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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Omg, thanks for posting! He did a great job! You looked good before too though. Thanks for letting us see what 2 weeks post op looks like. I am so in trouble now. There is no way I am going to be able to hide that from my coworkers and students. I wonder how much swelling will go down by next week.
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Hello! thanks for posting a reply on my previous post. yeah, ive read about the re absorption thing about the dermo graft thing, thats why im also still undecided.

i want to try rib rhino, but im really scared and also heard that warping may occurred if it is not properly grafted and done well.so its better to do it with a really skilled surgeon which i am trying to find, but its so hard to choose since there are alot of plastic surgeons in seoul. im still trying to search whats the best option but im not really into having artificial materials. im just choosing between rib and dermo graft, ive heard some positive things about rib but i actually havent heard about the dermo fat. as for now, JW is my option since they r the only one who is actually answering me thru mails, well BK also answered but they quoted me double the price that JW gave me :/ so im considering them as my option 2. im still waiting for some clinics to reply to me though. then maybe i can make a top 3 or 5 of the clinics which i will pay visit once i get there.

yes, i will let you know when i finally decided which one to have and which clinic to get it done. wow, u r lucky u have your mom with you:smile: if time permits, i might go the same time as u go because as of now im still undecided and i dont wanna rush and be pressured on doing it as im planning this january but i can do until march or so on.

btw, what is TLPS stands for? I havent check that clinic yet, thanks in advance:smile:
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ME 20November - 6 December , few more days OMGGG~
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Hey Iaan,
Much luck with your healing in Korea and your trip to Thailand :smile:
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Not good I'm seriously not happy. The length of my face has shorten a great distance. It wouldn't even matter if the swelling was all gone cause it don't fit my body.

There's like no room the inside of my mouth for my tongue. I need him to slide it back out 2-3mm. The change is just way too much.

My face is swollen like a balloon now. I feel like I can't go home to my family or see my friends. This is crazy!!!
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November 2012
Via 20November - 6 December

December 2012
cjchen December 16- December 25

January 2013
- sWalloW (6th - 19th)
- shockingpinkz (7th - 23rd)
- Cher87 (9th-30th)
- miso soup (7th - 20th)
- JQ132006 (11th - 26th)
- momo2013 (12th Jan - 7th Feb)

February 2013
- sesamekiss (27th Feb - 12th Mar)

March 2013
- spartakooks (7th-16th)
- - R3Gg13 (22nd Mar - 4th Apr)
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ID Hopital

2 jaw no tie is 16mill won
Zygoma is 3mill won
V-line was a freebie.

It all about negotiating. Final price 18mill.

Take about 3-4 weeks. If you are seriously thinking of 2 jaw. It's not fun and takes along time to recover. Dr. Park is known for facial bone contouring and is one of the best. But I just wanted something subtle. Just correct asymmetry. He decided to push me back 4 mm which was huge. If I would had known I wouldn't had done it.
I think 1 mm would had been perfect.
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Idk, in my opinion, breast augmentation is a hard call. I found it is cheaper in Korea than in the States. But the reason why I wouldn't mind paying more, is i like the fact that my doctor would be close by in case something happened and I needed a revision fast.
Sorry I know that didn't help answer your question.
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I haven't heard from them in 1.5 weeks.
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Yea I know how hard 2 jaw its but I am interested because I do have mouth protrusion and they have two methods to correct it, two-jaw and the ASO method and I am not sure which one its the best (both are expensive surgeries).
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Hey Iaan,
It must be a bit frustrating because like all of us, we want PS to address certain problems not have new issues to worry about. 4mm must be a lot if you are willing to do a revision to go back 2-3mm. Do you think Dr. Park went 4mm because he's taking into consideration your orthodontic treatment? Do you think it the vline or 2jaw, or a combination of both, that shortened your face?
Seriously tho, try not to stress yourself out too much right now, you had some serious surgeries that need to heal.
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I'm going to do it. ID was really good at replying a few weeks ago, but I guess w this being peak season, they haven't been able to answer questions.
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I email-ed them at [email protected] and they replied me a few hours later with this short and rude answer :

we'll book your consultation on 18th. Jan. 10a.m
see you then and check your result.

I just send them a long email explaining my situation and asking them questions and this is how they are trying to answer me? I can't believe myself they give me a answer like this. No greetings, not even the name of the person who talk to me etc.
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