll post again when I find out anything interesting. Wish me all the best! (hope korean newspapers will wanna cover my story!)

*On how to create an account to access naver cafe, you can view my previous post.
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ooh man that's long! haha.. yes I am going teuim . .
I will be famished after the surgery haha.. btw do you have to take liquid food too ?
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Thanks ! yap I just emailed them to double check..=)
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