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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Please feel free to add me on Kao Kao - ID is JJ101
As for clinics; I am gg propose, JW, MIGO & Teuim.
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hey guys so im still on the search for the clinic for my alar base reduction...tbh im dissapointed with the b&a photos of all the clinics as they seem to be very limited. the changes are very small, unnatural or my nose type isnt there. ive been considering dr.jung from shimmian but in some of his patients he creates the triangular nostrils look. banobagi also interested me but they have ZERO photos on their website :/ it would be great if you could recommend me some good dr. for alarplasty
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Mem: Actually I hesitated to mention where because the place I went to has a bad reputation in this forum. But since you asked I am willing to share my experience, and I will try to write it clearly. Hope that the information will be useful :smile:

Sorry if the post is long, just want to make sure the details are in.
I went to BK hospital, and had surgery with Dr. Hong.

--Part One--

Consultation Day 1:
First impression is the hospital is very tall but not very wide. I think it has about 15 floors.
I first went to the reception area, filled in the information forms and went up to the 4th floor for consultations. My consultant spoke English and was really nice and polite. I asked her all my questions and basically she is able to answer general questions regarding having each different procedure at their hospital. She can give personal opinions on each surgery but her advice might not always be the same as the doctor. Before going to surgery I was considering forehead cement augmentation and cheekbone reduction. However the consultant said forehead cement is not recommended as it is difficult to reverse if you do not like it. It is mostly recommended for patients who have severe indentations in the head. Personally I do not feel comfortable with forehead implant as it doesn't seem to have a natural look. She told me she had a friend who had forehead implant and her friend said it is very painful. So I think this consultant I met is actually quite honest. She recommended fat injection instead. I have to say forehead augmentation by cement or implant are both more expensive than fat injection. So I really felt that she considered what was right for me than what is going to make the most money.
She then told me if Dr Hong feels you do not need any particular surgery, he will refuse to operate on you and ask you to leave the hospital, so I have to prepare mentally for that. She told me she wasn't sure if Dr Hong will advise zygoma reduction or two-jaw for me, as I also have slightly protruding mouth. But she said I should be a good candidate for fat injection.
She took notes on what surgeries I'm interested in, and what are the things I want such as to look younger and more feminine. She basically prepared a set of notes for the doctor to read about me.
I took X-ray's in preparation for seeing Dr Hong the next day, as he wasn't working that day.

Side note: I tried to look at other patients and staff to see if they are pretty after operation. However, I didn't feel like many of the staff had aggressive work done and some don't even look like they had any plastic surgery at all, which was surprising to me. There are many foreign patients at the clinic, so they have a lot of translators within the hospital. However I saw quite a few Korean patients there (wearing sunglasses lol), which was quite surprising to me as I thought it's a hospital for foreigners.

Consultation Day 2:
I met with Dr. Hong. He is really nice. He is friendly and he only speaks Korean. The consultant translated for me. He made me put my hair up in a head band. He looked at my face and quickly diagnosed what I needed and it matched exactly with what I thought, so I was very happy and relieved we thought similarly. He told me that I need to reduce the width of my cheekbones and he will do it in a natural way. He also confirmed that I do not need forehead cement or implant as my forehead is not too badly indented. I told him I considered braces for protruding mouth, he said he felt I didn't need it and never mentioned two-jaw surgery. Overall the process was quite fast because I felt I asked enough questions to the consultant and I could communicate well with the doctor. After that basically it was time to get ready for surgery.

I paid for the op with my card, they showed me the amount they will charge in Korean won. Put my stuff in the locker and went up to operation theater. The hospital is big, so each floor is almost a different department that has different tasks and has different staff. So I think this is where people might feel it isn't personal because there's so many staff doing different things. So each step of the way u see a lot of different faces depending on which floor or department you are at. Each staff has a very specific role or job function and they are all quite busy. Only patients are allowed to take the elevator, and so staff actually walk the stairs unless they are accompanying a patient.

I walk into the surgery room and lie down on the operating table. Basically there is already a team there prepared waiting to start. They put my finger into the machine that moderates my heartbeat. They put the drip on my wrist. The anesthesiologist is also already there and quickly I just fall asleep. I do not feel anything at all during the surgery, but I wake up as they bring me to the recovery room. All of the surgery was a blur and I just remember feeling really cold and being transferred onto the hospital bed which had a heated mat.

Recovery Room:
The room I was in had two beds. Right after the op I had dull pain in my cheekbones. But by the time I was I bit less groggy from the operation the pain stopped. Perhaps they injected painkillers into the IV? The nurses were very helpful but they definitely do not treat you like a family member. I think the treatment I got from the nurse is same as I will get from a general hospital. They have a button u can press whenever u need help like changing the recline on the bed, getting water or going to the bathroom. One of the nurses gave me a water bottle so i could pour out the water for myself whenever I needed. They will help walk you to the bathroom or change ice packs. I couldn't use any ice packs because my face had a thick pillow-like thing around it lol. But it was good because I could just focus on resting. After the surgery you go to the bathroom a lot. But I was happy to go because it was quite boring lying on the bed so I just drank lots of water hoping to flush out my system, and go to the bathroom to give me an excuse to walk and hopefully reduce swelling lol. There was a bed next to me and throughout the day, two different patients stayed there. The first patient was Korean mum with Korean daughter. The daughter kept taking pictures of them and the hospital. At that moment I wished I had someone there too to fuss over me, but I was still quite groggy from anesthesia so I don't know what operation the lady had. The next patient was from China and had a nose surgery. Both of the patients left on same day of surgery, so I had the room to myself overnight. Next day at 11am my consultant came to see me. I had my wounds cleaned and checked. She said it could have been someone else to pick me up and bring me to get my meds, basically it depends on how they juggle their schedules and who gets assigned to what. The consultant brought me to get my meds at the pharmacy next door to the hospital, and then walked with me to the guest house. At first in the hospital I felt fine, but that short walk from hospital to guest house nearly left me out of breath. The consultant kindly offered to help me push my suitcase. She was so kind. I couldn't even carry my purse which was quite large so she offered to help me carry that too. I felt quite bad to make someone do that for me, but I had no strength at that time and could barely walk.
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--Part Two--

