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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Are there any other clinics that are known for eyes to locals besides teuim bk bano JW and such? So far I'm not really sure of the skill of any of these clinics. And to the person who had their eyes done at JW, r there any scars? Thanks!
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Hey. the website for the clinic is theclinic.co.kr . In terms of yawning and all that, you can basically resume to your regular mouth capabilities 3 days post op. I started eating solids on my third day... yeah i know... i'm crazy lol. The doctors were surprised, maybe it was my uncanny ability to heal really fast. My swelling wasn't even bad and no bruising, considering that i got everything done... i was surprised as well. No muscle weakness that is causing the jaw to not open. I guess it's because the jaw was cut and it's still swollen and it won't open as much... trust me, 2 or 3 fingers is enough to eat and do whatever. I recommend a baby toothbrush for the first week though.The stitches won't come out if you open, just uncomfortable when food is caught in it. In all honesty, i would not consider going under ga twice, General anasthesia was horrible! intubation hurts the throat when you wake up. Also, not being able to drink or eat for a long time was torture. If i were you, i'd get all surgeries all at one go, if possible. I'm really happy with the clinic's work on my vline. chin is super v, my cheeks are just too chubby and swollen to see the fulll results lol. Good luck and i know you will do awesome
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Honestly, vline and rhino was not even that hard. I could breathe through my nose even with the packing. it's hard to breathe through the nose 5 days post op when the packing is full of snot, but other than that, you could open your mouth two or 3 fingers and that's A LOT of space to breathe. I never experienced jaw lock...thankfully. I'm not sure that is healthy if it happens, so if that occurs, your doctor was not experienced to begin with. I am a boy btw. and the pain meds helped a lot! didn't feel pain as much as i thought i would. just painful the first day and second day. (expected with any surgery that cuts your face open haha) I advise getting all surgeries in one go... General anasthesia is no joke. who wants to suffer from waking up from ga twice?!?! trust me, once u do it, you don't want to do it again.
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NO LUMPS! I LOVE FAT GRAFT! my forehead is amazing and my temples are fuller. My cheeks are chubby than i want, but that's because it's swelling with fat. fat graft is not painful at all, and i'm sure there isn't a lot of sweling with it. it looks lumpy when you wake up from ga, but it smoothens out the second day.
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Hi everyone! I’m currently in Seoul and just got my nose, eyes and fat grafting done yesterday. Everything looks fine for now save for the copious amount of dried blood all over my nose which is honestly quite disgusting and bad for the stitches, i reckon? Does anyone have some post-op tips? The clinic i went to didn’t give me much post-op care information. :sad:

I went to a total of 4 clinics for consultation.


First was JW. Before coming to Seoul, I had read a lot of rave reviews about JW on different forums so I had pretty high expectations. JW is a 5 minute walk from Sunshine Hotel (where I am staying), and looks clean and modern. I had my first consultation with Dr.Suh, who was really gentle and nice in person. He spoke English to me throughout my consultation and was honest about what he could and could not do for my nose. Although I had a deviated septum, he didn’t recommend osteotomy as he felt that my deviation wasn’t severe. He wasn’t very detailed, but essentially he communicated that he would be able to correct my asymmetrical nostrils and slim down my bulbous tip.

Next, I met with Dr.Kang to talk about my eyes and fat grafting. Dr.Kang was not as gentle as Dr.Suh. He recommended many other invasive procedures on top of my request for just Epi. He was very comprehensive though, and drew lots of diagrams to illustrate his point to me. Dr.Kang doesn’t speak English so we communicated through my translator, Nicole.

After that, we went to speak to the consultant who gave me my price quote. Before I came to Seoul, JW actually quoted me 8k USD for just revision rhinoplasty and epi, but after consultations, I was only quoted 8.8k Singapore Dollars for rhino, eyes and fat grafting! I was pleasantly surprised. Also, it was then that I requested for Dr.Choi (the senior eye surgeon) to perform my epi instead of Dr.Kang.


O&Young was a little far off and Nicole, my friend and I had to walk through the rain to get there. The clinic is rather small scale and is situated in a short, no-frills building. Furniture wasn’t very modern and the entire place was rather.. Old fashioned. I took a CT scan and was soon ushered into Dr Oh’s office.

