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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey Iaan,
Have you been walking around? Are you able to walk around? I understand you may be heavily bandaged up - but that helps sometimes. Also will make your face feels better, especially the night time when it swells up more.
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Not really. But I did earlier today for a few minutes. I can't walk outside without a mask. I will buy extra mask in the morning because I'm constantly bleeding out my mouth and nose. Paranoid of ppl looking at me doesn't help either.

Zoe basically have to drag me out of my room. It not her job but she does it to help me get myself together and learn how to live again. She goes out her way and treats me pretty well. She tells me to trust it. And learn to cope.

I think that is my mine concern. It's had already been done part realizing what I've had done was killing me since day 2 in recovery. I've been up for 3 - 4 days straight. Today was the only time I slept and that was only 2 hours.
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Hi Iaan, I'm really sorry you're having such a rough time. But I'm really thankful that you shared your experience with everyone. I was initially planning on going to ID because of some of the recommendations on PF, and I was skeptical after reading the experiences of others on cozycot (some below). But I figured they may be the rare cases, so I gave ID the benefit of the doubt. But you too?! I think I've read too many negative reviews, and have decided to cross ID off my list.

Meemeepeenay needed revision from Dr. Park because she wasn't happy with his first job (I was too lazy to find that post out of the 200 she had). But she gave a good piece of advice...
Mzain also said that Zoe used to work for ID. So I think she may be slightly biased having worked for ID for such a long time, and that may be one of the reasons she always recommends it... not necessarily because it's the best clinic.
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This is emotionally depressing I feel like I can't ever see my family again. My jaw line looks crazy stupid. I am running out of money. How can i see my friends like this.

This is such an extreme difference from what I was. I can't understand how this could happen. This is nuts!!!

I wished I knew what I was getting into before I decided to do it. I'm seriously regretting it more and more now with each day. The swelling went down a little I can see how it's about to take form.

My profile view is completely different. Spartan warrior and I now have the same profile.

I want my Asian flat face back. I don't have the money to do a revision and I don't want to have to go through this again. This is only getting worst but I can finally speak.

I am worried if I can head back to the states this looks nothing like me. Holly crap!!!
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Hi..Im new to the forum but I've been lurking for a while. I'm so sorry that things didn't go as you had hoped. But it's not over. Your family loves you no matter what. You will be alright. Maybe with time you will be more used to your face and learn to like it more. I have heard many times that PS patients are usually upset initially because they are shocked at the change but after they become more used to it they actually learn to like it.
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My face is ruined. This was suppose to be only a minor change. I CAN NOT recommend this clinic. I look nothing like me.

When I use to go to ID this one receptionist would always give me a smile. She would call me by name. I went there yesterday she couldn't even look at me. She would look down when I looked at her. It's very depressing.

I need to figure out what to do with my life right now. How am i suppose to explain this to my family. Even if I had the best doctors in the world I can not go through the agony again. It's torturous.
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Hi iaan.... I watch a show about this girl who went thu two jaw. after a year she still cried when she talked about her experience, she said the recovery was tough n she ate only liquid fkod for a month... She was swollen and couldnt recognise herself n she kept a diary during this period to help herself pull through the ordeal..

After a year, she looks amazing.

When u r feeling depressed, u tend to magnify the behaviours of people in ur surrounding n takes it in a negative way. Maybe the receptionist was busy or having a rough day

Give urself more time to judge the end result, u r still swelling n it is nt accurate to judge nw.

Hang in there! The worst is over, only better days ahead!
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Thank you for your kind words..,

I don't know if I have the strength and the courage to tell them. Shocking yes! This is much worst than what I looked like. And it don't look like me. There is no way...I was so excited coming here and couldn't wait. Now regretting it more and more as each day passes I'm closer to killing myself for what I've have done. How can I be so stupid. I look like a science project.
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Well said FantasyFace!

Iaan - we can all feel you and your pain. I can only imagine what you are going through. But buddy, please stay STRONG. You HAVE to. YOu are alone in Korea and now is the time you really need yourself.

Focus on 3 things:

1) Trusting it will get better - your face has gone through A LOT of trauma and you are only at Day +6. I think you may be a little too harsh on yourself. Trusting that it will get better will definitely help

2) Go OUT to WALK!!! Get some fresh air and oxygen. Go early in the morning or late at night if you want to avoid people. I used to wake up at 7am to walk - and then walk on the smaller streets. There are very few people around - and so what if they look at you? No one knows you - to hell with them!! And when you walk, think about the happy little things. Like when you were young, the games you played or the tricks you played on others. I cannot stress how important this is - it's a mental check.

3) Please, please sleep - Your body needs to rest in order to heal. If you are having trouble sleeping, perhaps ask Zoe if the doctor can prescribe you some sleeping medication.

If you focus on the three things below - and continue to write and blog, I trust things will get better. As you say, what's done cannot be undone at this point. So, do yourself a favor by letting your body heal. Rest yourself. You have gone through a lot buddy - and that's the very least you could do for yourself at this point.

From all of us here!!
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Hi there - thanks for sharing... The one thing I would like to say though, is although Zoe indeed has worked for ID, i think she possesses great integrity. She truly believes that ID is one of the greatest clinics based on the experience that she had. She herself had a minor procedure done the week I was there, and she did it at ID herself with Dr. Kim. She also paid for her procedure. She told me that a few years ago, she wanted to get 2 jaw done because of slight mouth protrusion, but 3 doctors at ID talked her out of it separately because they told her that she DIDNT need it for a small issue and it was a big surgery -not worth to go through it for a slight mouth protrusion. She finally opt out of it. Her friend though (who happens to be my Consultant when I was there), went through it and skipped work for 1 month. She turned out good.

