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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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hi, just a silly question, i going to do eyes, nose, and lipo on lower part, i wil stay in korea 11days, which should i do first? if i do eyes n nose in 1 clinic, and lipo in others clinic? Lol...should silly but i really need advise. tq anyone hv experienced same case like me, i wish you can share with me : [email protected]
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Hey I will also be staying at new hiltop!! i'm a bit fussy with hotels, ocd clean freak :P anywayz, what's your feedback on new hiltop (i'm been searching for ages)
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Hi guys. It's been a while, roughly 4 weeks, since I've posted on here. I had surgeries on June 17th with VIP clinic. I'll try to write a brief review here. I did a lot of research on my own and using the information provided by previous and current forumers, I only consulted with VIP and ultimately had my surgeries there. Consultation with Dr. Lee was very brief, roughly 10 minutes as his English was limited. However, Chloe (clinic manager) was very helpful in guiding my questions and eliciting a respond from Dr. Lee. It really help that she speak English rather well/fluent. I might also add that most of the front staff are proficient in English. Anyway, Dr. Lee examined my face, told my face is asymmetrical and that I would need paranasals, midface augmentation, genioplasty, and rib rhino. After looking inside the nose with a scope, he also suggested septoplasty. I asked him about alarplasty, which he agreed. He only minimally explained his approach/surgeries as I'm already aware of them. I showed him a couple of pictures of guy's noses I like some of which were from their website.

I consulted with them on Monday June 16th expecting to have surgery that same day. However, Chloe explained they wanted me to think it over then let them know my decision and surgery would be the next day. From there, had me go to another building where I had blood work and Xrays taken of my head/face. They tested for basic blood work and hepatitis and HIV for obvious reason.

I had my surgery on the 17th of June. I'll go into details starting when I landed in Seoul in the next post.
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Day 0 - Arrival to Incheon Airport Sunday June 15th: Finally landed after a 12 hour flight. I've never flown on an international plane (huge) so I was really excited about the flight. I love flying although I'm scared of heights if you'll believe that. :smile:. I got off the flight, found my luggage, went through custom/immigration area handing them the filled out forms they handed before hand on the planes. I declared that I had more than $10,000 US dollars with me. They pointed to the door, which I went through without knowing they told me to go to the declaration area to declare the cash. Any case, I went through without doing so. Nothing happen to me. I'm still alive and well. Haha. As I was coming out of the gate, VIP driver's who spoke broken English had my name up on a sign so I walked to to him introduced myself. I told him I have a friend coming about an hour later and ask him to wait. He did. When she arrived he took us to the VIP guest house. I discussed this with Chloe before hand. They allowed me to stay there for free for 2 weeks. This is on a first come first serve basis only. The ride from the airport to the hotel was scenic, mountainous, and clean but far. I didn't keep track of time but we guestimate it to be between 30 to 45 minutes. When we arrived at the hotel, he drove into their underground parking lot, got our luggage onto an elevator and took us up to the 11th. The space is basically a suite for those who has rented in the US. Imagine walking through a door on one of the shorter sides of a rectangle, immediately to the left is a small bathroom with a pedestal sink, right next to it is a toilet with built in bidet, and in the corner is a glassed in shower (it is fairly clean). Be careful of the step up from the entrance to the living area and step down into the bathroom. I tripped coming in even after being warned. LOL. On the right side of the hall from the bathroom are closets with a washer but NO DRYER. It is stocked with detergents, extra blankets, sheets, brooms, cleaning supplies, etc. There's also a dorm sized fridge on the right. There's also a desk with a chair next to the fridge on top of which there's a flat screen TV that's probably a 32 incher. There's a microwave on top of the fridge. There's a Culigan man water dispenser with water being refilled when needed (nice touch). Directly across the fridge and desk are two twin sized beds set low on the floor. No box springs, just a hard mattress. I guess I was tired to care. It wasn't that bad but it's not soft like the US for those who like it soft. On the other side of the bathroom wall there's a kitchenet; basically a small 4 burner gas stove, a sink, and maybe a foot and a half of counter space, above counter cabinets and under cabinets. They have bifold doors that close it all it when you're done to hide the kitchen. Finally, the MUST HAVE air conditioning was provided!!! yay!!! Although it did not get it down as cold as I would have liked; maybe around 74-76 degrees I felt. Hey, it's better than nothing right? Can't ask for much when it's free. LOL.

Since it was a Sunday, as soon as we got there we went out walking looking for a dinner place as it was around 5-6 pm already. We found a traditional Korean grilled place. They did not speak a word of English. There was some misunderstanding so we got more food than we could finish. Boy, was red meat specifically beef expensive! Found that their food is a little on the bland/sweeter side for my salty taste buds but it was fun nevertheless. We walked around looking at anything unusual. We found a coffee shop with outside seating so we sat down and people watched. We basically scope places out that night and went to bed fairly exhausted from the flight.

