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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I originally crossed Cinderella out from my list because I knew they'd be extremely expensive but in my email to them, I asked if it was possible to make my eyes like a certain person and their explanation makes me reconsider them... wuah :sad:

Sharing their email here in case it helps someone else! They first explained what sort of eye shape the girl I mentioned had and I like how they then explain what each procedure will achieve and 'fix' in order to create the look and I also like their emphasis on precision and measurement.. A lot of stars go there, I know that. But there isn't a lot of information on them to go by so I don't know.. :x

Any thoughts, guys?
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sounds good... good answer... but... their price T__T no way...
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Yes! Thank you very much! I love it! It was really much easier ^^ I enjoy reading it. :heart:
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I'm Chinese Malaysian background but lives in Australia. Can't read no Chinese. @.@ I was clicking on random face line website and the b&a photos are something I like. I like dramatic eyes but not OTT. Always looking forward for your posts! :smile:
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I am at 6 months plus now since my zygoma reduction. The healing process is emotional. It's funny that all along when I had large cheekbones I hated them and that's all I saw in pictures. I knew they made me look older and harsher. After the surgery, because I knew I couldn't get them back I worried if I looked better before the surgery than after. During the healing process I also was scrutinizing myself a lot to see the healing progress, and that was stressful.

However what really helped was when I went back to the hospital for follow up, they clearly showed me my pictures of before after photos from the hospital, and I could visibly see that it is an improvement. It was very assuring to see the before after pics taken in the same studio from the same distance, as it helped me to look at the results objectively. Yes the physical part was hard, but I think the psychological fears of what if it didn't go well, what if I was the bad case etc, those thoughts and the adjustment to the new you.. Etc is what makes the surgery the hardest part for me.

At 6 months, I saw the doctor and nurse for follow up, I asked all my concerns first to the nurse, then to the doctor, and they helped to explain what I'm going through in the healing process, why it's like that etc. I think it helps a lot to do follow up visit because of this. I'm surprised Dr Hong remembered me when I saw him walking in the corridor, even before the follow up meeting. He checked my cheeks and said that I still have some swelling, but he's happy. Sometimes I think I must be annoying to ask these questions and concerns, but the staff are patient with me, so I feel very thankful about this. Dr Hong's reputation is he has a very good heart and a big heart for BK. Actually at follow up I also asked what he thinks of me having surgery on my upper teeth. He said yes he can fix it, but he told me not to do so many invasive procedures. Once again, I think they can help and have the professional expertise, but the emotional journey is a difficult one that we have to go through ourselves on a daily basis throughout the recovery.

Another thing I will like to add is, this time visiting BK, all the patients who are there seem to be local as they speak Korean. I only saw one other overseas patient who's Japanese. So maybe it depends on the time if the year then there are many foreign patients and other times there are more local patients. However overall like others have mentioned I do believe BK is still more geared towards foreigners than many other places who almost purely cater to local.

I think after being in Gangnam for a while I start to understand what Gangnam girls look like, all with the same procedures and then they look very very very similar to each other with the vline, sharp nose, and round forehead, big eyes. I think the girls do look pretty with all the work done, but that look is very obviously man made. I think if you go into surgery expecting it will be perfect pretty but still man made looking, then it's ok. Honestly I had quite fun looking at people and guessing which work they had done. I guess ppl who see me might be doing it too haha. Overall though they all look quite good and I have to say I didn't really see any ppl who had ugly plastic surgery. Some girls had really perfect noses and when they are in pairs, u can tell they both have the same nose maybe cuz they went to same doctor lol.

