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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi lisa, how did you go with your rhino at JW?
I plan to go to korea mid september and still juggling between pitangui or regen
If you dont mind to swap kakao ID.
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Hi, myself I don't have any experience with jk but I have fews of my friends did vline n rhinoplasty with jk. Also throughout of my research I found out JK hospital has been helping alot patients to fix the problems of cosmetic n plastic surgeries.
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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to make a post about my experience in Seoul getting my nose procedure. I'm korean american, I'm staying with my immo (aunt) in Seoul. I'm not that great at korean so she took me around to help mediate the translations. I'm 23, and I would describe my face as more round than angular. Also a bit long. My nose is on the flatter side, nostrils are roundish. My relatives always tell me that my features are pretty, but my nose could use a little lift :oh:. I went to 5 different clinics and decided on Semin.

Banobagi http://www.engbanobagi.com/
Atmosphere: very futuristic, modern, and clean. The ladies who worked there all wore cute uniforms and were polished and groomed. Some were very pretty.
Consultation: This was done by some random lady. She was very very sweet (too sweet?), but also aggressive in a way. She was clearly skilled at negotiation. She suggested I have some other procedures done but wasn't too pushy. I was also able to see the treating doctor which is always a good sign. I believe his name was Dr. Hyeon Taek Lee. He was such a smooth talker, very flashy smile. Made me a little apprehensive, but I don't doubt his skill. He suggested that I get a silicone implant, tie my septal cartilage together with a strut, and add in my ear cartilage as the tip. In addition, he suggested fracturing my nose bridge and bringing them closer together! That frightened me a bit. I wondered if it's necessary. The price: ~$5,500.

Atmosphere: This place looked nice, but definitely not as high end as banobagi. Definitely smaller. We heard about this place because my cousin's friend got a nose job here. all the girls who worked there had ridiculous noses. I was already a "no".
Consultation: The consulation was done by this sleazy man (who turned out to be a doctor? I don't htink so...). we asked to see the treating doctor and he was surprised. They also didn't post up the doctor's credentials. It didn't say where they went to medical school. I heard that some doctors in korea doing plastic surgery actually never go to medical school. We did eventually see him, but i'm just like uh-uh. no way. he suggested a gore-tex implant, bring in septal cartilage, and ear cartilage tip. cost is ~$2500.

Dream http://en.e-dream.co.kr/
atmosphere: This building was also very nice. Kinda the same experience as banobagi, but a little less up-scale.
consultation: We had a consultation with a nice looking doctor (not the treating doctor though). He was very kind and listened carefully. he suggested a silicone implant, bring in septal cartilage (don't remember if he included the strut..) and ear cartilage tip. no nose bridge fracture required! we weren't able to see the treating doctor because he's very "famous" and it's true, i looked it up online. he's very well-known. His name is Dr. Song Hong Sik. also when we talked to one of the assistants after, we had a hard time setting up a "potential" procedure date because he's busy traveling to china for other procedures. I liked their before and after pictures. it looked very natural and pretty. cost is 2300! pfft. fracturing nose bridge my Richard Simmons. At this point we were pretty interested in this place.

Grand http://eng.grandsurgery.com/
atmosphere: this clinic was probably the swankiest of all the places. Very nice decor, very pretty ladies. Everything just looked fantastic.
consultation: we had to wait 30 minutes past our appointment. They're so crazy busy. (not a good sign). we finally saw a nice lady. She was very good at "selling" Grand. To be honest, she was so enthusiastic about everything, it was hard to trust her. especially when she said things like, "I swear blah blah this" or "In my honest opinion blah blah". By this time, we were pros and we could see through all the BS. Remember ladies - more swanky and more expensive does not mean better. She suggested a silicone implant, tie septal cartilage with a strut, and ear cartilage tip (same same). cost: $2800. Because they were 30 minutes late we were nearing our next appointment time. So we asked if we could be excused and come back later to see the treating doctor. She said sure. Little did we know we would not come back because our next appointment settled it all.