Dr Oh is rather senior and in his early 50s I reckon. He was very aggressive and recommended a total of 4 procedures for my nose: deviated septum correction, rhinitis correction, tip plasty and alar reduction. I tried asking him if he could simply correct my asymmetrical nostrils and adjust my tip without doing the other 2 invasive procedures, but he insisted that all 4 procedures were absolutely necessary. Essentially, he struck me as a perfectionist. He was definitely knowledgeable and knew his way around noses though, albeit extremely aggressive and confident. Also, he was not gentle while touching and pinching my nose and I did not appreciate the pain or the disregard for my comfort.

I was quoted a whopping 12.5k Singapore Dollars in total for eyes, nose and fat grafting. I wasn’t very surprised though; I had budgeted enough money for everything but what turned me off about O&Young was their aggression and unwillingness to listen to my opinions. However, I do think Dr.Oh would be good for those who need many different and complicated things done to their nose.. Especially osteotomy.

Chungdam U

I had read a couple of good reviews on Chungdam U, although none were about revision rhinoplasty in particular. Nonetheless, I decided to go for a consultation and assess their skill set myself. Changdam U was newly renovated and nicely furnished. I met with the doctor who was really soft-spoken, gentle and nice, although a little bit young. He was very careful and gentle with my nose and didn’t cause me any pain at all. I really liked him, and he spoke in English to me throughout the whole consultation. He did also mention that a dramatic change could not be produced for my nose due to my thick nasal skin and huge nasal bone. However, he was going to do all 3 surgeries for me (eyes, nose and fat graft) but I wanted separate doctors who were more specialized in each field, so I had to axe Chungdam.

However, I would recommend this place to those doing single procedures, perhaps! I was quoted 11k Singapore Dollars for all procedures.


The first word that comes to mind when I recall my experience at April31 is.. Swanky. The clinic was very clean, modern and lavish. Everything was slick and polished, and the consultants were professional but curt.

The first doctor I saw was Dr.Bak Seong Wan which surprised me, as I was expecting to see Dr.Kim, the head rhinoplasty doctor. Dr.Bak, similarly, highlighted the limitations of my nose due to my thick skin and enormously high nasal bone. He kept emphasizing that the deviation of my septum would still be apparent after surgery and my nostrils would still be asymmetrical. He was pretty gentle too, and really tried his best to speak to me in English. I liked him as a person although I felt that he wasn’t very confident (although he was really good-looking. Haha.) in his skills, so Nicole requested to see Dr.Kim instead.

Dr.Kim is in his late 40s / early 50s and was very intimidating. The first thing he said to us (in Korean) was ‘why did you specially request to see me?’ and Nicole replied ‘because you are supposedly the best in the field, right?’

To which he had no answer to, which was pretty smart and cheeky of Nicole! I got the vibe that Dr.Kim felt that we were wasting his time and wasn’t very detailed in his consultation. He was really rough with my nose too, and spoke to me in a very condescending tone, and was patronizing when addressing my concerns. I was pretty offended because as a customer, I believe I deserve some basic respect from the people of whom I am giving business to. However, I could tell that Dr.Kim was very confident (although bordering on pompous) and extremely skilled, though complacency may factor in when someone is over confident. I do think he would probably have produced excellent results as he is very well-known and experienced. The consultant was very curt and hardly smiled at us while talking. All in all, I felt that April31 was a bit too stuffy and ostentatious for my liking. What I did like about them was that they, too, had specialized doctors for each surgery, i.e. one for eyes, one for nose and another one for fat grafting.

I was quoted 11k Singapore Dollars for all 3 procedures.

After going back to the hotel and weighing the pros and cons of each clinic with my friend and Nicole, I decided to go with.. JW!

Dr.Suh’s bevy of good reviews and his gentle personality sealed the deal for me. Also, JW is located so close to my hotel which meant less travelling for me post-op! Although he wasn’t very detailed during my consultation, I somehow had a good feeling about him and decided to just take the plunge.

Day of Surgery

I couldn’t sleep at all the night before the surgery. I remember praying very fervently for God to watch over me during the op as I was getting increasingly nervous.

I reached JW at 10am in the morning and had to fast for 4 hours as a preventive measure although I was only going under local anaesthesia. After settling paperwork and prepping myself for surgery (changing of clothes and making payments), I was positioned in the recovery room and waited for Dr.Kang to come in for my fat grafting. He came in shortly and drew on the fat grafting portions. Next, I was transferred to the operating theatre and stripped of my pants (to suction the fat from my thighs) which was quite a humiliating experience. I remembered lying on the table and thinking ‘what have I gotten myself into!?’ and sorely regretting my decision.