I guess for me seeing so many ppl with similar face in a short time, maybe because it's Gangnam, I felt that it's more rare to see anyone who hasn't surgery along the street, and made me treasure my original features more. However I do think that Korean surgeons are excellent as Korea does have the most good looking Asians I've seen, surgically enhanced or not.
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Hey, marir.,so, I really wanna know that did go ahead with those surgeries? How did you go? All very good I hope. :smile: how was the V-line surgery? Where did you end up getting it done? Are u satisfied with the result? I hope so. And how much did u pay for it? I've heard they charge us more that what they charge for locals? Was the recovery painful? Coz I'm planning on getting it done, do your help would be greatly appreciated. I will look forward to hearing back from u. Thank you.
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Hey, yeah just read ur post. I'm considering Cinderella too so what else have u found? When u say pricey at they like real expensive compare to other clinics? Coz if they have a good reputation and they over charge u little bit compare to other clinics then I think of course I would rather go with them it that little bit of extra money is gonna make a big difference. Don't u think? But I'm just trying to work out how much more they cost compare to other clinics? As long as there is not huge difference between them I think I'd be happy with it. Emm, so much to search for tho, :search: I'm nervous and excited. I :happydance: will look forward to hearing your opinion on this as its very important for us, thanks. :smile:
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I've seen great eye results from other clinics as well... i think if other clinics can deliver the same results for cheaper... i'll go with cheaper! no use in wasting money... haha ^^

if you're interested in my notes atm I have BeFor, CK, Girin, KimHansung, NHJ, Samsung and View whose eyes I loved ^^ Do you want aegyosal? I've only seen aegyosals from some of these clinics but the good ones were BeFor, KimHansung, NHJ and Samsung and YK. for CK to aegyosal I've only written "ok". Hope that helps ^^
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aegyosal is 애교살 look it up... it's very pretty ^^ i can show you an example...


that is 애교살... but there are prettier examples ^^ her's are fine! but i've seen prettier... ^^
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Hey sarajane! It really depends on what surgery you want to get done? And what result you want (natural or dramatic dolly eyes). What Cinderella quoted me was NOT just for double eyelid surgery. If it was, that would just be insanity. They quoted me 5.7million won for 3 procedures: double eyelid surgery (incisional), medial epicanthoplasty and lateral epicanthoplasty. The 2 epi procedures were suggested to open up my eyes a bit. I say expensive as the cost is a lot more than my original budget which was around 3million won for DES and medial epi (not that the price is exorbitantly more than other clinics).. I've come to realize that I do actually want medial epi which initially I did not want. So I was really shocked that they suggested I do lateral as well.. So I will need to think more about that and whether I think I need it..

I won't compare Cinderellas price to other budget clinics. For just eyelid surgery alone, their price is 2.2M won. From my research, all the clinics that I personally would feel safe going to have been charging around 1.5M for DES and I'm fine with that price. If you add in medial epi (costs about 1000-1800M won at the places I've looked?), it can cost over 3M won already which is why I wanted a budget of 3M for those 2 so I could bargain down and be firm on that cost if I got a package. If have no idea how much lateral is but say it also costs around 1.5M won, at a different place, it'd cost at least 4.5M won. Cinderella charges 5.7M won for that. 1.2M won is $1,200 AUD and that's significant money! Of course, you could try bargain from Cinderella so it might be cheaper!

BUT look, at the end of the day, this is a really important life changing moment, right? It's about improving your life and making yourself happy. If you feel Cinderella is THE place to get your eyes done and you feel totally safe with that decision, I say don't skimp out on the costs and go to a cheaper place just because of cost. It's not like you're going to be getting this surgery every year lol. It's a one time thing and if it makes you happy, then the premium is worth it for you (so long you dont take a loan out to get it done.. hope you save enough! XD) If it's well done, you won't need revisional so that could end up saving you money by going to a place that's more expensive and well reviewed (not saying there arent good small clinics. DO LOTS OF RESEARCH). All I ask you to do is make sure you do lots of research on heaps of clinics and be well informed on all your options. There may very well be a clinic you like just as much as Cinderella :smile: Always have back up options in case things don't work out.
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Is aegyosal love bands? There's a lot that are overdone.. :/ Most look so fake
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