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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Has anyone contacted JW before via Kakao? I'm heading to Korea this upcoming week, and I would like to add JW to the list of clinics I visit...but they haven't responded to my Kakao. :sad:
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I'm glad that you had a good experience with April31, so much that you think it warrants the hefty 6M krw you paid for you rhinoplasty. You like your result and you don't seem burdened financially (I wish the rest of us could say the same). Like you said, it's supply n demand. You are certainly entitled to pay as much as you want for your surgery.

HOWEVER, like what SmittenG said, another korean customer might have done exactly the SAME procedure, at the SAME clinic, with the SAME doctor and SAME post-op care for 2.5M. Korean clinics overcharge foreign patients for the SAME procedure by 2-3 times, and the evidence is everywhere if you take a look on the Korean websites or simply read some posts here on PF. You might not care about how much money you pay, but not everyone here has enough money to throw into water. For many people plastic surgery could exhaust years of savings and they might even have to take loans. I bet they won't be as grateful as you getting overcharged like this.

You signed up for the forum three days ago and the very first thing you posted was raving April31 and the doctor there. Even so I would believe that you had good intention to share your experience here, but I could not stand by and watch inexperienced people misguided by your inaccurate "opinion" that for primary rhinoplasty "6M is reasonable". It is NOT unless complicated osteotomy is needed. It's very difficult to get quotes as low as korean locals, but there are still much space to bargain as long as you do your research. There are dozens or even hundreds of top-notch nose surgeons out there in Seoul from whom you can get high quality surgery at a reasonable price (last time I checked, they all claim to be the best nose surgeon of Korea). Competition is good for customers, also from basic economics.

Wish you have a happy recovery from your sugery.
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I heard dr. Jung only use Gore-tex? does he also use silicon? he quoted me 4800 usd for primary rhinoplasty
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Trust me, I did my research. So get off your mighty high horse and back off.

I was merely posting my opinion in response to a question that was asked directly to me. I wasn't advocating for a particular pricing model. This was MY experience based on what was important to me and MY opinion. I spent my time doing research on the surgeon's credentials and feedback from former patients and how satisfied they were with their end result, NOT on getting the cheapest price for a procedure. Hence, I'm not going to need revision surgery - not only is my surgical outcome a success, but I was 95% recovered before I even left Korea (less than 3 weeks). So don't impose your values and place judgment when YOU have not shared any details about yourself or your own personal experience.

Instead of attacking my post for giving my opinion and sharing my experience, why don't YOU tell everyone what plastic surgery procedure you've had with a particular surgeon, details about your experience as a patient, and how much you paid? It's easy to talk in general terms with no specifics and pile on your criticisms.
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It's sad that you're so negative and bitter towards someone who was just posting their opinion and experience in response to a question that was asked directly to her. I didn't start a thread advocating a specific price; I was responding to a question directed to me.

If you read most of these posts, it's sad to read that many people are unhappy with their post surgical result. There are too many messages that promote fear and communicate where NOT to go. So after my positive experience at April 31 with Dr. Kim, I thought I would share in detail what I was I was looking for in a surgeon and what my experience was. This was a very positive experience for me. Then someone asked me about price and I specifically said that I was hesitant to name a price as I could not provide an accurate number as I negotiated the final amount which was bundled with costs associated with procedures my mom had done.

So stop making assumptions, judging me, and learn to read. I said 6 million was what was quoted to me (and recent posts are similar), NOT what I had paid.

Your comment: "There are dozens or even hundreds of top-notch nose surgeons out there in Seoul from whom you can get high quality surgery at a reasonable price (last time I checked, they all claim to be the best nose surgeon of Korea)." Really? Then why don't you list them? Why don't you detail the specifics? It's easy to speak in general terms and criticize, but you have no credibility if you don't offer the data. Your words are meaningless.

Before my surgery, I read PF and found it to be more confusing/scary as there were so many conflicting stories about certain clinics/doctors. And now I know that part of this is because of people like you who post negative messages and never offer any specifics. What plastic surgery procedure did YOU have? And with which surgeon? And what was your experience? And what did you pay for it? And how happy are you with your end result?

It amazes me that I was trying to help and yet I get judged and criticized by people who don't have anything to offer but negative criticisms. Unless you've been through the process, maybe you should keep your negative comments to yourself.
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I agree that 6 mil for a nose job is a rip-off, no matter how experienced the doctor is.