Next thing I knew, I was waking up and brought back to the recovery room. The fat grafting was done! I was set to wait for about 30 mins for Dr.Choi and Dr.Suh for my epi and rhinoplasty. Waiting took quite a long time, and Nicole went to ask if they could speed things up a little. She really was a god-send, and I am so thankful for her.

Soon after, I was brought back to the operating theatre and Dr.Choi came in and started drawing on my eyes using a toothpick dipped in ink. It was sharp! He was in a chirpy mood and was talking happily to the nurses. He asked me if I spoke English or Mandarin, then proceeded to speak to me in a mixture of both. I remember him saying something funny to me then chuckling, though I don’t recall the content of the conversation. He was extremely gentle while injecting the anaesthesia into my eyes, and often paused to ask if I was hurting. I couldn’t have asked for a better doctor.

Epi was completed really fast and I was awake throughout the entire process but I didn’t feel scared, mainly because I was once again praying fervently, and also because Dr.Choi helped calm my nerves.
About 10 minutes after Epi was completed, Dr.Suh came in and started drawing on my nose. He, too, was very comforting and told me gently, ‘ok, now you’re going to sleep!’ and the next thing I knew, I was out like a lightbulb! I woke up halfway during the op though I don’t remember much.. I only remembered seeing Dr.Suh’s face looming above mine and feeling really groggy. (continued in next post)
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(continued from previous post)

My entire surgery took quite a long time and by the time I was done, most of the receptionists and clinic staff had left for the day. I was guided to the recovery room and medication was given to Nicole and my friend with very minimal instructions. I was also not given a hot / cold pack which puzzles me. Nevertheless, my friend will be going out to buy some sterile cotton buds and saline solution to wash the gunky blood off my nose later.

Going through surgery in a foreign country is no joke, mad props to anyone who has done so, especially alone! I don’t think i could have done it without my friend with me.

I can’t really pass any judgement about my results yet, though from what I can see.. There is definitely an improvement, though not much. Nose is slightly narrower though still big. Nostrils are now symmetrical, though slightly angular-shaped? I’m hoping they will smoothen out once the swelling subsides. The tip and columella are a tad bit too upturned for my liking, although the septum and tip both look pretty straight, which I am thankful for. Bridge is swollen though I didn’t get any bridgework done. My eyes look slightlyyyy asymmetrical but once again, too soon to pass judgement. No complaints about the fat grafting save for the fact that I can't bathe due to the bandages on my thighs
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Thanks for sharing your experiences. I also went under GA for mini V-line more than a month ago and that was the worst feeling ever in my life waking up after the surgery. Personally I wouldn't want to go under GA again. I think I have got the side effect from it, since then I have lost my ability of being concentrate. It's going crazy at work and I feel like I wasn't quick and think straight like before.
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Aww thanks for a detailed post on your experience!

Thank goodness everything seemed to have gone smoothly for you. I'm glad you felt comfortable with JW because it's on my list too and I'm hoping that you'll love your results. I'd think that they'd also be providing the standard post op ice/heat pack and pumpkin juice care package thingy but if anything, I'm sure you can always ask Nicole to ask for you or get them elsewhere. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and keep us posted!
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I want to do the double eyelid surgery too in Korea. But should I go to BK or OZ which one is more expensive and if my double eyeld surgery fails (which I'm really scared off :cry: )who's bettter in doing revision and will both of these clinics do the revision for free because it's their mistake or do I also have to pay for that revision if so that's just ridicilous. Some help would be appreciated.
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Hi! Thank you for a very detailed review about JW! I was caught in between JW and Teium as I wanted to do my eyes and nose together ^^ probably now I'm leaning towards JW? Anyway, if possible, after you've healed, could you please post a picture of yourself? Are you comfortable with it? :smile: thank you! ^^
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Hi! Even though I'm not really experienced in these but, I would recommend you to read this forum from the start. It would really help you a lot as it helps me to decide on which clinic to go for. Prices are vary depends on how your eyes are shaped :smile:
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If you're getting just nose, once bandages are off, which is 5 days post op, it will look swollen. But, you can go home by then. A lot of people can resume daily life once it is off. Cost was around 3-3.8K usd. All depends on your nose to begin with. The clinic has doctors that can speak moderate english. The staff, not so much, but the doctor did talk to me a little. If you have a picture in mind of what you want, and their english ability, it will be enough. No need for a translator!
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BOYIZZY, glad you toughed it out. What did you pay for the V-Line Surgery?
On Seoul touchups website they list prices for surgeries, but they seem very high and inflated.
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