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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Yeah I understand your concern. ^^ It´s still your own tissue...but just relocated lol.
Well economic, I don´t know how much you value eco-friendliness, but I have to say in the case of my nose this factor would not affect my decision. ^^
You will not use plastic that´s true.

Using rib for your nose will always be more expensive than using silicone, beside VIP I heard that Shimmian Jung is also very skilled with rhino also using rib. I think more and more clinics are offering rib graft for rhino but they don´t always mention that on their website, so you might call them of write them an email in order to get more information. I know it´s really frustrating when they don´t reply to mails......:nogood:

When do you plan to go to Korea? ^^
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Saline implants are hollow "bags" that are squeezed through the incision and is then filled with a salt solution (saline). Silicon is prefilled and the doctor will need to make a larger incision just to place it. Hope this helps. :smile:
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Most of us don't have Korean won with us so it's usd. The bank is the best option. Don't bother exchanging at airport, the rate is lower.
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yea i was dumb enough to exchange $500 there thinking I wouldn't find an exchange kiosk anywhere else. they're pretty much everywhere and the banks take them and its better rate than at airport. When I changed it, the rate at the airport was about $1 - 1073.00krw and at dongdaemun it was 1102.00krw. its not much of a difference but its still more so just exchange like $50 to gtfo of airport
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I just got back from seoul. Had a double eyelid surgery @ teuim with Dr.Kwon.
I am not sure if the lady I met with was Alice that I saw you guys mention in the forum? cause she didn't introduce her name to me she just ask me to follow her into the consultation room when I arrived and she is like the one and only person that speak English.She asked me to fill up the form and she was speaking good English.
She has short hair, perm and very pretty eyes. I asked her about her eyes she said that Dr.kwon had did the eyes for her.

And shortly after I filled up the form she ask me to wait for Dr.Kwon to come in. Anyway the form was your particular name, etc.. and what do you want to do e.g eyes double eyelid all your request to be written on that form.

So Dr.Kwon came in shortly and say hi and ask me so what do I want to do ..I mentioned that I wanted to have a double eyelid and I have pretty small eyes so I wanted bigger eyes yet I want it a natural one not too big that looks like a freak lol. so he slowly examine my eyes with the "rod" that help to create some temporary crease and ask me to see in the mirror what kind of crease that I like. He also explained to me that I need epi which can help to smoothen out the crease and makes the eyes look natural. Well so after explaining I have to decide what I want to do. And soo I decided to go ahead with double eyelid+ ptosis + epi. Dr kwon really do not talk much so he only explain the procedure. After which I am left to decide if I want to do it or not.

Dr kwon then left the room and the consultant came in to discuss the prices with me. Like everyone mentioned,this consultant she quoted a higher price than the price I was given in my email and also the price listed on the website. Luckily I got it printed out and brought it to the clinic. Before showing the price that I had got, she tried to tell me that since 2013 the price had already increased and so on and that the price is really a good deal already,.. so I tried to bargain it down and told her that I wasn't given the price and when she didn't buy it I showed her the email and told her that if that was not the price i wouldn't be doing it in Teuim already and I told her i am doing 3 and perhaps she can bring the cost down a little so she bought the price down ( I think they are really trying to quote a higher price for foreign customer maybe, so just a note to those going to teuim for eyelid surgery maybe u wana print out the quotation they give too).

So... after the price is confimred and I am pretty ok with it.I decided to have the surgery right away & I have to pay first before surgery. So in order to avoid that 10% vAT I paid the surgery in full cash. So after payment , they ask me to wait and she brought me to a room to put my bags in a locker and change my shoes into a slipper and then ask me to go to the toilet to wash my fach with the cleanser provide there.
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contined from previous post:

So after washing up. I was bought to the surgery room. I was surprised too that I need not change into any operation robe or so on. I just wear what I am wearing in. So lying down at the operation bed I was asked to squeeze some stress ball and the nurse was trying to find my vein to put on the drip. I wasn't given any injection on the eyes that I am expecting. Perhaps the anaesthetic now goes in from the drip ? I think. then they start to bring out their tools and they cover the cloth over my body and face with just my face exposed. then shortly Dr kwon came in, so he started drawing on my eyes He ask me to close and open my eyes time to time and look straight into his eyes. After a while, I was totally knocked out I didn't even know it. And I felt I was on roller coaster ride don't even know what is happening at the moment and it seems really dreamy seeing colors not remembering what was going on for that maybe 10mins? or lesser? I really don't know. Suddenly I am back to my senses and then I realised the surgery had already started and I could hear sounds of the tools metal plate and cutting sound. Pretty scary for me. I was really lost in my mind and didn't know it that was real or am I dreaming. And I felt my hand was kind of numb. I wasn't on full sedation as I was asked to open and close my eyes in between the ops. So very much of the cutting sound during the operation. But there was really no pain at all during the surgery. I was surprised. And they play classical music and Dr kwon was humming the music during operation. lol. Only at the end of the surgery I felt a lil bit of pain from the stitching but that was really mild and bearable to me. Not sure isit cause the anaesthetic was wearing off...

