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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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mind to share with me? [email protected]
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Hi Soong sister,

i'm pretty new here and need to know more. Would appreciate it if i can get more info. Pls send to [email protected]
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But this is forum, you will never know who actually is under the User name, some is genuine patient, some might just facilitators try to socilit patients :sad:
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I'm stuck in between wonjin and banobagi I do have Aone in mind :sad:
need more feedback ... I havent reach 10 post cant pm you Will you please email your experiences to [email protected]

Many thanks
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Hi, would appreciate if you could share your experience with me at [email protected]
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Hi Soong Sister,could you please PM me the feedback of VIP,thank you!:smile:
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Hi, can i know more about the procedure about jaw reduction? do you have pictures?

Please PM me!
[email protected]
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I am not sure below link is what they refer to, but don't have 12 clinics in the article written.
And the information is quite out-dated. Anyway, just FYI though.

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Hi can you PM me too! [email protected]
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Hi Xzlitol, the older doc is owner/head I assume? The one with glasses and with lots of pics with celebs ? I think he is the only oral max surg in the clinic rite ? the others r just orthodontist or general dentist... have you had a consultation with them b4? How do u know their price is decent ?
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Is this him ? Sorry the entire website is in korean but he is the only one with international society of oral and maxillofacial surgeon listed in his profile... I should ask some translators about him
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Thanks both for the great info! Surprisingly Teuim's Dr. Kwon replied me first O.O ~here's the email about the prices in case some of you need them (I know I did xD).

"If you want more big eyes and want to improve your visual field, we think ptosis correction, epicanthoplasty, fat removal from upper eyelid, lateral canthoplasty are needed in your case.

The method of surgery will be Incisional double fold operation with ptosis correction, medial epicanthoplasty, fat removal from upper eyelid (with or without lateral canthoplasty)

Although you want partial incisional method, I think you would be better to have incisional eyelid surgery because you have puffy and thick upper lid skin (this fact frequently cause relaps after burried method)

The cost will be...

1. Double eyelid surgery(Incisional method with ptosis correction) : 2,500,000 ~3,000,000 KRW
2. Medial epicanthoplasty : 1,200,000 ~1,500,000 KRW.
3. Lateral canthoplasty :1,200,000 ~1,500,000 KRW
4. Fat removal during the eyelid surgery : 400,000 ~700,000 KRW

The cost would be changable depending on the difficulty of surgery (caused by patients' eye status) in spite of the same surgery.

If your case is revisional surgery, prices and fees may be subject to a change into about 1.5 times to the normal cost.

However It's difficult to provide confirmed prices without seeing you in real and above prices are just approximate estimate. And also, if you have the surgeries together at a time, we could give you a better price (discounted price) after face to face consultation."

Hmm. Like previous posters mentioned, they do insist on epicanthoplasty – although I specifically mentioned I wasn't interested in it, really. It seems their prices are pretty expensive, too (£3000, US$4500+ for the whole procedure lot).

You're right, sarahgreenbean, Dream simply said:

"If you undergo eyelid surgery, you are recommended to stay in Korea at least 7days.
You can get post-operative treatments including stitch removal and required to visit the hospital one or two times .

Major swelling will gradually go away in about 1week following the surgery day.
But the degree of swelling largely depends on patient's conditions.

Please understand that it is very difficult to give you an exact advice without seeing you in person.
So we suggest you to visit Dream Plastic Surgery Hospital to receive precise information regarding surgical methods.

My colleague will send you the approximate cost by email.

I'm still waiting for that colleague's email, LOL. Interested in how the other clinics will respond, too.
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Oh! Got a reply from Chungdam U!

"Dear [ngalaxiee]~

Thank you for your kind interest in ChungdamU plastic surgery & dermatology.
We perform non incisional method, partial incisional methold, incisional method and excisional method in double fold surgery.

If you have puffy eyelid, you might need fat removal and maybe some skin as well. If you just need fat removal partial incision double fold surgery will be your surgical method. If you need removal of excessive skin you have to have incisional methold or excisional method to make clear double fold.

The average price of double fold surgery is non incisional with fat removal 2,000,000 Korean won, partial incisonal method with fat removal 2,500,000 won, incisional or excisional method with fat removal 3,000,000 won. The price of latereal canthoplasty is 1,500,000 won.
Thank you.

The prices are similar to Teuim, so I'm not too shocked. I might go for the partial incision method, because I feel my eyes aren't as puffy as others', like the ones I've seen in several B&A pictures?

No reply from TLPS yet. I think they're freaking out over my English email and looking for a translator, hehe :3
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