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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Smitten G I have to agree one point with you the most expensive clinic is not the best because the cost goes to the marketing agency/ advertisement and models shots . Yesterday I was at one of the clinic I want to let you all know , I saw the clinic hired a models taking photo shots with the doctors .although I don't speak Korean but I know what is going on. The beautiful lady full if plastic surgery come in for a few minutes takes photo with the doctor in a room accompany by her manager then they walk out of the clinic . One point to highlight is please don't choose the clinic in based on the celebrity/ Korean models photo shots in the clinic. The more of those you see you should be very suspicious . Real celebrities don't advertised themself they do plastic surgery and from which doctors
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I regret that the discussion on rhinoplasty quotation went awry and turned into such a mentally and emotionally exhausting debate. It is not my original intention and I never meant to offend anyone. As someone who had followed this topic for long enough, it was incredibly frustrating to see people start asking question on whether 6M is a reasonable price on fat graft. My goal has always been helping people from overpaying for their surgery. I do realize that my first response to you was a little blunt and the wording could have been more diplomatic. I apologize for it.

Maybe all of us are doing what we believe is right to supply helpful information to people on this board. But like you said, at the end of day it is up to each of us to make our own decision and bear the consequence of it, good or not. Let's just leave it here. I do feel happy for your successful surgery and hope everyone here can achieve the same.

Soong sister,

I am truly sorry for the harrowing ordeal you had to go through with JW and grateful for your decision to share it with us here. It's good to know that you were able to find a good doctor and mend the damage done by the highly recommended Dr. Suh in JW. I hope you have got the beautiful nose you wanted and everything goes great for you from here.
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Endymion let me clarify this ....although I have bad experience with JW clinic it is with the chief anesthesia doctor who almost get me killed under GA. I have never done any plastic surgery with them yet and the doctors slit my throat when I was in emergency about to die. As long as Dr LEE ( a lady doctor which you can see in their websites ) is still JW chief anesthesiologist or in another clinic just be careful don't let her out you to sleep. In case if you have a narrow airway like me you might died.
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Thanks for sharing Soong Sister. I'm sorry you have to go through all that. Like you, I have a narrow airway. I have asthma bronchitis and I have to take certain medicine EVERYDAY if not, I will have start coughing like crazy. Although I have already did a full body checkup n given green light to do PS, I'm still worry. Thanks to your post, JW N Doc Lee (Hye Kyoung Lee?) I will cross off. Maybe I will print out the doc pic and put a big red X while face to face consultation to all the clinics I go to when I'm at Korea.

I wish you all the best :smile:
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Thanks Endymion. Apology accepted. And hatchet buried. I don't know what your day job is, but you make a great patient advocate! Be well!
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Finished my consultation for 3 clinics today. Here's a brief summary of each clinic...it might be helpful for the people wanting to go to these clinics.

Wannabe: I spoke with the consultant first. She used a small tool to create different types of lines on my eyes (infold, outfold, in-outfold). She recommended I do in-outfold with incisional method. She stated that the non-incisional method would probably become undone in the future. She said I couldn't do latheral cantho with my eyes and could do epi if I wanted. I spoke with the doctor afterwards. He stated that I would look best with either infold or in-outfold, and said that I had slight ptosis on one eye, but he said it wasn't severe enough to go for ptosis correction. He also stated that there's the option of doing slight epi which would open up my eyes a bit. But, he said that too much wouldn't be good since my eyes may look too close together. He also said latheral cantho wasn't possible with my eyes. He showed me pictures on his computer of people who he's operated on, and how eyes would look with/without epi surgery. But again, he stated that epi was an option, not necessarily necessary. He didn't explain as thoroughly as the doctor at Yonsei first, but he wasn't bad. Felt that this clinic wasn't pushy with trying to get its customers to pay for unnecessary procedures which I liked. Wait time: 35 minutes with appt. Total procedure: double eyelid incisional method + epi (optional); I only got a quote for double eyelid incisional method though.

Braun: Spoke with the consultant first. She recommended either partial incision or non-incision. She also talked about doing epi. Then I spoke with the doctor. Whoa...he talked WAY too fast and the consultation was hastily done. He tried out a couple different lines on my eyes with his eye tool, then proceeded to draw a bunch of pictures with eyes and how he'd do the surgery. He recommended that I do non-incisional with an in-outfold, get small eyelids, remove some fat from my lids, do epi, and he also stated that I had slight ptosis but it wasn't necessary to do ptosis correction. Overall, they recommended non-incision with epi. This place seemed very "factory-like,"...it was consultation with consultant, then doctor, then consultant. Oh yea, wait time = 30 minutes with appt. Total procedure: epi + double eyelid non-incisional