Semin http://semin100.co.kr/eng/main/main.html
atmostphere: the place looked very clean, modern, and professional. Not glitsy and glamorous, but beautiful. I think that was the look they were going for.
consultation: We immediately saw the treating doctor. We were shocked. He joked with us "What? Are you saying I have too much free time? Hahaha" Dr. Hong Jong-Wook was straightforward and honest. Not sickly sweet or arrogant. He listened very carefully and took the time to explain everything. Another thing that surprised us is that he took out binders full of pictures of his work and pointed to each case and remembers so much detail about each one like "This was my friend's son so haha you know, I was very emotionally invested in this case" or "this woman naturally had a high bridge so i put in blah blah blah..." and so on. I told him I wanted a stronger, taller nose and he suggested surgiform over silicone. It's more fitting for someone who lacks a high bridge. I asked him what is the rate of infection for these procedures and he gave me an honest answer: 1-2 cases per year. I looked up complication rates in modern asian rhinoplasty in a peer reviewed journal (I'm a graduate student in neurobiology so I'm very familiar with seeking out trustworthy sources). Complication rates for surgiform or PTFE implants are around 2%. This includes implant deviation, revision, or infection. So 1-2 cases per year is pretty damn good. Other clinics (like banobagi) probably lied to us and said with a smile "in 14 years, there has never been a case of infection" i mean come on. We talked for a while so that he had a good idea of what I wanted. He suggested surgiform implant, septal tying with NO strut, and ear cartilage tip. He said the strut is not necessary and causes a hard nose. It is necessary for girls who want really high noses. Remember ladies, sometimes these clinics make you think you need all these unnecessary procedures just to increase the price. Less is more. So iI learned from Semin: nose fracturing and struts are not necessary.
Afterwards we talked to a nice lady about the logistics. price: $3,800. We had our hearts set on this place, my aunt bargained it down to $3,200. We felt like we could trust these people. We were ready. She said we could have a procedure as early as the next morning. Dr. Hong doesn't pack his schedule like other doctors. He does a few cases per day. We agreed.
procedure; I arrived in the morning. I wasn't afraid, I've been wanting this since I was 14. We met with the doctor one more time for about 15 minutes to make sure he understood perfectly what I wanted. Then a warm looking nurse prepped me. She was very kind and friendly. I found out later her name is Yi Joo-lee (something like that, but anyway, she's awesome. I saw her multiple times for checkups/shots etc.) I was pumped full of silly drugs and I was probably giggling during the surgery. It was over before I knew it. Afterwards, they guided me to a nearby bed and told me to rest for a while. I heard other places just give you the boot - how barbaric. My aunt came in and exclaimed that my nose was beautiful. I guess this was before the swelling kicked in. This got me excited.
recovery: The first day was painful, but tolerable. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I slept day and night. I lost my appetite which made my aunt worried, but it came back the next day. The second day, I swelled up like a balloon. I was barely able to see through my eyes, but the pain was almost completely gone. I'm on my third day, the swelling rapidly declined and the shape of my nose is starting to show. I'm really pleased. It looks amazing. I can't wait to have my bandages and stitches removed in a few days. I'll keep you updated on my progress

Anyway some things I learned that I want to pass onto you ladies (and gents):
More expensive, more procedures, more advertised/beautiful/busy clinics does not mean better results.

clean your nose before consultations! They will get all up in there - seriously.

Be prepared to discuss exactly what you want. They can't read your mind. Bring pictures if you think it will help.

Always ask to see the treating doctor, how else will he know what you want? Check doctor's credentials. Make sure they graduated from an MD program and have years of experience in plastic surgery.

You can negotiate the price. Be firm.

Go to more than one consultation (my last was the winner!) Shop around. Make sure you're comfortable.

