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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Yes, that sounds about right. I called a few other clinics beforehand and found that rhinoplasties ranged from about 5-8 million. So I think 6 is quite reasonable. And now knowing the quality and level of care I received, it was well worth it. You never want to underpay for surgical procedures (you then have to question the quality you're going to get!) nor do you ever want to overpay (for obvious reasons).
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Hello saphireeni
I'm new to the forum. I'm going there to from November 21st to November 28th and also looking for company ;)
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I am going on December too, what day are you going?
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Please do not post such misleading information. There are many people who just started their ps research and can be a victim of inflated pricing. It also puts your credibility in question and make people suspect your motivation of posting here.

6M is way too expensive for rhinoplasty unless osteotomy is involved. Many big clinics offer typical rhinoplasty i.e. bridge augmentation + tiplasty at a much lower price (e.g. pitangui). Local Koreans pay 2-3M for rhinoplasty. Do you think they all get botched nose jobs?

Korean ps clinics charge foreign customers 200%-300% of the prices for local Koreans. They want to rip us off as much as possible. Please be well informed and don't make this easier for them. It only encourages these unscrupulous clinics to give us even more absurd quotes.
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Hi Zizen,

Thanks for your valued opinion. Could you please help me figure out who is a good two-jaw specialist:]
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I agree... i think tryptophan works for some company or just doesn't know anything...

I have been quoted very differently... nothing like those prices~ I won't even mention the prices because i don't want any questions... if you get different quotes... own fault... do your research~

ps don't ask me where/what clinics/how much... i won't tell you... i have helped everyone here so much, don't be lazy... do your own research~
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Hi Endymion,

If you said 6mil krw is too expensive then I must said so far the clinics who tried to overcharge me are below clinics.

1. April 31st
2. Grand
3. Item

Only Pitangui & Wonjin have quoted me 3mil.

I saw some people said Rex is popular among locals so how about pricing? Also within 3mil?
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popular among local illegal PS traffickers... didn't someone just write about their experience how a translator convinced them to go to REX and then she did and didn't get what she wanted plus ended up with broken bones inside her face? and apparently she's not even too worried about it yet... Cik when you read this, i am sorry for your experience T T
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This message board is about sharing one's thoughts and experiences...which is exactly what I did when I said that I called a few clinics and received certain quotes. I was specifically stating my opinion when I said, "So I THINK 6 is quite reasonable". And I still do. Everything is relative and compared to the US where it is more expensive and the surgical expertise for Asian rhinoplasties is inferior, the price can be substantiated. Moreover, when I consider that I am very happy with the end result and look at the excellent service/post-operative care I received (which costs the clinic additional time/staff/resources/money as well), I appreciate the value that was included in the price.

So no, I did not post misleading information. And if you read any of my other posts, I was sharing my experience and addressing questions on how I chose a surgeon and what mattered to me. I'm simply stating MY thoughts and opinions. So please don't judge.

And there are no "victims of inflated pricing". It's simple economics and everyone has a different value for their "willingness to pay" (you should educate yourself on this very basic economics principle). Everyone has different circumstances and values things differently. For me, price was not the primary concern; a trustworthy and skilled surgeon was. And so was time - I wasn't going to call 30 clinics looking for the cheapest surgeon. But for others, maybe getting the cheapest price or getting a "good deal" is really important to them.

At the end of the day, people are responsible for their own decisions. There are no victims. They either choose to do the research and make informed decisions or they don't. But if you go through life thinking that everyone is out there to cheat you, then that's a really sad way to live.
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I don't appreciate you falsely accusing me of "working for a company" or insulting me. Really? Based on what data or evidence? Or do you always go around accusing/insulting people at random? Please show some respect to your fellow posters.

So before you post again, please think about what you say and the value you bring to others. Your last post contributed nothing with your "don't ask me.", "I won't tell you", "I won't even mention the prices", and "I don't want any questions". That was absolutely worthless and a waste of everyone's time.
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Most of the nose revision quotation i received is range from 3.5 to 5m (please note the price is for revision; not primary as it is 1m lesser 2.5-4m).

