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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey Ritch
I'm going to see how well my burn scar heals first, I'll probably give it around 3 months and then decide what to do. However what I would like is a letter of apology and sufficient refund to pay for a course of scar laser treatment here in the UK, that would be the right thing to do. (So TEUIM when you read this which you will, consider this option and do the right thing, help build the faith and trust back, reputation in Korea is everything, but you know that already)

It doesn't depress me as I said before but it is a massive inconvenience, like getting a huge spot on the tip of your nose you become very self conscious of it. When people ask I tell them I tripped running up a flight of stairs and knocked me chin, I honestly couldn't think of any other excuse lol.
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OMG! It is hard enough to have to bare through the pain of a 3rd degree burn, but to have been lied by the doctor who performed it is even worst. They have completely lied to you if they made up that kind of an excuse. Who ever heard of a tight bandage causing a third degree burn?! If they can't take full responsibility for their actions, how can you follow up on them with after care support?

Yes, Teuim is very well known for eye surgeries so one can make the argument about the acculift. But that is still no excuse for having them say that he is very well experienced when in fact, he has none. An acculift is a relatively simple, "standard" procedure when compared to a eye surgery. So how can I trust him with a "technical" procedure when he can't follow standard protocol for a simple one?

How can they say that we misjudged your tissues and placed the rod on high? It's like going to the dry cleaners and having your clothes pressed and have them say, "we misjudged the quality of your silk blouse and had the iron set a little higher than what was needed." But nooooooo. They blame it on the damn packaging.

I feel your anger and would have sued them right away. You should have kept the original medical certificate to show on record that they tried to conceal their mistake and have Dr. Kwon write that it was due to a tight bandage.

And I was actually excited to go to their clinic for a consultation. :cursing:
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I thought you called them. I guess I will just have to go there personally. OMG! 10 more days and it's off to Korea! Out of topic, have any of you girls checked out the night scene?
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I didn't know that the chinese had telepathic abilities. How can they know what surgeries you'll be needing without seeing you? lol! Wait, wasn't it you who said that you contacted Regen, but not the Korean one? I think that the Korean clinic has an english speaking staff though.
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I meant more shoes for me and more boy stuff for you. lol!:lol: I will certainly not be hiring any translator. That is why I am only going to clinics with staff and doctors who can understand english. Just as long as we find some way to communicate then that will be fine by me.
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hi msrochelle

;) you are right,shoes, boy stuff or...... food for everybody !!!! here there is so much to eat, this is insane :biggrin:

Anyhow you will find plenty of clinics who cater to foreign patients from staff to doctors :smile: they can even speak chinese for some... :cool:
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June 2013
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FunnyPiyo ( June 2nd - June 22nd) flight booked!
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Wow, thank you so much for the invaluable information really.

I'll sure check the pharmacy out for those.
Yeah I've not seen or read anyone using Manuka honey so far, but I do know about it. It has antibacterial properties & what you've mentioned.

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Hey hongkongphooey, my heart goes out to you. Feel terrible and sorry that this has happened. Never would I imagine this can happen to anyone esp Teuiem is reputable. But thank you for being shameless about this and sharing your encounter with all of us. I hope you get a full refund or you could sue their ***.

Your post has made me reconsidering Teuiems for surgery. EVER.

I pray for your speedy recovery. Btw, apparently if you're not happy with your results, they can compensate you with other procedures. Best of luck and heal well.
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what kind of plastic surgery u went through?
oh, and if i were about to do the rhinoplasty can i still apply the arnica gel to my nose? and when to started applying? immediately after surgery or should i wait for mybe sev days?
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hello everyone,
I wanna know if any of you heard of jewelry? I heard that theyre popular among koreans, and I visited their website the b&a pic all look great. But I couldnt seem to find their email or anything in english.can anyone help me?
how are they?
I heard act regen, oz, grand and I really dont know which one to choose
I'm planning to do rhinoplasty and the tip, also double eyelid and canthoplasty.
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Hi SCind!

Nice to meet you! I saw Jewelry´s advertisement on various sites so I know them but so far I haven´t really done research about them. Sorry that I can´t provide you more information.

However, I found their FB site and they got this email: [email protected]
Maybe you can try to contact them via this address. I hope they´ll respond.

May I ask if you´re thinking of bridge augmentation using silicone? Because we´re seeking very similar procedures.

Let´s keep in touch.

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I heard that silicone is not recommended to be used lately.. bcs its carcinogenic or sth, so im looking for the one with gore-tex material. have u heard of that?
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Hi again ^^

Well as far I know there is no proof that silicone is certainly carcinogenic, otherwise it wouldn´t be used for so many different stuffs exclude PS.

But I understand your concern that it´s a foreign material, I also want to avoid silicone if possible but I really don´t want to use gore-tex....It´s porous and tissue will grow into it, it sounds tissue friendlier this way but if you want to remove it in future it can be really difficult.

So personally if you have to use a synthetic implant I would rather use silicone instead of gore-tex because it´s easily removed, that´s just my opinion though.
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well, I may sound annoying and needy, but um, I prefer the one using your own cartilage from your ears or ribs (autologous cartilage) and so far from the small internet-based research i'd done, the korean clinics only use autologous cartilage for the nose tip or revisional nose surgery.

can we make request to our doctor what material we wanna use and everything? they said using our own cartilage would b more economic, bcs that way you wouldnt have to use the silicone implant or goretex.
does anyone know abt this?:smile:
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