Yonsei First: This was the smallest clinic with only one doctor. I met with the consultant first. She stated that I had ptosis and would probably need to do ptosis correction, epi, and double eyelid surgery with the incisional method and in-fold. I met the doctor and he stated the same thing. He was very thorough though, which I liked. But he indicated that ptosis was absolutely necessary along with epi. He also stated that I needed to remove some skin on my eyelids, but fat removal wasn't necessary (he said it was more bone than fat). While I liked the doctor and he seemed very meticulous, I felt like they were enforcing too many things when 2 other doctors said that ptosis correction was unnecessary. Maybe he's right or the other two doctors are wrong...hmmm..Wait time was around 30 minutes as well. Total procedures: epi + double eyelid incisional + ptosis correction

I don't want to post the prices I got quoted publicly because I don't want to be seen as advertising any of these clinics, so if you're interested in how much I was quoted, please private message me! I'll be happy to provide it that way. Anyways, still got a bit of thinking to do. But, I think I'm leaning towards Wannabe.
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I also had a consultation with Dr.Yang at Wannabe and feel like the clinic and the doctor. I didn't make appointment, just randomly walked in and managed to have a consultation with the doctor after 10 minutes waiting. I didn't talk to the consultant though, only directly to the doctor. I really want to have surgery there but the only problem is I haven't seem any reviews about them so am not sure if they are good at eyelid revision.
Do you remember the name of the doctor you consulted with?
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Hi people-

I'm saddened to read all the recent negative comments on this forum. This place should be for us to help each other and give advice. Not to criticize and judge.

As for someone who recently had primary rhinoplasty done in Seoul, I can tell you that all the doctors and clinics vary in experience, service, and price. I visited 5 clinics in total: Hyundai, Rex, JW, Pitangui, and Jewelry (you can read my reviews of each clinic in previous post).

In the end I chose Hyundai clinic because of the doctor (Dr. Hwang) and the good feeling I had about his experience. Everyone has their own criteria for choosing or not choosing a particular clinic (doctor, price, reviews, etc). People should feel free to openly share their views on this forum without fear of being attacked. You can disagree, but do so respectfully. Debate is healthy but ask questions for clarification before you jump to conclusions.

I hope everyone will continue to respect each other and be supportive as we continue forward. Getting plastic surgery done is a very real, emotional, and personal experience. It changes lives, for better and sometimes unfortunately, for worse. Let's stay focused and positive. I wish you all the best in your journeys.
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You're going for double eyelid revision? I consulted with Dr. Ryu. The consultant mentioned that there's two doctors that do mostly eyes. I think it was Dr. Ryu and Dr. Jang. You're lucky you got to wait for only 10 minutes! I waited for over 30 minutes today...maybe because plastic surgery clinics are getting busy now - since a lot of students finished the national high school exam, a lot of them are doing plastic surgery now. I saw a bunch today at the hospitals I visited. I don't know how Wannabe is with revisions, but I think they're okay for eyes. When I went today, I didn't see any foreigners and I usually see Wannabe on Korean sites...so, you probably won't be able to see a lot of reviews about them. I liked them though...I think I might actually request a second consultation so I can ask some more questions - I was nervous since it was the first clinic I visited and forgot to ask some questions.
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I didn't know there were 2 doctors who do eyelid surgery at Wannabe. I asked them which doctor specializes in eyes and they told me it's Dr. Jang. Do you think you can try to consult with him as well to see which one is better? Their price is really reasonable compared to all the clinics that are known by foreigners.
May I ask how you heard about them? Do you read and speak Korean?
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Hi. Applejax21. Do u think the clinics were try to charge you more since u bring a translator? I got some information from applydaily, translator get about 20% commission from the clinic if they bring a customer,
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I heard that both doctors are good. I just consulted with Dr. Ryu because Dr. Jang is gonna be in and out of the office next week according to the consultant. So, she wanted me to consult with Dr. Ryu just in case something happens and I need to see the doctor during the recovery period. I think I first read about them on a forum written in English (don't really recall which one it was since I've been going through many different plastic surgery forums), but I ended up mainly reading about them on Korean Naver cafes. I do speak/read Korean so it was easier for me. If you're in Korea, you should ask for a consultation with Dr. Ryu as well and see which doctor you prefer.
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Just some helpful information for those consider doing rhinoplasty at regen, go to YouTube search for AH FA. She is a Hong Kong beauty blogger, she had her nose done at regen around February 2013. If you look at her last years video, you will see her before and after. To me. Her result is too natural, and they didn't do a good job on her tip. So I never consider to go to regen, but if you are looking for very natural result, then that's the place for you.
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