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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Thanks for your advice =)
is ok to go hungry for a few hours just for this! =D
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Hi everyone!

This is my first post, and I'm finally done catching up with this thread! It's so convenient to read this through the PF app. Thank you all for the helpful tips, they will definitely come in handy for my trip to Korea next week!

I've been counting down to this trip for a long time, and as the day draws near I feel butterflies from being excited and nervous at the same time!

Setting up a Kakao talk account to join the April group :smile:
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Just got primary double eyelid surgery on Thursday and had absolutely no bruising but some swelling is present so I pretty much started going out yesterday(Friday). I wanted to take it easy so just went to Coex and walked a little and saw a movie.

I wanted a good haircut and wash and walked into Han's salon(i think I spotted it while walking past the aquarium). They gave me a great cut and service for 25KRW so if anyone is looking to get a haircut while your waiting around during the healing process I would recommend them since I was initially worried about walking into a random salon.
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Hey onlyif,

I'm sorry to hear that your chin still has the fold. I'm sincerely hoping it will heal itself. I kind of wish you had someone like my surgeon because he really cared about... well everything. I have his personal email address if I want to ask him any questions or have any concerns. He actually left Grand and started his own clinic, and I'm happy that he's not associated with the Grand name anymore.

Will you be travelling to Korea again soon? I hope the newspapers will hear you out!!
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HKP, did you go back to ID to get revision? Or another clinic? You didn't divulge it this time. Please do.
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by the way do u have other surgery with teuim at that time? strange that they told me was 4 hours not to consume any food.. just got a reply from their email .
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sounds pretty good! seems like you have a smooth recovery so far there is no bruising hoping all is well for u =)
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Hi beautyqueen,

What you said is very make sense.
It's true that they put make up on website to make it prettier.
I'm now confident to get double eyelid revision with Dr Kang at IOU.
Still confuse which clinic for cheekbone/malar reduction.
Thanks dear....for the list and ur advise :")
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Hello, I am new here. I haven't had time to read all 379 pages of this forum so I'm sorry if I am about to ask something that has already been answered.

I'm an American who really would like to get plastic surgery next summer (2014).

I really like the "style" of Korean plastic surgery. Would a Korean surgeon know what do to with a Caucasian face?

What I would like is jaw/chin surgery (I don't really know the differences between all the different types yet), an augmentation of my nose bridge (so that the angle between my nose and forehead is smoother) and have the tip of my nose modified. I am also willing to take doctors suggestions, (as long as they don't say that there's a problem that doesn't really exist, so that they can "fix" it and make money).

Which clinics should I consider? Who specialized in what I'm looking for? Also, I don't speak any Korean, so an international clinic would be preferred.

Thanks in advance and good luck to anyone who is have surgery soon!
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Hello shea.bell! ^^

I am also new on this forum so I don´t have a lot of experience and actually I am looking for rhinoplasty and not jaw/chin surgery as you. But to answer your question:

Of course they´re differences between Asian and Caucasian features, but in general I think it wouldn´t be such a huge problem. An honest surgeon would tell you if he/she is incapable of doing your surgery. So if he/she appears over-confident I would think twice before deciding to go for surgery with this doctor.
Based on my research so far, I think Pitangui would suit your wishes. Dr. Yoo, the head director there, has trained in Brazil for a long time and is therefore familiar with Caucasian features, and their consultant Nicole speaks perfect English. I´ve also heard that he specializes in facial contouring, but he performs other surgeries (nose, eye etc.) as well.
Anyway I would recommend you to make a list with clinics you want to visit, and consult them before you make your decision.
That´s my 2 cents. :biggrin:

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Hi onlyif,

I felt really sorry to hear that your chin is not getting any better from the protruding bone..=( Really hope somehow you would manage to contact Korea newspaper/reporters/magazines or whichever way that can help hear you out!! =)
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Thank you so much for the reply! I've done some research on Pitangui, and I've only heard good things! It seems like it would be the ideal clinic to go with.

As for the other clinics that I should put on my list to visit, what's your opinion on JK, ITEM, Regen, etc? I really love their before and after pictures. What clinics are you considering?

And also, I've seen horrible pictures of people right after jaw surgery. It's a big deal. How long does it take to heal, or at least the swelling to go down and the bruising to clear up?
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