It's funny that all the clinics just try to increase their prices like crazy when they become popular among foreigners. I remember 1.5 years ago, just before JW started being mentioned a lot on this forum, their price for a nose job/nose revision was very reasonable. At that time, they only quoted 3 mil KRW - 4.5 mil KRW for a nose surgery with Dr. Suh and 4.5 mil was only for a very difficult revision. Primary rhinoplasty was cheaper and I know at least a couple of people who had nose revision there and paid not more than 4 mil. Now only 1.5 years later I am surprised to see people willing to pay 6-7 mil for a revision or even for a primary surgery.

FYI, I know someone who just recently had a couple of main procedures at April 31st with Dr. Kim, one of which being a nose revision and she only paid more than 6 mil for everything.

Being in Seoul this time, I realize that one of the reason why clinics charge foreign patients a lot more compared to locals is because of the translators/agents service. Some clinics even say that they have to set a different price for foreign patients because they have to pay commission to agents/translators and once they have 2 price lists, they will charge us an international price even if we don't bring a translator. I find it really funny that a lot of people come to the forum to express their deep gratitude to their translators for being so kind, taking care of them, buying food for them...I just think that with that amount of money they earn from you, they should have treated you more than that, they should have treated you like a Queen or a King.

I really think that translators/agents should be boycotted on this forum. Most of the clinics now have in-house English translators and nearly all clinics have Chinese translators. I don't speak Chinese, only English and I am 100% fine here.
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It's impossible for us to verify the story posted by anyone on this message board. Personally I would rather believe you had good intention to share your positive experience here. If you read my first response, I didn't accuse you of promoting april31. I was merely disagreeing with you that you think 6M is reasonable quote for rhinoplasty in Korea. I appreciate you answering other posters' question in detail, but your opinion on pricing was definitely misleading. As you can see, so far nobody has agreed with you on that. My intention was to remind people who had not done enough research that korean clinics overcharge significantly for foreign patients so there is lots of space to bargain. Then you started defending the clinics and acted in a hostile way towards shinyglitter and me. Adding to the fact that you signed up only a few days ago, it does look like someone hired by the clinic you were raving, doesn't it?

Also FYI, for every positive and negative review posted here, people should always take with a grain of salt. One average nose surgeon can perform up to one thousand surgeries a year. Even if he is such a horrendous doctor that he fails on 90% of the surgeries, you can still easily find 100 people who would vouch for this doctor. I appreciate your effort sharing here; however, your personal story with April31, no matter how amazing it was, really doesn't mean as much as you would think. On the other hand, their practice seems rather questionable based on the grossly overpriced quotes they give out to inquirers.

Please don't feel offended by my posts. As a member of this message board, I only want to help people and keep them from paying more than they have to for the surgery and confidence boost they want.
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Thanks for your message. I appreciate the spirit in which it was written and what you say is fair. I have no issue with people who disagree with me, but did take offense at the tone in which my opinion was received and the blatant accusation by Shinyglittery. I too want to help people on this message board, but my primary intent is to help them find a competent surgeon.

This is a message board so it goes without saying that every reader should always question the information. So much of what I read here is negative and confusing and I recall that when I first started my search for a plastic surgeon, it was overwhelming and almost discouraging for those like me "sitting on the fence". Additionally, I didn't come across a positive testimony from a recent patient and why they deemed their surgical experience a success (it was easy to spot the fake ones as it was so superficial with their "Dr. X is great" claims). And yes, I speak favorably about one clinic - it only makes sense because I had my surgery done at one clinic...and much to my surprise, it was a great experience. I really wish everyone could have the same experience.

I wanted to post my positive experience with Dr. Kim from April 31 and explain why I found him to be the consummate doctor in hopes to help others understand that they should look for signs that the doctor is ethical, empathetic, and comprehensively treats/respects his patient as a person, and not as another surgical procedure. I responded to someone's question about who to see so she would have a specific doctor (not just a clinic) and to give her some direction, and perhaps consider seeing Dr. Kim for a consultation. For many out there, people don't even know where to go - they only know where NOT to go. The first step is to find the name of a surgeon, ask around, conduct the due diligence and ultimately book a consultation and ask the right questions to determine if you want this person cutting into your body.