Guest house:
The facilities are very basic, but it's also complementary based on the condition of paying deposit to them. I like it because it's close to the hospital, helpful for the first two days, but it's really a do it yourself place like a hostel. There's a large fridge in your room which is most important because you need place for ice pack and juices. There's a large tv in the room, heating, hot water for shower, and wifi. The walls are thin so in the day time you hear people talking. There is a water dispenser and microwave in the common area. I stayed on the ground floor which is great for me because there's less walking. There is only one pillow provided, which is not useful if you're trying to keep your head elevated. So I just used a big towel and a thick sweater to prop my head up more. So if you are planning to stay in the guest house, bring an extra pillow.
Stock up on pumpkin juice. You can buy it at the pharmacy.
A lady manages the guest house. She only speaks Korean and Chinese. She is just busy just checking guests in and out everyday. I only stayed there for three days, then I moved to a hotel, and was excited about the many pillows they had there, but there was no freezer in my hotel room! lol. So I made do and it was fine. A great benefit of staying at hotel was room service when I just wanted to stay in.

Post op care:
After the operation you go back to the hospital to clean your wounds and get stitches taken out. You are given an appointment card and depending on your operation and how you recover they will tell you when to return. I only had to go back twice. First time was to remove stitches for the extraction site of fat grafting. Second time was to remove stitches from sideburn. I was given the all clear after that. Doctor Hong came in for a quick look and said goodbye. Each time I went the nurse was different and translator helping me was different. They were nice in general, and careful with me. I think each session only took a few minutes.

Overall, I am happy that I chose to go with Dr. Hong because I like his work and we agreed on what outcome is preferred. He is a nice doctor and honest one. I think each person who works at the hospital is different, some people are nicer than others, but everyone does their role professionally. So skill wise, I trust them.

In terms of results, I am happy with things so far. Cheekbone reduction is a common operation in Korea, and there are several other well reviewed places like Regen's Dr Lee and Small Face. I've never been to them so I can't compare, but I hope this will be my last facial contouring procedure other than fat grafting lol.
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Hi Guys,

Most emails I receive are asking for the girl's contact email, but I wanted to let you know that I had to take down the portion about her from my blog.

She only does photo simulations at this time and if you want her contact info please PM me or I added her blog in my signature.
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This is such a scam to be asking people for $20 photo simulations. A lot of clinics do them for free on their website.

I myself have photoshop and would be willing to do it for free.

Don't get tricked into paying $20 for a simple simulation
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I agree with you. A lot of clinics offer this service and normally one of your friends would be able to use photoshop. Paying 20$ you could also buy a book and learn how to use photoshop by yourself.
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Sorry you feel that way. Im complete clueless about photoshop and found that helpful.
I have to take it down because of suspicion of advertising.

Btw guys, as I mentioned before, I had ASO (mouth protrusion surgery) , and I am getting braces soon to actually push teeth back forward because my mouth looks sunken :nogood:
At least the top lip, I look like an elderly person who took out their teeth.
The result wasn't suppose to be like that, perhaps its just my structure of the mouth.

For those considering ASO as well, if your mouth isn't protruding severely (as mine didn't) pushing teeth back too much can result in a sunken look. But again, it may just be my structure of mouth. I didin't have full lips to begin with, but they were not thin either, so moving the teeth back in my case, took away the support my lips had. Its difficult to explain...
I had my first appointment with orthodontist (back home in my country already) few days ago. He said its possible to push teeth back forward. WHAT A RELIEF! That was my main concern. I actually dont leave the house without putting some kind of mouth piece on my top teeth because I look ridiculous without one. So when he told me its possible to push the teeth forward, I got really happy. There's still hope.

Its kind of crazy having ASO surgery, and then getting braces to push the teeth back forward. But I have to make it clear, they will not be pushed back exactly as they were, I wouldn't want that even if it was possible.
Overall, if my top lip gets back some support back (with braces pushing the teeth forward) the outcome of the surgery could be considered successful (appearance wise).

For those who may find this shocking, I had a LOONG time to absorb this and think about what to do, so its less of a shock for me now.
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Talking about simmulations, that are websides when you can do some simmulations , maybe it is not that good as photoshop or Gimp but maybe someone find it helpful



http://www.facetouchup.com/virtual-p...p?skipIntro=1# This one "It costs like $1 per uploaded photo, and it works great for faceline and nose reduction simulations."

By the way does somebody know how Korean`s doctors doing mildface liposuction? I thought it is impossible but I quess I was wrong.
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Face lipo in korea is commonly known as Acculift.
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I emailed them and msged on their fb page but no reply. From what I read, they pretty much never reply to emails but you can contact them by calling.
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I noticed my hair has been falling off more than before but I never thought it had to do with the surgical procedures..until I came across this. I still have a lot of hair but my hair falls off really easily. Many times, a piece of hair just falls off when I'm sitting down eating my meal. It's even more frequent when I'm walking. When I walked past my roommate, my hair fell onto her labtop.
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