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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi chipmunk, did you have to make an appointment at chungdam u? Can you just walk in for consultation?
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Dear Ms rochelle, i think my eye shape kind look like urs.
Do keep me update which surgeon u have picked. ok? Late May is coming. All the best!
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Hi hi,

In my case, I have arranged for translator to handle my appointments with the clinics.
Will visit at least 6 clinics before I made a decision.
As for accommodation, I have reserved airbnb studio apartment for the nearly 1 mth stay.
Reckoned should be more convenient given that there is kitchen & washing machine for our (my family & myself)
My Kao Kao ID is JJ101; prefer to use Kao Kao chat given this is the common chat feature in Korea.
Feel free to Kao Kao me on the clinics etc:smile:
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HI JJ001

Which clincs are you going to visit? May I add you on Kakao? ^^
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hey chick!!!

finally logged back onto the site!!! i need to give an update on my eye surgery as well....but been on seoulforreal's website and posting on there....kinda lazy to post on 2 x sites. but will def make the effort this weekend.

just a quick update - consulted with changdum u, teiums and migo. ended up doing it at teiums.

had double eyelid surgery(non incis) + epi. cost $2.4 (discounted from $2.6)

pretty happy with the results - i'm now about 7 wks post op

Dr kwon is a good dr, but the guy has zero personality and the actual consult was lack lustre - he really didn't do much talking, it was like trying to suck water from stone. HOWEVER, they guy has 10+ yrs experience in just doing eyes. if i was basing my decision on purely consult alone i would have picked changdum u, but i went with experience.

i don't regret my decision :smile: my eyes aren't 'perfect' but they are an improvement from before and the recovery was quick, I didn't feel any pain (at all) and i think the dr gave me a set of eyes that suit my face

...nyc angel saw me in real life, maybe she can give a real review of how my eyes turned out - don't worry u can be honest lol :smile: i still think they have a 'puffy' look, but hey, like i said i still like 'em

if u have questions might be best to pm me since i don't log onto this site regularly

NYC angel - i may be in korea in nove as well....for fg as well lol :biggrin:
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I made an appointment, but I guess I forgot to give them my name so when I showed up they said I didn't have an appointment.

But around this time of year they weren't so busy, so they just took me in anyway and had a very thorough consultation.

After surgery and all my follow-up appointments, I saw quite a few people from time to time and I always see people in the surgery/recovery rooms lol. Probably depends on the day/time/time of year

I'd assume they'd be busier in the summer when school is out of season.
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Hi everyone. I know that some of you here have been considering cheekbone reduction. I have also thought about it for a long time, and finally got the operation done. This forum and another one by the letter "c" have both helped me a lot with my decision so I just want to give back by sharing my story. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will do my best to answer :smile:

I am now 2 weeks post op and here is my before after photo I took a few days ago:

I really struggled with whether to go ahead or not because sagging has been talked about as a possible side effect. However I'm glad I went for it.

The first week and a half was horrible though, I looked so puffy and unrecognizable, partly afraid my face would stay like that forever. I also thought I might end up looking worse than before. From being very excited before the op, to hiding in the room after the op. Honestly I was afraid I might scare ppl with my face post op. It didn't help when airport customs had problems recognizing me. It was so embarrassing! (It was an old picture but still..) Since then I'm considering changing my passport picture..

By today, past the second week mark, most of the swelling is gone except for my upper lip area and around my cheeks. The alien face wasn't permanent! Thankfully.. Lol.

My face was reduced width wise but not flattened. It is narrower than before and has positively affected my other features, allowing my eyes to seem bigger, my nose a bit pointier, and face smaller just because my cheekbones became narrower. However my ears look a bit bigger too lol, and I don't know how it will affect my smile yet as I can't open my mouth fully.

One of my concerns was the cheekbone reduction would make my face long and flat, or make it rectangular shaped. However it still retains a "v" shape pointing towards my mouth and chin, and my cheekbones now are in balance with the rest of my face.

The most inconvenient thing about this op is being unable to smile wide or laugh as it will cause the cheeks to hurt, and I'm also afraid the pressure will cause the muscles or position to move etc. However I have screws in my cheekbones so hopefully the position is fixed well.

In one month's time mouth opening can be practiced, so I'm halfway there! I've heard that the cheekbones only become 100% fixed after 3 months time, so it is also a test of patience.

I have intraoral dissolvable stitches in my mouth and sideburn incisions, so those will also take time to heal. Two of the dissolvable stitches have fallen out so far. There is still some numbness in my left cheek.

All the bruising is gone, I think icing, vitamin C (1000mg each), arnica, bromelian, pumpkin juice, Manuka honey all helped. Don't know which one did the most though lol. I'm still taking the vitamin Cs now.

Overall I'm glad that after two weeks most of the major swelling is gone and going out is not a problem. However when talking or smiling, the swelling and stiffness in cheeks is most visible.

Wearing the compression mask has helped to contain swelling, and I also hope it can help to prevent soft tissue from sliding down, containing them in the cheek area. I was advised to wear the mask for a month whenever at home. I got two of them to alternate use. The downside is it can get hot and stuffy after a while. I do feel I'm currently losing more hair than normal because of the compression mask, but I will take some hair loss over the possibility of saggy cheeks.

It has felt like a very long two weeks filled with emotional highs and lows, but I'm really happy with the results so far, and I'm glad I chose to go to Korea for the surgery!

Thank you all for sharing about your stories here and I wish all of you happiness and successful operations! :smile:
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Really? Have you consulted with any clinics? What have they told you? Indeed, it is 20 days off but I feel like it is tomorrow!! Will surely keep you guys posted.
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Yes I have looked into that as well but have not received any reply from them. I tried calling them several times but I could not push through. I have even contacted Youngdong which is about as near as the plastic clinics too and charge the same. But I ended up with Highland since it was the cheapest.

What surgeries are you having? Good luck to you also and thanks!
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SmallFace haven't replied me yet and not sure if they will but would it be possible to drop by for a consultation? They have english speaking staff right?
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Hello all!

Have been a lurker here for a while, researching for my eyelid surgery (thank god for this forum!) Now that my trip to Korea is confirmed I wanted to speak up! I have a flight and hotel booked from May 14th-May 30th. But I still havent narrowed my clinics down to the six places (minimum) that I want to visit. Too many options!

Just a quick shout out, has anyone here gotten just blepharoplasty, and not asian blepharoplasty. I'm talking just to open up the eyes and not get double eyelid. Maybe something like ssok sangapeul? I don't want to look too different....Also would just like to decrease the amount of fat and excess skin on my eyelids. If anyone has gotten this done please let me know where and how it went!
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Thanks for the information and thank you for sharing your experience at chungdamu. I saw their before/after and i might go there for consultation too. Do you mind pm your before/after pic? I havent heard much about Chungdamu in the forum and I would like to see their work. Thank you
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Thanks :smile:
Yeah, it's a little difficult to hide that you had eye surgery, unless you wear glasses... maybe that can help hide it a little bit lol

I think I plan on going to Pintangui and maybe Jewelry for consultations on fat graft. Still looking for a few more places that I know can give the results I want.
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