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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Oh no............I already booked and paid deposit with JK, now I'm terrified.....
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@LisaFelicia: If you are certain you wont have your surgery at JK cancel the surgery appointment as soon as possible, i heard by korean law if you do it 3 days before surgery you can get 90% back.
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How were your surgeries with Regen? Where did you stay?

I have heard nothing but great reviews about Regen and now am considering them as well.

These are the clinics I am considering:
OZ Clinic

Any ideas on which are good for rhinoplasty and double eyelid?

Also, has anyone ever had lower eyelid surgery done for dark eyelids?? Where would a good place to go for this be?

Is anyone going next week and staying for a few weeks? It would be nice to have a companion.

Please email me at: [email protected].

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Here is the link


Go to this kca (Korea consumer agency) website, click on the icon with (a speaker icon) if I am not wrong that mean damage prevention advise. Than look for announcement dated 2011.12.26 with heading.

There are many more on other china and korea forum, however I don't think I can not post their link here.
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Hey Lisafelicia

I am sorry I don't meant to scared you, I do found bad review about JK but at least it is not in the blacklist of KCA. so maybe not that bad?

As I mentioned they are still popular among foreigner and I believed you choose them because you are comfortable with them. As long as the doctor you choose is experience and qualified should be okay.

There are some step you may wanna take note when come to your surgery (just my 5 cent opinion)

1. Choose the doctor who is specialty with the surgery you want, (You can found specialty surgery from their introduction, if not ask the clinic to show you)
2. Make sure the doctor you consult is the doctor who operate you, and of course must be a qualified surgeon (I think you can demand the doctor name appear on the surgery agreement.)
3. Keep the copy of the procedure of your surgery which you have been discussed with your doctor
4. Keep the before and after picture of your surgery.
5. keep the surgery agreement and receipt
6. Detail of medicine, any side effect of medicine and surgery. Drop down everything that doctor told you.
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Alright I totally made a fool of myself. This is to confirm that what I meant by JK was indeed JW...............tsk tsk sorry jellybean :P
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Hey Riko

It's all good now I had a blonde moment :P Getting mixed up with JW, JW is the one that I already paid deposit with :P Are you native?
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Haha...JK and JW big different =p
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May I ask which doctor of JW? No I am not.
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@riko12 omg thanks for sharing the information! i havent paid any deposit YET but JK is still on my consideration list as my surgery is still a month away.. any idea which other sites provide review on the various plastic surgery clinics? thank you so much!
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I am new here too but had been searching high and low at different forum about information of plastic surgery in Korea, it seem that a lot of forum member in china forum do not suggest translator, the reason is because they think translator will get rebate from the clinic, and if the translator korea language commend not good, will actually misinterpreted your requirement.

And also nowadays a lot of Korean know English, maybe not very fluent but still can understand, especially those qualified doctor, their english all not bad. Some clinic even have their own translator. If the clinic you contract said that no translator needed then I think you don't have to hire one.[/QUOTE]
I had a failed revision rhinoplasty a month ago with a clinic I can't disclose explicitly. This is my third trip to Seoul since last August. I am still engaging Zoe despite having prior experience.

Yes, most clinics who hv foreign market do have staff who speaks either English or Chinese. But base on my own experience, the translation skill can't match a professional. For a small translation fee, I think it's totally worth it in my opinion. ESP after the recent episode.

I had my final consultation prior to the surgery. While waiting for the doc, I shared with Zoe what I was going to ask. After few questions, the doc was in a hurry to leave for the preparation, I did not have the courage to ask him my last question. But Zoe stopped him and asked him that question. She remembered what my concern was and wldnt let the doc go till he answered us!

I was put on GA (strange) for the rhinoplasty n noble surgery. Told not to drink water for 4hours. Zoe was there to encourage me and chat with me to distract fm the excruciating pain. Brought me back to the hotel at 9pm. When she offered to help buy drinks and stuff, I declined since it was late and she stays in the outskirt of Seoul. But she returned after 15mins with bag full of aloe drinks, and other fruit juices at her own expense. Besides, I tot I cld just survive with mineral water fm hotel and I usually drink only plain water.

When I am finally able to drink at 11pm, my throat continued to hurt badly even after drinking water. So, it was really refreshing to hv the aloe drink. Zoe probably anticipated that. Oh, pls bring along manuka honey to soothe yr throat if you are going to be on GA.

My nostril is seriously asymmetrical, bridge deviated and other clinics even used the word deformed nose to describe it. (Zoe and another forumer did discourage me from doing revision before. They think ID Dr Kim has given me a reasonably nice and natural nose, but my quest for a perfect one landed on disaster.)

Before that, I went to Miplus (saw a korean boutique assistant had her nose done there). The doc seemed very clear abt what to do, but the surgery date has to be on the mid of following week due to tight schedule. It s a small outfit like Oz with only one doctor. Not sure if its the wife or just a consultant, she brought us to another room, and gave a whole 10mins lecture in Korean. She didn't seem friendly n welcoming. Zoe explained that she didn't really like foreign client coz the clinic couldn't follow up closely with them after the surgery when they left Seoul. She said post care is very important and clinic is concern in this aspect. I shared this coz such clinic who mainly works on Korean patients do not have translator. I dropped this coz I wanted to hv surgery ASAP.

I sent my photos and wrote a long letter to the clinic asking for refund. bCC Zoe to just let her know but not expecting her to take action. But she called the clinic to follow up on my behalf. She insisted the clinic to revert on the same day no matter how late coz she knew I wld be leaving 3 days later. She wanted the clinic to resolve this case before I left. I almost didn't want to go back to the clinic as I knew I wld be very mad and emotional. Thankfully she insisted and accompanied me throughout. She had probable done the ground work conveying further that I was firm about not wanting revision by the clinic and only wanted refund. My request was rejected when Zoe went away for holiday and I was having my post op consultation. They explained no clinic would practice that. Eventually, during the final meeting, Zoe translating everything word by word to the doc, and he accepted.

They took hours to prepare the non disclosure n liability agreement for me to sign. Been more than 2 weeks and I hv yet to receive their refund. No reply to my email and did not return my call, I have no choice but ask for Zoe to help yesterday. Keeping my finger cross.

I hope the above will let you see some values of having a professional translator. True. Zoe may sounded very professional on the email and I was not too happy w few replies but I stick to my choice last year. But you will learn that she is really friendly n nice when u meet her personally. She asked to go change my hair style instead of delving into PS when she thinks u dun need. Never mind about fee. Her translation skill is excellent. I am not a good communicator and cld be quite blunt at times. She always have a way to put across nicely n more diplomatically. What is a small fee for the unforeseen?

I did not really want to share much since itsumobaby's case when some forumers cld be really harsh, not sympathetic and skeptical. But when there r more people who do not see the value of professional translators and are at risk of handling complication alone ( my friend had a failed eye, nose n face contouring surgery in Korea). She's been flying to Seoul with different pple helping her with negotiation n at times, only hospital staff. The case is not close yet but her visa has expired and she had to return to her country to continue with her negotiation via phone. Lastly, I was trying to use this platform to share my testimonial as a way to acknowledge Zoe's contribution to my case.
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