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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey guys!

My friend and I have been in Seoul for the past week. We've visited about 9 clinics and planning to visit at least 7 more - We are staying till beginning of August so got a bit more time to decide. To be honest, both of us have been a little bit disappointed with what we've seen so far - in terms of professionalism and attitude from the clinics.

So far, JW is leaning slightly higher on our list. Has anyone done revisional double eyelid surgery and/or rhinoplasty with them? Please give us some recommendations!

If anyone is in Seoul right now and wants to meet up, we would love to exchange experiences!
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hi atseoul,

what are the 9 clinics that u have visited? could u pls share more?
i will be flying to seoul this sat..what is ur kkao ?
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Kakao is atseoul

We visited Samsung, Cinderella, BK, JW, JK, Grand, Regen, TL, Oz, Wonjin

We did not hire a translator and just went with their own people at the clinic - sometimes in English, sometimes in Chinese. We find the language barrier to be a real frustration. Particularly since its revision surgery for both of us, although we are by no means experts, we are asking a bit more specific questions. Sometimes it's hard for them to get across the more medical aspects and terminologies both from the doctors and from us.

Some places it's not the doctor we have a problem with but the consultants (the ones who you talk about the prices with). They can be really pushy E.g. The grand, saying they can give us a certain discount but only if we booked on the day. Sometimes the doctors seem really rushed - I am going to name and shame the one we went to today TLPS- my friend had questions about her rhinoplasty and the doctor stopped her in the middle saying that she should only ask the important ones since he had an operation to rush to. We understand surgeons can be busy, but when it comes to our faces we would really appreciate being treated as individuals rather than just another case or surgery.

Other places like Cinderella, seems to stereotype you as you walk in and then suggest a set of surgeries
For you regardless of whether it suit you or not and if you need it or not. As I can speak some Chinese, Cinderella automatically assumed both my friend and I want to look like angelababy - a HK model/actress rly famous in china right now. They had her photo up on the screen the whole time, kept on referring to her features and saying 'we'll solve all your problems.' although we do think angelababy is very pretty, we do not think her big parallel crease will suit both of us. And we do not, necessarily want to end up looking like her - if they cared to ask. Plus they quoted one of the highest prices, along with TL.

JW is higher on our list right now because we
Do think the customer service is better. Although by no means is that the deciding factor - but we have the cutest ( and i actually mean cute rather than good looking..) translator ever - despite the fact that he is a guy lol. We like the fact that there is an eye specialist and nose specialist. The two specialist we have seen can speak English - although not entirely fluently- themselves, which I think helps a lot, particularly for communication during the surgery. We are still thinking about eyes, but my friend liked the rhino doctor as he actually listened to what she said, responded to her questions, explained everything clearly
And explored various options. You would think thats the basics for a medical consultation, but we've had real trouble with certain place...We have booked another consultation with JW on Friday.

