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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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anyone heard of jewelryps?
my translator told me that its getting very popular ...she mentioned quite a few clinics as well. I've heard of everyone of them except jewelryps, she said alot of china people go there for surgery.

I asked her about View and she said she nvr heard of View before...
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Due to swelling and bigger eyelids, that make you think eyes look smaller.. you will have more beautiful eyes after all swelling go down..:happydance::happydance:. if I'm not wrong, one of HKPNY's post mentioned about not to have rhino together with jaw surgery (not remember miniV or jaw or mandible or zygoma, to me all make the face smaller :greengrin:smile:
will have difficulties breathing after surgery. so.. still it wise decision not to have rhino together with your miniV.. u can have rhino anytime..
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one of the member "worries" done her revision there .. not happy with the result.. u can find back her posts about jewelryps..
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They slid back my upper and lower jaw 4mm with an downwards angle. Which brings my chin in even more in. I had a long jaw it more than than half the size now. My lower jaw so deeply in thats where Dr. Park had to give the v-Line in order to shape and contour the angel so it would look normal.

The inside of my mouth feels not normal. In order to stick out my tounge I have to aim downwards. It use to be straight out. I sometime accidentally bite the sides of my tounge now.

If you have protruded buck front teeth I highly recommend a normal straight slide. You will need othadontist treatment anyways after 1-2 months for a year.

If you don't want a drastic change don't gomore than 2mm.

Dr. Parks speaks perfect English he said he's going with a 4mm slide. I had no clue it was such a huge facial change. He did not ask how much of a change it would be. Or asked if i even wanted a drastic change. Being that he is well recognized i went along with him. He spoke about my upper teeth that they extremely pointed outwards. He will put them in an angle so they look more straight. I figured wow this sounds amazing right now.

This is were I went terribly wrong I had no clue what it would it do. The roof of my mouth feels like its in the front now when i stick out my tounge. I really wish I just had a regular or not come to Korea. I also wish he had told me this would happened when the upper jaw is rotated.

Recovery is a ***** you will go through phases. You can only eat liquids and that's not fun. Your meds you must eat 3x a day. You will have the runs.

Day 2 you will start noticing the changes looking in the mirror when your able to get up after they pull the catheder out your penis or vag. You will have to get up off the bed from this point. And walk around the GA is still kicking so your pretty much forced.

Day 3 - you leave the recovery room and must go back to your hotel. Here is where hell breaks lose mentally. I was discharged on day 2.

Day 4 & 5 are the worst. If anyone is going for a 2 jaw I advise you not to come here alone, Like i did. Do really understand what you are about to do to yourself.

You will have regrets or either don't. It takes a year to fully recover from having two jaw surgery not 2 months.

I'm on day 6 now still having a hard time getting a grip. Zoe showed up to slap my mind around. I was mentally unstable.

Nights are the worst your head will start ringing and face will get extremely swollen. You will have difficulty breathing.

I don't want to discourage anybody that really needs it. If its just for looks only take many picture of yourself and learn to love your self. It's not worth it!
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2 jaws take a long time to recover...its a major major surgery.
I am happy you went thru it n now its only the recovery period. You will love your new look in due course.

Do you hate what Dr Park now?

Wondering how different is vline and zygoma from 2 jaw...
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Iaan.. very sorry to hear your story le.. Don't u have any contact with any members from this forum? none of them are in Korea now for surgery? I know that noone can't help u much, but at least you have someone know to talk to... no worry.. you are not alone in this journey, we all here to support u.. try to stay positive, because you are now only at day6.. things may not bad as u think, when swelling go down......... Cheers!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
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no surprise ur career as a lecturer/teacher, you are very good at taking note down plus comforting to others.. :biggrin: opposite from yours, I'm very bad at those area..but no worry.. try to log-in during your PS journey at Kr.. talk to us.. I'm try my best to comfort u ... :greengrin: lucky u, there are a lot of members going on Dec too.. u will have fun.. good luck!!!
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Hello - yes, i agree with you. One of my earlier posts indiciated that it was a wise choice i didnt do rhino and vline together. It was very very hard to breath right after the surgery and you will feel extremely down/ depressed. So being able to hear myself breath was very soothing. :smile:
Thanks - I am looking forward for the swelling to go down. I recognize i am only 2 weeks post op and i am actualy recovering really well (according to Zoe and others)... however, having p-s does take a mental toll on you.
Beign on this forum really helps though - to help listen, and also offer some experiences that I've gone through.
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Hang in there Iaan. 2-jaw is a major surgery and recovery is long.... The good thing is, you are done with the surgery and the worse of days. The coming days will continue to be tough, but it will be slightly easier than the past. Most important is to keep a positive/ optimistic attitude and deal with it one day at a time. We are all cheering for you here - and we all care for you here. :smile: Love from all around the world !!!!!

But to the rest of the forumers, I agree with Iaan. P-S is quite a journey, and especially if you are doing facial countouring. Most so if you are doing 2-jaw. It is an extremely emotional process. Recovery is long, and it will be tough. It's not an automatic turning ugly ducking into a swan princess over night. Not like the type of p-s success cases that we see on TV or celebrities or Angelababy.

I think my case is pretty successful - or at least recovery for me has been pretty rapid. And just yesterday, I questioned myself if I did the right thing. And at some moments, I missed my old face. I dont know why I thought so... may be just an emo-moment.
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V-line are for the lower jaw it can be shaped to make your face appear long, short , long or wide.

Two jaws are used if you have a protruded mouth or gummy smile. But there are whys to do without having 2,jaw.

Zygoma are your cheeks bones. You can get a v-line to make your cheeks appear wider, slimmer or longer. Dr. Park is best at this.

I can only hate my self! For not knowing to ask the right questions. He doesn't ask you any questions. You ask him. You either read it on here or go with the doctors recommendation. And find out later if complications of the patient.

Sure you might look good but are these changes going to work with functioning reasons. Example: I have a wide tongue now I'm biting both sides constantly.

Lost of hearing to my left ear. He said that is normal. A patient would think that it's normal thats it ok?
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Thanks Mia! And all the support you guys are giving me. If not for ya'll and especially Zoe today I would have already killed myself. I really want my old self back. I understand its too early to tell because I'm still recovering.

I'm glad you are doing well and happy with your new eyes. I have another week here left in Seoul. Feels like months. I'm just so tired. i want to hop on the next flight home already.
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Hi Swallow86 - what procedures are you thinking of doing and how many days are you going for? ID was able to schedule my surgery 2 days after my initial consult. Consult was noon on Tuesday and surgery scheduled for 8am on Thursday. However, when I went, it was not a peak period. Peak period is Nov and December and July and August. Depending on what you do, i would think that 1-3 day is worth the wait than trying to put a deposit down. However, ask Zoe or the clinic - sometimes the wait can be relaly long like 1 week, then its not worth it.
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I do...they are arriving on Monday for PS. Trying to stay positive. Thank u!
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