Even the well known senior medical director or founder of the clinic charge for nose is 5.5-5.7m

6M doesn't sound reasonable at all to me, especially with primary nose.

For 6m, i can have eyes & nose revision plus fat grafting in most of the clinics that i have sent my photo for consultation.

Price is secondary factor to me, the experiences of the doctor, the post surgery care and also how fast they respond to my email are my top criteria.

Dear members, PLEASE write in to as many clinics as possible to check out their price before you leave for Korea. I have written to more than 50 clinics (yup, i am kiasi and being very careful)

We are here to help each other to find good surgeons. We are not here to discredit any person or any clinic/surgeon unless real cases being reported like I*D* or G*R*A*N*D*

Please be kind to members who are sincerely helping other forum members to prevent them from becoming the prey to unscrupulous referrers in the forum.

Read the latest post by Cik. We shared good review and we also shared bad review. This is the spirit of the forum, to share and to help others.

Not here to earn money out of each others.
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Hi Cik, sorry to heear about your post surgery condition.

Are you still in Korea? If you are still in Korea, please go to another clinic for consultation.....

I will pray for your eyelids to become even & after the swelling, you can see a better result for your face.

God bless you, PSP
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I think Rex has tied up with a number of china and Korean agencies. Everyone seems to be recommending Rex from those agencies. Try to avoid those clinics because a good clinic with sound reputation does not need translators or agents to bring them business. They can set up their own foreign patients department quite easily.
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Hi Shiny Glitter,

I didn't see the thread abt bad experience in Rex. Can you let me know what is the nme of the thread and when it was posted and who posted it? Thanks and I just want to know more and beware before I go Rex.
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Typically, I'm a silent reader of this particular topic but I had to comment because indeed, the price range that you listed is misleading. And people who are just starting their research on Asian rhinoplasty will be misguided. As you can see from the forum topic, "Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in KOREA," the posters here are looking for information on the price range in KOREA, not in the US, Singapore, etc. We're not talking in "relative" terms here, but in KOREA. I don't know how much research you have done thus far, but 6M is definitely considered on the higher end.

Your WTP may be much higher than other's, but do you realize that the equilibrium price (the very "basic" economics concept where the supply line crosses the demand) is far below 6M? So, the average price range of 5-8M that you listed in quite ridiculous...and almost laughable.

And just so you know, higher price does NOT equal higher quality. Clinics may be charging higher prices not because the quality of plastic surgeons/post-op care/communication/etc is better, but because they may have had better marketers, celebrities who get PAID to advertise for the clinics even if they themselves haven't done any operation at those particular PS, or simply because they're more targeted towards foreigners (it's true that more often than not, clinics charge double or triple the amount they charge to locals). Essentially, there is greater possibility than not, that you're OVERPAYING for the same quality. You know why? Because again, if you don't do your research, then you're paying double or triple the prices that locals would be pay for the SAME surgeon and the SAME clinic and the SAME post-operative care.

And PLEASE do YOUR research before posting misleading information. It seems that "time" is an issue for you, but if you really want the best results, you should spend "time" researching, researching, and researching. Unless you've got loads of money to spend for revision after revision and the mental capacity as well as the additional "time" (all three of which most posters DO not have), then please do further research. Spend time looking for the surgeons the first time around so you don't have to spend extra time looking for a better surgeon for revision. 5-8M is quite overpriced. Please look up prices that locals pay and compare it to the price that the same clinics demand from foreigners. And haggle from there. 5-8M is ridiculous.

And for the people that read this individual's original posting, PLEASE do not think that this is a reasonable range. Because it is NOT. Do more research, it'll be beneficial for you in the end. After all, it is your face and while you may be able to get a revision, you can never go back to the old face pre-surgery even if you truly wished for it to happen.
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