There's a lot to say, and we are still looking into other clinics. I hope we can talk more on kakao or if we meet up when you are in Seoul ^^
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Hi there,
I came to Seoul on July 3rd and consulted with Chungdam U, Dream and Regen. Had my surgery on Saturday at Regen. I am swollen, and can not really see the results, but I also have nothing to complaint about.
All the three clinics I went to were great! The staff were all super sweet, accommodating and friendly. Surgeons were nice and patience. I felt that I was treated well at all of the three clinics. The reason I chose Regen is that I want a bigger clinic and Regen is definitely the biggest of the three I went to. Honestly I have a long list of clinics that I wanted to visit, but the whole consultation process is very time consuming and I soon lost my interest. Just decided to go for it.
I want to thank everyone here for your support, especially people who have replied to my PM, posted suggestions and add me on Kakao. I am alone and I can not imagine going through this without all these help.
I speak both English and Chinese, and Dr Lee at Chungdam U speaks English, Dr Park at Dream also speaks English. Apart from this, these three clinics also have Chinese translators. Especially at Regen, there are quite a few Chinese translators. Two of them were with me the entire afternoon doing tests and running around. Very nice girls. The translator were also with me inside during my eye surgery, which was great! One of them also came to visit me on Sunday at the hospital even though it was her day off. How wonderful! She also brought me medication etc.
I did my surgery on Saturday morning. Facial contouring, eyes and nose, all at the same time. Stayed in the hospital for three nights in total, because I was not sure that I could handle it. The two more nights of course I paid. It's 200,000 won per night and totally worth it. If I have known about this in advance, I will probably not book hotel and stay at the hospital for one week. You have your own room with everything and have nurses taken care of you anything you ring the bell. You get checked professional, fed and taken care of. For those who are going alone, I highly recommend you thinking about this.
The first couple of days were tough, I can not open my eyes fully without feeling a little irritating and my eyes got all tearing up. That was terrible. And my nose keep having a little tiny bit of these liquid coming out. My mouth were swollen and could not close fully, meaning my saliva also came out. OMG. Oh and my tongue really really hurts. Like burning. At the beginning I thought it was too dry because of open mouth breathing, then I realized that it was actually swollen. The doctors told me that was because during my surgery they put some sort of tubes under there and it took a while to compete all my surgeries, that is why.
After three nights though, I feel manageable at least. Called my landlady, who btw has also been extremely helpful. I found her apartment on Airbnb. She picked me up from the hospital and took me home. Went out to buy food for me etc. Basically I just tell her what I need and she will brought back immediately. So I have been eating very well and in good hands.
I can tell that I'm getting better and better. Still swollen, but I'm feeling my energy getting back.
I can't really tell my results, but the doctors and nurses all said my surgeries were successful. And really at this point, I have nothing to complain about.
I need to go to Regen everyday to get the injection which prevent infection. I was also given pills, but I guess this is good. I prefer to go there and get checked, even it is very basic. Better to be safe. I have not been out shopping and walking etc. I just want to be safe. I walk in the hallway of my apartment inside. And I took taxi to Regen which is only 5000 won. My landlady went with me yesterday.
Thanks very much for everything. I might not check my inbox often, because I don't really feel it is very comfortable to look at the screen all the time, but when I have time, I will try to answer your questions. Honestly, I don't really know a lot. I was lazy and did not do lots of homework before I came to Korea. Also it is very different reading than actually meeting the doctors. I just feel that people here in Seoul are all very nice and friendly, and you just need to trust your heart. That's it.
Oh and about doing all the surgeries at the same time. I just don't want to come to Korea anymore. Never again, so I decided to get everything done. Originally I was only thinking about Vline. Of course, if you changed the shape of your face, your nose will need to fit your new face and eyes could also be a little bigger. Things like that. I don't regret doing all these at the same time, because I know for sure that I will not be able to go through this one more time. Mentally I am so not prepared and I so don't think the trouble, discomfort and torturing is worth it. LOL. Really. As long as you don't look super ugly, please think twice.
Also almost all the three clinics I went to suggested the same procedures for me, so I don't have to think and compare much.
What else, the price. From high to low, Regen>Chungdam U>Dream
That's all. I just don't want to forgot mention anything. Well hope this helps.
And for these who are currently in Seoul, please PM your Kakao. I should be able to go out very soon and I really want to meet up. :smile: I will stay in Seoul probably till the 27th.
Good luck everyone!
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I had primary non-incisional double eyelid and primary rhinoplasty with JW. Overall, positive experience and satisfying results. I posted a summarized review and a B&A pic in this thread around a month ago.
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Yeah, time really flies! I am glad to hear your surgery went well. I can't wait to see how your results turn out. All the best in your recovery!
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Hi, I added you on kakao. Talk to you there :smile:
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Hi, I can't seem to find your post from a month ago. Can you please email us your experience and BA pics please. We would appreciate it so much. We heard good reviews for JW, but at this point, nothing is absolutely decided, so your input would really help. Thanks
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Hi Go2Kr,

Glad you went through with you surgeries and everything has turned so far. Gotta say that you're one though cookie.
Keep us updated!
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