My whole surgery took about 2 hours to complete. After finishing the nurse showed me 2 patches of fats that was removed from my eyelid that was like a 20ct coin big. It was gross . Give me a shocked as the moment I open my eyes she showed it to me like " this is your fats" .
And I was brought back to room where my locker was ,there was a bed and tv there. I was asked to rest there and given a frozen eyes pack to put on my eyes. I steal a glance of my face when I walk into the room as there is a big mirror there. I was freak out on how swollen my eyes looks. It seems like I was beaten up badly by 10 or more people on my eyes. So I rested for about an hour and the English consultant then came in to check on my eyes and told me to be careful when I shower not to let any water get in and then handed me the antibiotics and some pain killer to be taken as well as some cleansing cotton buds and oilment. They also gave 2 eye masks.
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(continued as I cant add on the previous post)

I was told to come back the next day to remove the bandage. As they has some bandage tape around the bridge on my nose and the corner of my two eyes where epi was done. Looks like I have a nose job lol. It was tape really securely. So it would be difficult to remove yourself too.

After I left the clinic, there was a lil pain and some burning sensation starts to be felt on my eyes perhaps all the anaesthetic was off by then.So the pain came in. There wasn't really major pain but a little bit of pain I must say. Luckily the weather was pretty cold that night at about 15deg or less so it was comfortable when the cold wind was blowing in my face icy cold. I was not feeling very well after the surgery as I felt a lil nauseous and maybe because my eyes starts to tear excessively ,the tear was like free flow flowing out every few seconds. So it was really uncomfortable I have to have my tissue on my hand all the way for the drying the tears from the sides as I cant rub my eyes. and my vision was constantly getting blur due to the tears buildup in my eyeball. And furthermore I have to put on my shades and the sky was turning dark. So it was really uncomfortable with that vision and perhaps this also caused the nauseous feeling. It wasn't the pain that was causing me discomfort I must say,not much pain at all. More of the blurry and the teary eyes. I still proceed to the supermarket to get some food that I can eat and fruits. there are plenty of pineapples around if you wana get ,already sliced in packed but quite exp cant remb the exact price now but less than 10,000won. lol of cause cant be compared with sg price. I got many fruits like kiwi & pineapple to eat.And a 1Litre pineapple juice, I ate really a lot of fruits for the next few days after my surgery and I realised the swelling do come down really well. Not sure if its their antibiotics or the fruits that are helping? lol.. Anyway pineapple can also be found on streets in myeongdong as well as dongdaemun , I got them at 1000won per slice on a stick :smile:
There was no restriction for food according to Dr.kwon. But I still don't wana take the risk so I avoided spicy ,salty and seafood.

After removing the bandage, I can see clearly the stitches when I see my eyes really near otherwise the stitches is almost not obvious as it was black in color so it looks like ur eyelash instead. lol. But it was really very neatly stitch and closely stitch. But I still have to have my sunglass on as my eyes looks really scary and bruised. I don't wana scare people with my eyes bare lol.. so for the next few days the eyes was excessively tearing too and I was given saline from the clinic to clean it every morning or as and when needed. I do have a lil difficulty in the morning when opening my eyes as the eye sh*t will stuck on the lash and the corner of the eyes so have to clean it slowly with the saline given. I also put on cold pack whenever I can. But because most of the time I was out shopping I actually only put on twice a day in the morning and at night for my cold pack ha. If you can , do it more often I believe it helps with the swelling.

I got my stitch out on the 7th day and it was FREAKING PAIN like hell. More painful definitely than the surgery itself. I don't know if I am the only one experiencing it? There was no anaesthetic for removing the stitches. The corner where epi was done was the most painful as the thread seems to be the most difficult to remove (Not dr.kwon removing the stitches) it was some surgeon or i am not sure who as they all wear the blue surgery robe .I could hear the cutting of thread and feel the pulling of thread out and my skin seems to be stuck on the thread somehow that she have to pull it out OUCHH! it was soooooooooo damm pain I swear. But after all its over it wasn't pain. But my eyes was still swollen of cause not as swollen compared to day 1. Dr kwon then came to check on my eyes and told me it was recovering well and ask if I have any qns. It was pretty red and swollen but it slowly came down the next few days.