When you're about to go through with the procedure, don't wear any makeup! You won't have a chance to remove it effectively afterwards and it just gets yucky.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll try to respond! :smile:

:heart: MollyMillions
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I don't believe everything I hear. I'll go and see for myself and decide whether they're shady when I get there. Strange how everyone who says they had bad experiences at ID, don't show their before and after pictures. If I felt so strongly and wanted to warn everyone not to go there, I would show everyone what they did to me. I've only seen and heard good results do far. Everyone who's said they've gotten bad results are just talk!
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Well it depends on who does ur surgery I guess.. the main reason I cross id off my list is because of the sudden influx of junior doctors.. jus check out their website n you ll see.. otherwise u can look at the id hospital youtube channel... junior doctors do operate so..

But id has good post op care n free pumpkin soup
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Wow! Im sure your new nose will be beautiful! Anyway, the clinic that you went, do they speak English or even Chinese? And, will you be posting your before and after pictures? :smile:
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Would you mind sharing where you do your research? Any particular forum/website? I would like to read up myself too. Thanks!
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I've gone under the knife at least five different times in my life (plus minor touch ups and revisions). I've had surgeries for breasts, eyes, nose, Lipo, and had a facelift done, as well. I've had a few unpleasant experiences and results, but everyone heals differently. Where I may feel that one doctor screwed me, another person has said that he's the greatest in the world! I can't even tell you NOT to go to him because you have to meet him and judge for yourself. Patients, as well as, other surgeons raved about him, and he's even been on TV. But I still got bad results. Why? Well, that's a whole new thread but I will say this --aside from what I could've done to make myself heal better post-surgery, I summized that he was a bit burnt out by this whole business because he's been doing this for over twenty years. His hands, eyes and patience level were not as steady as they may have once been (cont'd)

(cont'd from above) Just because the doctor is a junior does not make him/her an unskilled doctor. Sometimes, it's the junior doctor who is highly skilled with the added plus of young steady hands and a fresh way of looking at things. I would personally not mind at all, getting consulted by the man who invented the procedure I'm going for, and then having him guide a newer surgeon in my surgery... as long as, I get to meet the youngé and it's all on the table. (cont'd)

(cont'd from above) When I get there, I'm going to refer to these claims about him and his clinic. Are they just the manipulative tactics of rivals? Or is there truth to any of these claims of horrible disfigurements? He's running an enormous business of which I'm sure he cares a great deal about. I'm SURE that he wants to stay in business for a long time. It's hard to believe that anyone would operate their business in the shady manner described by so many of you here. (cont'd)

(cont'd from above) I'm beginning to think that this forum is the anti-ID forum. I'm Korean and I don't need a translator. I'm old enough to know BS when I'm face to face with it. So, all of you so bent on telling everyone NOT to go anywhere, especially ID, I'm really sorry to hear your dilemma. I feel you. I've been there! But kindly, instead of trying to deflect everyone from doing a face to face at ID, SHOW us your results. Stop talking about your friend did this or that. Show it. Otherwise, be done with your review, thanks. (Cont'd)

(cont'd from above) Also, if you want to give an informative review, be completely honest and tell us, do you smoke? Drink alcohol? Are you an active person? Are you a younger, or older person? How's your state of mind? (some of you don't sound too well honestly). All of these are extremely important contributing factors to your outcome, not only the doctor's skill set.
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I post this because I read about failure operation from ID. They post their experience on the website cause they do not want people to go there and end up like them.

I read their story and feel very sorry for them, one face become deformed and two of them hurt their nerve, after surgery both have serious migraine and one can't control her saliva.

Whoever ID's fan out there, no one stop you from going to ID or not let you praise about ID, I am just posting what I've read that all.

Anyway for those bad review about ID, they did upload picture with it, this is one of them.
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These are links to a series of videos by a black transgendered woman named Sunny Bee reviewing ID Hospital. I feel that her review is informative, unsolicitous and truthful. After seeing this, i decided to give ID a chance even after reading all your negative reviews. I'm going to Regen, VIP and BK too so i can gauge the different levels of care.



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