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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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We would love to meet up with you and hear more about your experience. Do you have KaKao?
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May I ask where you got your first rhinoplasty? Was is it in S.korea?
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I tried to add you on Kakao, but your ID seems not correct.
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I have recovered enough to relate my 7 days of recovery in a short summary:
Surgeries : Cheekbone Reduction & Genoiplasty & Ptosis Correction

Surgery Day
1) Signing of indemnity document
Please read through your indemnity document carefully and fully understand all types of risks that can occur during your surgery.
And rem to have the hospital administrator to add in clauses into the form you are signing such as in event of medical negligence / distortion on facial symmetry ; doctors will provide free revisional surgery. These will at least safeguard some of your interests.
Do note tat Regen do not accept refund of money even in event of medical negligence etc.
PLEASE GET A COPY OF THIS SIGNED INDEMNITY DOCUMENT FROM HOSPITAL. In my case, I have to chase for this copy repeatedly.

2) Ptosis correction surgery
It hurts a lot for me. You will need to be semi conscious as they need you to open your eyes so that the doctor can correct any non symmetry. I can feel every cut he make on my eyes during the surgery. It was crazy for me. Mind you, I have pretty good threshold of pain.

3) facial contouring surgery
I went into a deep slumber so felt no pain at all.

4) insertion of tube (Urine bag)
I also insisted that they do not insert any form of tube (urine bag) into me as I was very concerned on the possibly infection. Ladies private parts can be rather sensitive. Anyway, Regen acceded to my request so that is really good for me because I have one less discomfort to deal with.

After surgery
My discomfort level was at 5.5 (scale of 10 being the most discomfort) and I was feeling very groggy after the surgery. The discomfort comes from the fact that I cannot lie down completely to sleep, was freezing from the lack of blood circulation and I am not allow to drink any fluid. But I was pretty cool on the no water part; to me I needed the rest more than the water. My translator Zoe stayed with me till 1130pm and comforted me during the initial difficult hours. I really appreciate her care very much.
I am a rather positive person so I really focus to get rest and imagine classical music in my head to keep myself focus and cool headed. One need to have strong mental strength to get through this agony 18 hours (before you get discharge). I did not bother to look into any mirrors in this first 18 hrs (in the hospital) as I figured I will look crap anyway so i do not want to demoralize myself. It was a very very tiring night for me.

Day 01 - 03
Removal of blood tube was not painful for me. I hope none of you guys will feel much pain as well.
My doctors visited me in my ward to ensure all necessary went through well for me.
I was elated to be discharged.
Zoe went through the loads & loads of post care treatment that I needed to do for myself. Thank God for her translation and attentive care if not I may not be able to handle the collection of medicine and pick up all the nifty details fast without hiccups.
I bought button dress for my discharge as my face is so sensitive that I would not want to do any pull over T-shirts / blouse over my delicate face.

Your face will be very very swell up. And it is so swelled up that your mouth gets sooo small and you are not able to bite so do note you may not even be able to eat porridge.
Thus you need the softest food to sustain yourself these 3 days.
Therefore it will be good to prepare packet soups, banana, milk, cereal drinks, eggs etc for at least 3 days. You will also require loads of tissue and hopefully wherever you stay let there be at least 3 pillows in your place.
In this way, you can drink banana milk for breakfast, packet soup & soft boiled eggs for lunch and soup/ cereal drink for dinner.
Every now and then, you may need honey drink to sooth your throat (especially useful for those doing nose surgery as you will be using your mouth to breath all the time)
The pillows are useful as you will need to be in upright position very often.
Bromelain and plenty of iced packs are very useful to deswell.
Ate some trad Chinese herbs that aid in deswelling & recovery from surgery as well.
Drink fresh juices is good too to enhance your immunity.
In my case, I felt quite weak & tired so I choose to rest indoor at the comfort of my homely studio apt in order to build up my strength.
In my case, these 3 days are the hardest part to survive after the surgery.

Day 04
Check up back in Regen
Nothing special or painful stuffs. Zoe was with me to translate all necessary for my check up.
But after this check up, they removed the outer bandage on my face. So yay, I can wash my face now.
To wash your delicate and sensitive face, one need sponges; in this way you can avoid the eye areas and can still wash your face in the most gentle manner yet ensuring all areas of face clean thoroughly.
Clocked 2 hours of walk

Day 05-06
Able to eat porridge and open my mouth wider.
Clocked 3 hours of walk.

Day 07
Back to Regen for removal of stitches
My nurse is very very careful and extremely gentle. But the removal of stitches on my eyes do hurt a little bit. But I am still grateful to my nurse, it could hurt hell more if not for her gentleness and extreme care. As for the rest of removal of stitches, it goes well without hitch.
Zoe was there to help me with translation, getting the rest of medication & especially with my doctors visitation.
The facial treatment care in Regen is wonderful and I enjoyed it very much.
My face still hurts whenever I try to smile or laugh.
Clocked 4 hrs of walk.

My recovery has gone pretty well; consultants, doctors and nurses commented that I had a lot less swelling than many other people.

Now it is just left with the 14th day to remove the remaining stitches in my mouth.
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Studio apartment near angkuk station.
There is a minimart just at the ground floor of my apt.
It is a Gd place as there are many food outlets and nature places (garden/ palaces / museums/ shopping/ food streets) to keep me entertained.
Plus the hair wash only cost 7000 won at my nearby hair salon:smile:

But if u are really thinking of gg Regen then you can consider staying around Sinsa station region.
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For anyone who have a plastic surgery problem and wish to file a complaint to authority perhaps you can try [email protected]
Tel 0234237023.
Someone share with me but I am not sure and haven't use it before and I am not sure whether it is genuine . No harm try for those who is lost and still in Korea and seek help urgently .
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There is another center perhaps can check it out Khidi medical call center 82-215-767-129. It is share by another forumer who told me they can assist to help the victims of ps surgery to file a complaint. Check out yourself as I am not sure .
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Can share the price of ur surgery at Regen?
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Well don't forget that money is also involved. Its a bit frustrating if someone paid to have something done and even explained to the doctor what they wanted and the result was nothing close to what they asked for. I think clients deserve to get what they paid for, so it would be ridiculous to just tell them to 'accept the fact that they weren't born pretty' when they paid to look a certain way, and didn't receive what they wanted because of the doctors negligence or he didn't take care in ensuring the result was what was asked for.
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I agree.. I know plastic surgery is a gamble but we paid way too much money for it.. and doctor has the responsibility to tell us what he can or cannot achieve instead of just giving false promises.. I had revision eyelid surgery b4 specifically told the doctor to make my fold higher... after the surgery my eyelid didn't change at all.. I dont even know what I paid for... the doc gave me the excuse it looks good nobody can tell u have surgery.. guys look better with low fold anyway blah blah .. what the heck.. this is my eyes we are talking about who cares what u think looks nice.. some doctor just don't appreciate that everyone's beauty standard is different.

Sigh. .. doctors in asia has this ego thing attached to them... the hierarchy thing is way too pronounced... i guess its really important to ask the doctor to summarise what he is gonna do to u at the end just so yall on the same page... if u really know what u wan be firm on it despite being advised otherwise. . Or else u ll end up with a result u dont like
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You resonate my thoughts well. I paid an X amount for a service and I expect X results delivered. During my 1st PS, I was not given a headsup of my pre-op condition and the dr pushed the blame on me instead "you are born with assymetry. So....?" Stubborn and egostic drs are a nightmare along with the mercenary ones.

I believe most patients place hope for a solution not a compromised deal. If so, why take the risk and make the drs richer....
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