And is already 10 days my eyelids had deswell quite a lot and it looks really natural too just that the line still reddish and abit of swell still remains but there is absolutely no scaring for my epi and my friend cannot even tell that I had epi when they look closely. I was overall pretty satisfied with my eyelid surgery so far :smile:

p/s sorry for the long winded post.
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I have a short nose which shows my flaring nostrils. It's also flat and wide. So I wanted to get silicone implant, alarplasty and tiplasty.


My appointment was at 2:00 but I was doing lunch with Signalz and Schlok and went in earlier like at 1:00 instead. They still took me. Yumi is no longer there. The new translator is Jacob. He helped me fill out some paper work and then the receptionist girl went to take some pictures of my nose in different angles. After that I got called to go see Dr. Suh. He was very nice, friendly and calm.

I showed him a picture of the nose I wanted. He touched my nose and recommended me to get 3mm silicone implant with alar base reduction and 3mm septal/ear cartilage tip. I told him I don’t want a thick tip or too long of a nose and he drew on my pictures that I took earlier and it looked nice. It would be open rhino and takes about 2.5 hours. Consultation was probably 5 minutes. I didn’t have any questions prepared.

Then I was lead to another room to talk about price. The pricing lady suggested me to get botox for my box face and I kept saying no and she kept saying it would make my face less square. I’m like thanks… but no thanks...She quoted me $6.43mil but she reduced it $5.8mil. I was like whhhhat?! That’s still expensive! I showed them the email for the 3 procedures that said it would be between $4,000 - $5000 and she said that was only based on the picture. Apparently my procedure was not easy because he wasn't just going to stick ear cartilage on my nose, he had to change the direction of my nose cartilage to make it longer so its a difficult procedure and it'll cost more. But seeing my picture I'm sure she could see that I had a short nose so why would she not tell me in the email already. Then she changed her story and said she didn't see the email that's why I was quoted $4,000-$5,000. Shady....?

I said ok that’s fine since JW has such a good reputation and Dr. Suh would perform my surgery…. Scheduled me for June 3rd at 3:00. I had to go put a deposit down but my bank card was not getting accepted so I couldn’t withdraw any money… so we went to several banks but it was still rejected. I said I come back tomorrow and left.


My appointment was at 5:00. I got there at 5 and we waited about 5 minutes for Nicole. She said Dr. Yoo was finishing a surgery so he should be done in 5 minutes. Waited 5 minutes and we went into the consultation room. I came in and he started to touch my nose and said I needed nose augmentation, tiplasty and alarplasty. His hands smelled like the latex gloves.. at least they weren’t lying about him doing surgery.

He said he would give me a nose that curves up and I was like wait.. hold up.. what!? I don’t like that so I showed him pictures of the nose I wanted and he said no problem. Nicole assured me that the rhinoplasty is customizable so he could do it to however I liked it. He flipped through my pictures and said if I wanted it to be exactly like the picture I would have to do nasal bone narrowing. Great. I totally didn’t even think I needed it but whatever. He also recommended that I should get paranasal augmentation to make my nose look more define cause I have them lines from my big cheeks. Anyways the procedure would be closed rhino and it would take 1.5 hours. In which I thought it was too short and I asked her is it because he's rushing my procedure?! So she said that its better that its faster because less blood and less anesthesia blah blah and its an easy procedure for him since he has 25+ years of experience.

He didn’t speak any English to me and Nicole translated everything but when I asked her a question he would understand and already answer in Korean... So I had no questions and the doctor left. I asked if I could see some pictures and she only showed me their brochure pictures which were all upturned noses! She told me not to worry about it because that nose is what Koreans want now. She then gave me the price breakdown of the 3 procedures for 3.3 mil if I get the nasal bone narrowing it would be 4.7 mil. I asked for a discount but she said it was already really low which I agree but couldn’t hurt to ask. LOL.

Anyways.... I think I'm leaning more towards Pitangui.... but JW has good reviews for nose and Pitangui has none!! I don't know.. might check out jewelry, oz, wonjin, and jk...
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Thank you so much for sharing and I am glad to hear that you´re happy with your result so far! Maybe I was reading too fat lol, but did you have partial incision or full incision?

I wish you Happy Healing!

Warmest regards
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