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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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just a quick note...i was active when marir was around and i can say that at least half of the info in her research is now a little old. i know the jaw specialist from view has since left and started his own clinic and the dr from smallface has also done the same. that's the only ones that i know of, but i'm sure there are plenty that have done the same

just wanted to give peeps the heads up that you're not looking for the clinic alone you're primarily looking for the dr...so just be a little smarter and know even some of the b&a pics that clinics posts are work from drs that have since left

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Excellent point! That's why I don't think people should be so focused on clinic reputation ^^" There might be one really good doctor amongst a lot of crappy doctors in there and maybe eventually he will start his own clinic when he has made enough money.

And yeah, if theres only a tiiiny amount, it looks cute at times.. But most of the time it's overdone so it looks like girls have tiny fat sausages on their lower lids.. LOL and it makes them look more alienish ^^" I think girls look a lot prettier with no love bands but biggish cute eye shapes.

p.s. I wish I was going in Nov!! Bella, are you getting eyelid surgery by any chance?
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there's talk re cinderella and they are still a decent clinic esp if u like the more dramatic eyes or nose, but they r a little bit more expensive....and they don't bargain down too much.

they say celebs had their ps done here, but i don't know many korean celebs that admit to even having ANY ps done, so u cannot trust these statements. besides i read that SNSD had their surgeries done at dream...but since then dream has split into two - before & after clinic and dream surgery....dream surgery is where the dr apparently went. again, this is all speculation and it's not like SNSD will ever confirm, so if u ask me, don't trust such statements. also this is slightly old info so who knows where the dr is now - turn over is sooo high in this industry!!!
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Do you know anything on Girin, Siwoo or Fresh Plastic? From looking at marir's compilation of before/after photos, those 3 are on my radar. If Dr Kwon is still working when I go, I really want to get it done with him though :sad: I feel I can truly trust him. I don't know any other really good eye doctors though they say Dr Cho from Bandoeye is good for revision.

Yeah it's true most kpop idols wont ever admit it, but it's really obvious they HAVE had work done (some more obvious than others). G.Na has admitted to getting work done and has endorsed in Cinderella. I really like natural eyes though and I wonder if Cinderella would want me to go a bit more dramatic than I want :/

Anyway, for anyone interested in emailing Cinderella Clinic with their photos for a price quote, their email is [email protected]. They will take 1-2 weeks to respond though!
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Congratulations, I'm so happy for you that you have had a very successful rhino surgery with Dr. Woo.
Did I see you mentioned in some of your previous posts that Dr. Suh was booked through April of next year. If not, then it's my mistake.
I'm planning to visit Korea next Spring for Rhino and JW is on my list. I'm still doing my research and would love to see your B&A photos which will help me with my decision.
Here is my email address is: [email protected].

Thank you, :smile:
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on Girin's forum there are several dozen to a hundred b&a pics posted by the people who got the surgery and not by the clinic.. it's an open forum (i know because i've written there myself xD ) i'll pm you the link ^^
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yes that's what they're called in english apparently... i learned the korean word first ^^

i love them!! i agree some are a bit overdone but i really really love them ^_^ and i haven't seen anything that would make me think "oh no i would never want that"... i think that's a good sign! it all depends on what you like... ^^ some people like things... that i don't find very pretty! we're all different ^^

i think i added this info somewhere to my notes... i don't remember if i updated publicly yet.. ^^ you said this before... the info is old but i think it's still a good starting point... hey... now that you're here can you help me out with naver?

ps. i send a bunch of new emails to more clinics... i ran out of email addresses :sad: i wish i had the email for more clinics... only... 18 emails sent? i think... are there more emai addresses around? ^^ does anyone have kakao?? i don't... i'd like to ask for prices for one or two clinics with kakao but no email (that i could find)... namu for example... i can provide the korean questions/replies if you can provide the kakao... haha xD

ps i already got a reply... a long reply that basically said "please come visit the clinic, we offer a free consultation ^^" ._. but only one! i changed my email a bit... so in my new emails i asked for approximate prices without sending pictures (i prefer not to send pictures by email... rather go face to face, then get x-rays too... i just want some information before i go to face to face ^^ )
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Hi All,

Mum and I just finished our surgeries in Grand Hospital, by Dr Kim Shin Young. So far, I'm all bloated so ain't sure if results will be good, but I would say that the service provided by each of the nurses/translators who attended to us were v good and I appreciate their help.Thanks to June and Sarah.

I've heard from both translators that Dr Kim is very good and many celebrities prefer to have him do their face. Not sure how true it is though. I did full face fat graft and tip plasty, mom did thread lift and sub brow lift.

Will update again if anyone's keen to find out more. Should be free these 2 days hiding in room.
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Hi there,

I want to achieve a smaller face too. I am not going until May. I am trying to decide if I should do the intraoral or bicoronal zygoma reduction. Most clinic uses intraoral method but semin uses bicoronal. Have you decide which hospital or clinic yet?

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even if you really like it? ^^ i've found more aegyosal i find 'underdone' than overdone... i guess it's about what you like ^^

haha.,.. i don't think so... ^^ but i made a post listing over 70 clinics in Seoul... ^^ hope it will help you with your research!
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Hi Cocochane, I will be there around Oct20 to Nov04, :cool:we could meet up if you like!
Which surgery are you going to do?
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I am sorry about that. I do not have kakaotalk ID because I have tried many times but I still could completed download to my cell phone:nogood:. My G-mail is: [email protected] or WeChat ID: peipei833
If you have WeChat on your cell phone, you can add me in it!:smile:
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