To avoid the jet lag we made sure to tired ourself out so we'll fall asleep when night comes. We fought urges to nap when we got to our room. We did not experience jetlag at all.
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Day 1 - Monday June 16th. Consultation. [Forgot to mention, Joanne from the clinic called the day we arrived made sure we got there okay and if we had any questions. She informed me a driver would pick us up the next day at 0900 to take us to the clinic. I thought it was nice as we forgot to scope the clinic out day prior.] Next day, the driver called us at scheduled time to make sure we're ready, he came picked us up in the basement parking lot and took us into a private basement parking area at the clinic. Felt like a celebrity entering a private door as to avoid the paparazzi lol! It was a nice touch. Anyway, went in, met with Chloe, Joanne, and _____ (I can't remember her name as her English was limited so she didn't converse as much). They all stand out and bow as you come in. [This is normal event every time we see them. I felt bad.] Anyway, Chloe took me to Dr. Lee's office while my friend wait. Chloe helped translate somewhat as Dr. Lee understands English, although seem limited. He assessed my face as I stated in first post. I had not planned on doing sliding genioplasty prior to going to Korea but due to other forumer's suggestions I was open to the idea. Chloe took me to her office. My friend came to me this time. We discussed the price and what not. Since the cost was more than I expected and brought as I didn't plan doing genioplasty for sure. Chloe told me to think about it; don't rush. In the meantime, she took me to their laboratory and radiology department for blood work and Xrays. She told me to come back at 1500 hour to get the results of the labs and pay at that time. My tests came back fine and I decided to do sliding genio as well. Since I didn't bring enough money, I borrowed from my friend. [I repaid her after finding a citi bank with a global sign that allowed us to withdraw Korean Won; the rate was pretty good.] So, I paid her in full, got the receipts, and lists of procedures agreed upon. I decided on rib rhinoplasty, septoplasty for deviated septum, alarplasty, midface augmentation, paranasal implants, and sliding genioplasty. All using rib and ear cartilage. Surgery is scheduled for 1000 hour the next day.
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please go on :smile:
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Day 2 - Surgery Day June 17th. I walked there that morning as the clinic was only a 5 minute walk from the officetel. This is after factoring in crossing two traffic lights. A third of the distance was walking downhill. When we got to the clinic, they said I should have called; they could have sent a driver to pick us up. Oh well, didn't know and it was a big deal. When I got there, Chloe too me to the room where I'll recovering in. There I met Hyong for the first time. He's a fellow forumer on here Uh hum who doesn't post much. We chatted before flying to Korea. Chloe wanted us two guys to room together instead with a woman as we kind know each other before hand. Hyong mentioned my name when he had his surgery the day before. In any case, they had me changed into their front buttoned gown (different from the US with ties in the back and much thinner fabric) and put slippers on. They had me clean out my nose then a nurse came in to shave all of my nose hair as best as she could; then I do more cleaning. Fun lol. They then took me up to their surgical operating room where an IV was started after two attempts as my veins must have went into hiding. [My veins are normally fairly small anyway.] Chloe was with me the entire time until Dr. Lee come into the OR followed by the anesthesiologist. Dr. Lee went over the procedures. Anesthesiologist introduced himself. Then he injected propofol into my veins and BOOM I was awaken and taken into the recovery room. I pretty much slept as soon as I got back. Nose did not hurt, face didn't hurt, but boy did the rib area hurt! Turning hurts, coughing hurts, laying down hurts, sitting up hurts, but as soon as I lie down and not move, no pain. I was attached to IV fluids (saline) and pain medications the entire time. It was dripping continuously. I drifted into and out of my many naps acknowledging Hyong only a few times. They had nurses their a night who come into the room often to check and replace the fluid bags for new ones.

Day 3 - Post op day 1: I awoke the next day to breakfast. It was very bland porridge (plain rice) nothing else, no fish, beef, pork, chicken, whatsoever. I came to hate porridge as that's all they served for breakfast. I tried/forced myself to eat and drink but over did it causing me to vomit it back up. Hyong was nice enough to clean up my mess (thanks Hyong). I did not vomit or feel nauseous after that. Food still didn't taste good, very bland. They switch it up serving what seamed to be boiled Tofu that was bland. I was craving salt or something sour. I asked for salt, which an aid brought me. It was weird looking salt; almost a powder. I'm used to the US where it comes in grains that don't stick to each other like flour. That helped me swallow that down. But I still dread their meals.

