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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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You aren´t annoying or needy at all and it´s better to be like this instead of just going for the easy way. ^^

It´s true that most clinics only use septal / conchal cartilage for tip plasty and rib is used for bridge augmentation. First it´s more invasive to use rib and it has the possibility of warping, bending and absorption but in the hand of the right surgeon this risks should be limited. And some clinics also offer to use rib as a primary implant, it all depends on your request, they can´t force you to use something you don´t want.

So if you´re sure about rejecting all kind of artificial implant you must tell this your doctor and I am sure that there are surgeons out there who can provide you a satisfying result. Wish you good luck with your research!
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Hi SCind,
I had zygoma reduction and fat injection to forehead and nasolabial folds.
Usually they will tell you when you can start washing your face or applying face cream etc. You can start with applying it on the areas around the nose like cheeks, eyes, etc first, until your nose is ready. You can also look into scar gel if needed. Kelocote is the brand that has been recommended for that.

I posted pictures of their product and their website previously, but here are some other pictures I found online for those of you interested to know exactly what ingredients they use to speed up healing:

ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368879906.535656.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368879948.667742.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880004.984753.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880053.468331.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880077.234931.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880134.267948.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880156.384882.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880215.468444.jpg ImageUploadedByPurseForum1368880246.500988.jpg
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Thank you for your kind words. I do have the original medical certificate, the one I amended with lots of scribbles which does go in my favour, lots of photos and of course everyone I met from the April group as I did end up showing them the burn. I'm not saying to everyone don't go to Teuim but at least people can now make an informed decision about going for eye surgery but definitely I don't recommend you have acculift or lipo with them.

I would also like to say that during my eye surgery i was awake under LA it was so mild I could feel everything after a while so they had to top it up, towards the end it completely wore off so i told him it was hurting a lot but I didn't get anymore, he said he was nearly finished and was stitching my eyes, I can remember becoming very scared clenching my fists and trying to curl up in a ball with the pain, all he said was relax nearly finished. (This maybe because i was about to go under total sedation for the acculift). Now i know why both my arms were strapped down, I understand that other clinics do the same incase you lash out I guess. Thinking about it now, they obviously got my dosage wrong even though on the form I stated my height and weight. This also happened to one of the other girls but in another clinic so maybe it's more common than we would think?

A while back maybe 3 months someone posted that the operating room at Teuim is a free for all and that it isn't sterile as anyone can walk in during surgery, I can confirm this is true but I also didn't get an infection, however it's not ideal to say the least. The room where you have check ups has a cream colour medical bed but it is so grubby it's almost grey and they don't lay anything on top of it like the long surgical tissue.
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I am so saddened to read what you had to go through and I wish that none of us have to go through similar experiences as well. Actually, an acculift is a liposuction procedure that uses a laser. The 'melted' fat isn't removed by our body, but is sucked out.

We all can sense your strong will power and I admire that. I cannot imagine how I would feel and react it that would happen to me. Thank you very much for not forgetting us here and sharing what you went through.

What do plan on doing now? Just curious, I have no idea of korean law and how 'well-protected' clinics are, but would it make a difference if our voices were to be heard collectively? I mean, would it be possible for all victims here to seek legal assistance and approach the ministry of health?
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What?! You had to endure the pain from the stitching too??? That is just torture! I really don't undersatnd how they can tell us to relax! Wait a minute, if you were to be totally sedated for the acculift, why didn't he just operate on your eyes while you were down?

About being strapped down, that would be a good idea if you happen become conscious again, BUT what's the use of anesthesiologists if they will result in using primitive restraining measures? Maybe the doctor was inexperienced since he got your dosage wrong. Another thing to watch out, I guess?

And the operating room being a free for all? Cmon! This is just too much! I never thought that they would be like this. Even if you did not get an infection, it still is a risk because ALL surgeries should be sterile. Why do it in an operating room when they can just do it in the consultation room or at the lobby if people can just come in whevnever they want.

This makes me more mad because here we are, doing all we can to look beautiful and then they give us false promises and lies.

Great presence of mind though! I wouldn't be able to do the same with all the anger I am feeling right now. You will be needing those if you decide to seek legal remedies.

I hope you will find your own retribution and have it remedied soon. Hang in there dear, we are all here for you!
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Reading this, I suddenly remembered a scene from Final Destination where the girl was strapped down to her seat waiting for the doctor to perform LASIK. Then the machine went on and the laser shot right through her eyes. :wtf:

Good suggestion! If we can't sue individual clinics, can we at least make a collective malpractice suit to try to regulate their practice?
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LOL I was thinking about getting LASIK / LASEK for my eyes....you´re really frightening you know XD

Yeah I think that will be a good idea but I also have no clue about the Korean law system. Is there anybody who studied Law on this forum who´s familiar with the Korean law system?
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Hi there! Appreciated your detailed experience! I too am interested in going for rhinoplasty. How much did it cost you for the rhinoplasty and may I ask if you used implants for the nose bridge?

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Because the doc required me to open and close my eyes so he could ensure they are symmetrical from the ptosis surgery. One good thing I can say is all 4 people in the operating room had to agree so its not just the doctors opinion. There was asymmetry to my left epi corner so the doc had to operate on this part again. You will always know which part was worked on more/more aggression by the bruising after as I sported a big bruise there, more than anywhere else on my face.
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wow that looks really painful! an accident like that would leave me with severe scars since I am darker skinned. I really hope you recover 100 percent from this accident. Thanks for being truthful, it really helps everyone to see the good and the bad of going to a foreign country for surgery and having to put all of your trust in these doctors.
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I am going to Seoul in middle of October this year for revision of my nose. Does anyone would like to go there during middle October? I have not make up my mine which clinic I will go, but the most I interest clinic is Beauty (Kr. Lee) , Shimmiana and Grand.
Did anyone go there do the nose job there and please share the experience? coul Beauty(Dr. Lee) seems very expert for the nose but it very expensive(cartilage revision is $12,000. usa dollars)
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Im going to seoul for reviision rhino too in mid of september, anyone going in mid sept?
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I think that describes my situation pretty well. While getting a sponsor sounds like a good deal (who wouldn't like nice things free of charge?), I think its mainly reserved for people who are already popular and well-known in the general public. Clinics aren't simply going to hand out free surgeries for any Jane or Jenny who offers to "advertise" their services to other people. They are a business after all, and doing so would impact their profit line very negatively. Furthermore, I personally would not feel comfortable with having my image displayed publicly for the world to see that I have done plastic surgery. I want it to be as discrete as possible, and there is no way in hell a clinic would want their models to be discrete about their surgeries. Kinda defeats the whole point of having them as spokespersons.

Anyway, to finally answer your question, since my parents do not allow me to get surgery, and since I am just another regular person with no social/media influence, I am paying for the surgeries by myself. Using money that I saved up on my own. Surgeries can cost anywhere from 1 thousand dollars to 20 thousand and upwards, so how long each individual takes to save depends on their income as well as the types of procedures they wish to undergo. Fyi, it took me about a year to save up enough (about 10k sgd) for my plastic surgery (tentatively around next month), so don't lose hope! And I am 22 going on 23 this year. Hope this helps!
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By working so hard, you age 20 years. No just kidding haha. But having a job and saving money is pretty much the only way for someone who's not allowed to have ps. A clinic will be unlikely to give free ps to a random civilian. You probably have to be either be well known or have some sort of deformity to be sponsored.
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