As for my comment about the price and whether it was reasonable, in hindsight, I was not clear. To me, it seemed reasonable (consistent would have been a more accurate word) relative to the other quotes I was receiving from other clinics . Everyone should know that the price is always negotiable depending on what specifically you're having done (procedure, technique, materials, etc.) and how much you're having done.

And while price is certainly important, I'd like to think that it's not the first criteria one would use to consider which surgeon to see for a consultation. This is surgery; you're not having your nails done. People should focus on finding/contacting former patients and doing their research on specific doctors (not clinics) and then going for several consultations and making your own decision. THEN you negotiate the price.

Anyway, I'm sure you're right Endymion - my opinion doesn't mean as much as I think. But it's out there and hopefully it will help someone or at least get them to think. People need to put it into context of their own decision-making criteria.

Again, thanks for your message.
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One more thing I forgot to point out.

There seems to be some code of chivalry among the ps clinics in Korea, which is not to give negative comments on their fellow plastic surgeons/clinics. For all the consultants I have talked to so far, they all refused to give comment on specific doctors I asked about. It is ironic that some of them hold such high moral standards toward their competitors while treating THEIR OWN PATIENTS WHOM THEY SCREWED UP ON as if they are worthless.

Back to my point. For someone who has done enough research, it is hard to believe he/she would only visit one clinic in Korea. And a typical review from someone who came back from Korea would list the specific names of ALL the clinics he/she visited for consultation and describe their experiences with each clinic down to the every last detail, instead of only painting one single doctor as a saint. Of course this would inevitably involve damaging the reputation of a few clinics while polishing only one of them. For ps marketers, this would certainly be considered as "unethical".

Again, I'm not accusing you of promoting April31. I can not possibly know that for certain and I would rather believe in your good intention. However, due to the reasons I have listed, your review on this clinic is on the more subjective end and can be potentially biased. I would like to advise anyone who read your review to give it the benefit of doubt.
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Thanks for the info. Right or wrong, like it or not, these are the quotes that are out there from these top surgeons. And I'm sure there are other good surgeons out there who will quote less. But at the end of the day, it's all what you negotiate with the doctor.
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Of course my review is subjective and biased - it's my personal experience. How could it not be subjective and biased? This is why people need to question everything everyone says on this message board, INCLUDING my opinion.

And I respectfully disagree about your statement about someone coming back from Korea would detail their entire experience. I didn't come on this message board to serve as the ultimate expert on rhinoplasties, nor to become a library resource. I merely responded to someone's question and shared my personal experience. Did I consider other clinics besides April 31? Absolutely...at first. But keep in mind, I don't speak Korean so my mother (and her friends who live in Seoul) did a lot of the research. I initially emailed ITEM, ID, Regen, Grand, and a couple of others. I also realized that I didn't want to go to a PS factory. Regen didn't even bother to respond, and I recall ITEM, ID, and Grand were too pushy and pressured me over email (!) to put down a deposit and book a surgery date. I was so put off by "the online consultation" that I decided that this was not the way to make a decision. In the end, it came down to personal recommendations based on some of my mother's friends' daughters who had their surgeries performed by Dr. Kim. And this is going to sound elitist, so take it for what it's worth: my parent's friends in Seoul are highly affluent and are well networked. They don't go to just anybody - they only go the best plastic surgeons, dermatologists, etc. Because Dr. Kim is renowned for being the best surgeon for rhinoplasties, I met with him and could see why he has that reputation. Nothing is more convincing than seeing his work and getting personal recommendations from family friends.

So take my review into consideration or don't. I don't feel like I have to defend myself or meet your "suspicion" criteria. This is exhausting. People can and should make their own decisions.
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One thing I learn after visiting the plastic surgery clinic .....don't depends so much on the review see the doctor yourself check the works, ask questions until you are comfortable and follow your gut feeling . It doesn't means ignore the forum review but check it out and talk to the patient/ customer there if you are at the clinic.The most popular clinic that is being highly recommended in the purse forum failed me not once but a few times . However the so called black listed clinics lust which is 150++ plus plus turn out to be better than expected . Choose a doctor that is willing to spend time with you and answer your question because end of the day anything went wrong with the surgery you need to be able to communicate with the doctor . A doctor who is willing to spend time with the patient / customer is more passionate about work and committed to deliver his job.
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