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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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O wow, thanks. I was thinking about buccal fat removal too. So can you put cheek implants in?
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I just reread this and it had me thinking about ur email, so you've never heard about dream on the naver community?
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It seems there are quite a bit going around the same dates u r
It is really hard to say which clinic sounds good. try look at the list Iposted to read about past forumers experiences . Good luck in finding the right clinic for u :smile: .
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-Faithhope01 (Nov.26 - Dec.10)
- Oceanbelle (29 Nov - 9 Dec)

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nope...never. but dream seems popular on china forum ..maybe due to the advertising. My translator recommended dream as well. it seems like different forum has different "popular" clinics.

At purseforum, it's mostly ID.
China forum its ID,dream, propose.
At naver community its k gangnam samsung, view ,CK plastic surgery and girinlife...

i am really damn confused now
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when r u going to Korea? December? Maybe we can meet up and share about clinic consultation experience before deciding...
what are u planning to do?:P
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I'm considering TLPS, because I like their B&A's. There was a 30 year old woman who looked like a teen/early 20s after her surgery. :shocked: I was also looking through some of the 'pictures with stars' and saw former miss Korea, Honey Lee, with one of TL's doctors back when he was working for a clinic called The Line... which is apparently a whole different clinic than TL (which stands for total luxury or something other).

Anyway, I'm pretty skeptical whenever I see stars with doctors, because I don't even know if they've had any work done. But I KNOW Honey Lee had plastic surgery (attached). So I'm thinking maybe she had it done by the doctor who now works at TL? Maybe it's just my logic, but if a star gets plastic surgery and they decide to promote a clinic/doctor, wouldn't it be the one that did it in the first place? lol Anyway, that picture sparked interest for me because she didn't look bad before, but afterward, she looks drop dead gorgeous. :amazed: Saw someone say they had an appointment with TL 12/1 so I look forward to seeing how his/her experience goes.
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Hey thanks! K if Iconfused you in my last posting, it is cuz I'm such a dork. I got your name confused with another forumer, but I am sooo glad you responded back cuz the question was intended for your posting.
So Dream is popular on the China forum and View on Naver. I really want to check them clinics out. Plus Cinderella, but there is no wayIcan afford cinderella. I wanna check them out only because no one seems to know anything about them here.
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She look amazing... :rolleyes:

What is TLPS website ? can't google it le..

and how to upload the photo together with your post?
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I booked appointment with a translator for grand,id,tlps n regen.. I asked her which clinic is the cheapest to do vline n zyhoma..she told me its id.
Now I am scare....

How can it be id? Id is 14m n has a straight no bargain policy.. U mean grand,tlps n regen is higher than 14m?
Weird... Now I am scare of hiring translator cos someone mentioned she did two jaw for 16m at grand n id cost 18m
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Hi Iaan, sorry to hear that the result is not what you have expected. WALK away the mental torture if you can, it'll help with your swelling and getting things off your mind for a bit.

I'm sure your family and friends will love you all the same... Your life is far too precious to give it up. If you need more support, everyone here is rallying for you!

Will you still be heading to Thailand for your othadontist treatment? If you're in Bangkok, I will be flying in on the 23rd and if you need some moral support when you are there, let me know! Mean time, stay strong dude! xx

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Her eyes looks much *brighter* even though photo was taken only one week post-op!

I'm looking for a skilled surgeon to undergo epi(not revision though) surgery with and now one more choice to look into. Never heard of this clinic before though but it's probably because foreigners do not have as much assess to the Korean clinics.

Are you considering epi as well?

Thanks for sharing! :biggrin:

Hey Iaan,
I'm sorry I didn't send a message sooner, I've been meaning to. Works been a little hectic though.
I really hope you are feeling better these days.
You have all of our support, and trust me, you will be beautiful, and it will have been worth it.
Don't fret too much at the moment.
Last summer I got my eyes done... After 2 weeks I was hating my decision, I looked like an alien, and I was mad that I ruined my face... It was only after 6 months that the final result showed. And I love it.
I'm 200 times better looking, and it was one of the best decisions I've made for myself.

Think about this now.. That was only cutting some skin and getting rid of some fat.
NOW You just cut your bone. That's a mega big deal!!!
What you see now is NOT the result, it IS the healing.

It will be amazing, you will look amazing. So keep your patience. Don't lose your faith.

Because you will turn out to be a stunner... and let's hoep you don't lose your brains in all this process..

So take care. My wishes are with you.
Stay Positive.

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