When I was communicating with her (before knowing her personally), she did recommend other places based on what I wanted to do (i.e. breast may want to consider Migo, for dolly eyes some go for Jewellery, etc.). So, I dont think she is biased. For those of you who personally know her may be able to attest as well. She does go all the way out for you. I am not recommending/ vouching for her - but since she's not on this forum, ,I thought she deserves a little voice of what i know of her.

I do think it is OUR own responsibility to make a good decision and to protect our interest- i.e. finding out about the surgeon, doing detailed research about the procedure, asking A LOT of questions, making sure your surgeon know what you want and what you dont want and finally, not make a haste decision. Finally, know what you are getting yourself into and mentally prepare yourself.

We are talking about surgeries here - Anyone who goes through this will have some types of risk. It is not guaranteed. I think sometimes we are blindfolded by the success stories and not know what we got ourselves into. of course, this is all still a learning experience (even for me!).

I think this experience that you posted here and Iaan's experience is benefiting others to think thoroughly if this is what they want. This is like a little community and support system!
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Hey Iaan,

For the first 3 days (and I only had mini-V), I was constantly biting on my tongue too. In fact, I remember the first night because the swelling was coming in so bad, my tongue was forced to be pushed out of my mouth (like I was sticking my tongue out playfully). I think it was because of the swelling INSIDE of your mouth. Also are you still wearing the headband/ headwrap? If so, that's going to contribute to it too. Your entire mouth is swollen on the inside and the headband is compressing your head from the outside - so naturally it leaves very little space for the tongue. I dont have that anymore now. I hope this gives you a little relieve.

One thing I have to agree with you - Dr. Park speaks very minimally. Even if you ask him a lot of questions, sometimes you need to draw the answer out of him. I dont think it's because he is not smart or good, but I think it's his style. I asked him how my face shape would look like after the surgery, he just looked at me and didnt give an answer. So I thought he didnt understand me. So I was using sign language and indicated " is it a sharp V, oval, etc"? And then he says "oval". I also specifically told him I DONT want a sharp V and I want to look natural. So I think you really need to pull it out of him (for answers) and to ask good questions.

Because I was very concerned about swelling, I asked him whats the difference in the swelling of mini-V and actual V-line? (I know V-line you will swell so much that you can't even recognize yourself). He thought for a while... and then I said, is it the same as V-line, 50%, 20%??? and then he said 60% of V-line, and then smiled. I think he was pretty darn right on there.
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im sorry to hear your not satisfied for now
but its still to quik to judge i think
you have to recover from all the pain
i hope it turns out good for you and after a few months
you can say its worth it
wish you all the luck in the world
thx for sharing your experience
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Hey Iaan,
Reading what others have posted to you, we are all here feeling your pain. You alone have even managed to bring silent forumers out offering words of encouragement. If you can do that with total strangers, then you know you will have even more encouragement and support from your family and friends.
I had a chin implant put in and for along time, I felt like I looked like Jay Leno. A female looking like Jay Leno is not hot at all. I have always felt like I had a huge head and adding a chin make me panic even more. I'm the person always standing in the very back of photos so that my head looks the same size as the person in the very front. My husband is the exact opposite. He jokes he is this one particular character on Beetlejuice. If uve seen the movie youll know exactly who I'm talking about. If u haven't, it means i am too old. Hahaha. Anyways, my husband has a very very small head, he's over 6 ft tall and has very broad broad shoulders. Luckily, one big head and one small head made normal size head kids. What I am trying to say is we've both learned to accept it and make do with it. Unfortunately ours is genetics, we have nothing to blame it on. Yours was due to surgery and can always blame it on that. But I, like the rest here, say give it more time. Your ortho will probably remove some teeth to make room for your tongue. If after all the swelling is down and you still are unhappy, you have another surgery. Period. Your desire to want to have it fixed, will bring the $ to fund it.
Stay positive. I almost lost my life in a huge accident and although I looked horrible afterwards, I never once thought about my looks, instead I was happy to have been given another chance at life. So your decision may have taken you a step back, whose to not say, getting a second surgery won't take you 2 steps forward? What if you needed this surgery to get you to mega-hot status with the next? Or, what if your family thinks this surgery looks good, but you are just not used to it? You just never know until you give it time. I still think you need to give yourself time, but if you are still not happy after time has passed, redo it. And think you have a chance to offer others who might go through the same situation words of encouragement.
You always have us here. Take care of your health right now. Stay strong guy.
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Hahaha, note taking! Wow, that was very teacher-like of me.
I will definitely post my consults, surgery experience, and time/experiences in Korea w the others on here. I really hope all us going in december can hang out at least once.
Thank you so much! Yes, please, please, please stay on and talk to us, especially on Christmas!
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HI Iaan,

Juz did my surgery on 7 Dec at ID as well with Dr.Kim/Gim. Í'm on my 9 day post-op, some bruishes still on my eyes, face....can't imagine I juz did my nose and my face is swollen!!
It must be cold in seoul now especially when u r alone, must do alot walking, its really help. I do feel that I don't look like myself but I'm waiting for the swelling to go...
Stay strong!!!
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