As for pain, still just the rib area. I remembered trying to tough it getting out of bed I tried to pull myself up but it hurt so bad that I slammed back down onto the bed lying still as from experience know by now that is the only time when it's pain free. Finally figured out how to operate the bed. Sat myself up at a 90 degree angle swing my legs off the bed and got out of bed. Yay. Went to the bathroom to observe the results. It was a shock but excited to have it done. I'll be honest, I did question why I did that to myself twice but they were short lasting [less than a couple of minutes each]. Here comes the fun part. I thought I'd try to urinate (pee) as I haven't done so since coming out of surgery. I stood there trying and trying finally feeling the urine coming out and then WHAM!!! the pain hits as the urine tried to make it's way out. The pain was so bad that the urge to pee stopped. I tried again, I could feel the urine made it a little further before then pain came on but again it was too much and finally couldn't force myself to go as I was too tired from standing up. I figure I just need to overload my bladder before it will overcome the pain so I went back to bed and drank as much as I could of the big old 2 liter bottle of water then put on the bedside table. Finally, around the afternoon hour I had a strong urge to go. I was able to go maybe a cup until the pain overcame the bladder fullness and stopped. I'll tell you, the pain was worse than the rib at that time, I completely forgot about the rib. It was that bad. Anyway, I kept drinking and drinking, with each time I urinate, the pain lessen and by that night it was more of a discomfort than pain. The discomfort disappeared by the next day. I tried to get up and walk in the room; people watching by the window, etc. As night come, it was determined that I was going to stay there overnight so of course I did. Hyong was still there. [Recall he had surgery the day before I did.]
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Day 4 - Post op day 2: Feeling much better. Could eat more. Getting hungrier and and hungrier even before the food was served. I finished the porridge for the first time. I told myself I need to eat. I asked my friend to bring me and Hyong something salty to eat. She brought noodles, which tasted too sweet. She also brought different kinds of yogurt! That hit the spot! I ate a lot of that. I tried to get up more and actually had to as I drank a lot. Urine was still dark tea colored, which is normal. I tried to walk in their tiny hall connecting patient rooms and more people watching at the windows. Tried to sit up watch TV and browse the web to update you guys but had no energy and didn't feel like doing much thinking haha. I was offered another night in the clinic to recover, which I was thankful as I needed those IV fluids and pain medications. They also offered Hyong to stay another night to keep me company. Luckily he agreed. :smile:. We actually chatted somewhat but Hyong was a little on the reserved or tired side. Or, maybe I was too chatty. Nah. :lol:

Day 5 - Post op day 3: Feeling stronger and steady on feet. I could practically run. Around 1000 hour, we went to another floor for dressing changes and get our hair washed. Still haven't had a chance to look at our noses. But we could see the general shape as the nostrils weren't completely covered. There are two plastic straws sticking out so we can breath from the compression dressing inside the nose. Swelling wasn't as bad as I thought but it didn't look great lol. Hardly noticed any bruising. I could breath through my nose; actually it felt better than before surgery. Rib pain is only noticeable when I try to get out or going to a lying position after getting out of bed. Still on IV medications. Chloe brought in big bag of medications, cleaning supplies, etc... didn't explain much about what to do though. Around 1400 hour, we were told the driver would be there to take us back to the officetel. We got there and went our separate ways. Actually he was on the 12th floor; me on the 11th with my friend. We were told to take a packet of medication four times a day. One of the medication was antibiotic. One was antiinflammatory. The rest? I don't know. LOL. I was getting sick of the meds as they were bitter. Water tasted bitter for some reason. I guess taste was altered due to inability to smell much with the packing. We were instructed to go to the clinic at 10:00 hour for dressing changes and cleaning every morning. I basically slept the entire day away at the officetel.

Day 6 - post op day 4: Got up early, showered head to toe as I felt grossed/dirty. I planned before coming. I had brought clear plastic with me as well as waterproof tape. I taped the plastic using the tape to my forehead and temple areas letting the rest open so I could breath! I taped my IV site that's attached to the pain pump they sent us "home" with. And, I tried to tape my ear. Took shower, I didn't care much if it got a little wet because I knew they're going to change the dressing anyway. I felt good after the shower, got dressed, walked to the clinic with the pain pump clipped to the waist of my shorts. I walked. I didn't care about other's seeing my nose and face. Walked to the clinic with my friend. Met up with Hyong. Walked back together. Felt better walking with someone else whose bandaged up like I was. LOL. Hyong went back to his room. My friend and I went out shopping. Yes shopping. I think I didn't come back to our place until 23 or 2400 hour. Next day was a repeat except more walking and staying up later.
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You are so lucky because you have a company-Hyong. If I can have a company during my surgery or recovery that should be nice. :graucho: Jealous!
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Hi Plastic Buns,

I'm new to this and am thinking about getting PS in S. Korea as well but still doing extensive research. Would you care to share your experience and outcome with me post surgery? I am desperately searching for a quality PS and the options are so vast that I'm overwhelmed. Thank you so much!
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Hi Lexethan,

How are you so far post surgery? Would you recommend VIP to people after your experience so far? I plan on going to S. Korea later this call to get some PS done but doing more research first. I am new to this site as well by the way. Thanks!
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Hi Atseoul,

I have been looking at JW for quite some time now. Can you please update me on your experience with them? Thank you!
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Hi soongsister

Hope u dont mind me asking but who did u hire for translation ?
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Hi planc

Thanks for posting ur experiences.. so glad to hear u went with everm.. this is the main clinic I am considering for my 2 jaw surgery since they r the only clinic that does IVRO for lower jaw.. which is what I need for my jaw asymmetry.. anyway pls keep us updated on ur recovery..

since their website is all in korean how did u converse with them prior to arrival in seoul? I m not sure how to consult them online since they speak minimal English
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