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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi dor3mi, I'm also intending to do forehead lift with Aone. Chungdam U will do my lateral cantho. For nose, fatgraft and maybe facelift I will decide after I have the face to face consult. These two clinics are my main choice but I will consult a few other ones to get an idea of techniques & prices. I will just do walk ins on random clinics on Apjugeong.
Where are you from and when are you going? I'm from Perth, Australia.
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Hi Motherhen,

I had endo-forehead lift at Aone 2 weeks ago and I am very satisfied with results so far. I need to wait 2,5 months to see definitive result though. Dr. Kwon is so cool as a doctor and a person. You'll like him too I am sure.
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Dor3mi, what type of rhino do you want? Silicone or cartilage? Have you booked your flight?
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Is anyone here already booked their flights to Korea for end of December? I think I need to find a buddy before I can book mine. Why am I being such a scaredycat when it comes to being in a foreign country, don't speak the language AND have PS? Those that go by themselves, how do you guys over come this?
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Oh really? Thank you SO much for your comment. That made me feel more confident in my choice. Did you have anything else done by him Lovevol?
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Hi, I've booked mine with a friend. Will be there on 16 dec!
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Hi motherhen, for facelift surgery, have u considered tlps? I saw their b & a are quite amazing. I'm going with mum, we'll be visiting tlps and bk for facelift in Oct. TLps haven't replied my email yet, but we r definitely will check them out. Not many review of aone in this forum, but they seem good at anti-aging surgery.
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heyy, so happy for your successful surgery.. hehe.. can i know how to contact anita?
thanks for your help.. =))
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Hi Motherhen,

I'm from West Coast, US and will be traveling next year around Mar-May. Is there a reason why you didn't select Chungdam U for rhinoplasty and fatgraft. Their b/a looks good but I guess it's more of an ulzzang look. My only concern with Chungdam U is it is a smaller clinic so I'm not sure if they cater to foreign patients or have high safety standard. I could be wrong but it seems that all the pix/story on the blogs show that the patient just wash their face and proceed with surgery. And according to some reviews here, it seems that the patient was aware/can feel pain during the process so I'm not sure if the patient underwent GA or just local. Or do they any testing to screen if patients are suitable for surgery? Safety is a big concern on my list and I also do not want to experience any horrific experience. In any case, I hope you're able to find great doctors/clinics that can deliver your wants/needs. :smile:

I would prefer to use ear cartilage but I'm not sure if there will be enough to for the doctor to achieve the nose I want. I'm hesitant about using silicon but isn't totally against it. I've known some people who had silicon for implants and it last for years. However, I prefer not having any foreign material in my body as much as possible so if the doctor can give me the nose I want with using just ear & septal cartilage then it will be great!

I haven't book my flight yet. I've been researching online to decide when is the best time to book and it seems that one should look into booking flight 3-5 months ahead of the traveling date.

We will miss each other! :sad:

I understand your apprehension as I am feeling the same. It's scary traveling to a foreign country alone, undergo surgery, not knowing the language....I think PF helps a lot. If I'm not mistaken, I think there is a list that you can add yourself on and keep in touch with PF members who are going at the same time. It will definitely help to meet up with people who are going through the same thing for mental support and company.
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Hi guys! I'm ne here, but i have been silently stalking for months. I will be going to Korea to get surgery May of 2015. (yes i know far away, but it is right after I graduate high school)
Anyways, after months of research, I have decided to do double eyelid surgery: excisional and epi and here are my top choice clinics
1. banobagi
2. teumps
3. bio (but heard this is really expensive and not many reviews)
Any suggestions? I already have double eyelids, but i just want them bigger, when I close my eyes it is at 5 cm, but I want it at 7cm or is that too high?
Thank you guys!
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Hi dor3mi, I haven't chosen Chungdam U to do my nose is because their suggested silicone and i don't want silicone because of calcification and implant extruding with time. Also, I want to select the surgeon who understands exactly what I want as I don't want a revision and rhino has the highest rate for revisions, that is from PF alone. However, I like their style of noses so who knows maybe they can just use my septum and ear cartilages.
I know there is a list that people add their name to but for the month I want to go there is no one yet. I want to book my ticket early cos the later you leave it the more expensive it gets. Do you have anyone to go with?
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Thanks, I'll check them out. Would you please update after your mum has her facelift. If possible I would really appreciate her b/a photos. You can email or pm me.
I read a lot of complaints/bad reviews about BK, such as they are too busy like a factory, doctors are not listening to you, not willing to fix up mistakes etc. They are also on the top of a blacklist as well!
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