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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Can I ve the contact? It would be so much appreciated if there's someone to cater certain of our needs and it's quite cheap. Thank you
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i am confused myself. Anyone of you paid 25k won when u go for consultation at ID? They told me i have to pay this for consultation but what i understand is those that hire translator to go with them did not pay for this consultation fee

i guess hiring translator has its pros n cons.

First you wouldn't get 'bullied' by the clinics because u r all alone in a foreign land. But the thing is you do indirectly pay for their commission.

Having a translator makes the trip easier cos you do not have to navigate around. I am not sure translator can help to get a better price than when you are alone... but i guess comparing with the net profit clinic earns, you having no translator definitely profits them more. What i don't understand is why the hell do they make it so hard for people to go without translator by practicing double standards? This is why translators exist...because clinics take advantage of people without a translator.

I can safely says that all translator do take commission no matter how hard they deny. It's just the agreed percentage between them and the clinic. They cannot admit that they take commission as this is illegal in Korea.
It doesn't make sense for them to charge us 80 to 100k won a day and still follow up with you during surgery and after with no cost. You practically can't survive having this salary in Seoul...
So what we gotta agreed here is that ALL TRANSLATORS take commission. So from here, weigh the pros n cons of whether we should hire one.
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Hi Iaan,

Stay strong and positive ya.. It's not the end of the world, when you think nothing could be worst for what oneself is experiencing , there are always people who are even in worst off conditions or situations. Drink some pumpkin juices, take anti-oxidants supplements (berries etc) , take tonics or even ginseng soup, it will helps speeds up yr healing process. Eat healthily. Your mentality plays an important part in yr healing process therefore stay positive ya. I'm sure there is a special someone out there that would loves you unconditionally for who you're. Cheer up. God bless you.
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Hey ana.dancer,
Totally hear ya bout being nervous, excited, happy, anxious, n u can add scared too on my list.
We should all try and hit the streets at least once together during recovery. A group of us hanging out all bleeding, swollen and bandaged. I hear a reality show in the making. But seriously, for moral support, especially for those traveling alone.
You're more than welcome :smile: all this research is information overload. really glad u can use it.
Good luck to ya! Prolly see ya in the waiting room :smile:
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That IS weird, because from what I've noticed, ID actually has one of the more expensive facial contouring prices. For example, babyrose12 said Regen quoted zygoma 6m, jaw reduction 5m, which is obviously less than 14m. And I'm pretty sure Grand and TL have lower prices, so I don't know what's going on.

May I ask who your translator is? Because I think they may be getting commission from ID. It's actually pretty common among Korean translators and clinics. Not to say that you shouldn't use their translating service, because they could be great help if you can't speak Korean, but just be wary of any clinic(s) they seem bias toward, and make your decisions yourself.
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Someone pointed out earlier that it's pretty easy to register. Just use Google Translate. Then you can access the B&A's.
To upload a photo with a post, just click advanced post, then manage attachments. Or you can insert the image using one the insert picture button at the top of the posting box.

And someone already said this earlier, but I think it's good advice. For anyone planning to go to a clinic other foreigners haven't really gone to yet, like TL Plastic Surgery, let the clinic know that there are a lot of other forumers interested in the clinic as well, and you can't wait to tell them your experience after surgery... or something like that. Just be sure to subtly let the clinic know that you aren't just some random foreigner they can get away with doing an average job, because there other potential foreign clients awaiting your review. And unlike Koreans, we can actually share the clinic/doctor's name in our posts. kkk :P

EDIT: And to say all that without being awkward, I'd bring it up during my consultation. For example, I'd ask my doctor if I could have physical copies of my B&A pictures, because there's a lot of people on a popular foreign cafe interested in their clinic and expecting to see my results. That way, the doctor will be especially careful with my surgery, knowing his surgical work is being showcased to a lot of people interested in his clinic... and I don't have to explicitly tell him not to f-- up. lol Like a ninja.
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Yes, you will be suicidal doing all of these with nobody to take care of you.
Trust if from someone who's done the Vline and Zygoma. On top of it, you want to do Rhino as well.
If you are afraid that hiring a translator will add to your surgery cost, then just ask the translator for after-care services only, and not doing translation before surgery.
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In my opinion, charging $100 USD for a client, is enough to make a living in S Korea. Per capita income is around $32,000 USD. Think about it.

In one month, a translator can have around 30 clients. In one day, she can go for 3 consultations with client A, then check-in with Client B who just got surgery done the day before. The check-in can take just 20 min, then walk to another clinic/hotel still in Gangnam to check-in with Client C (who had surgery two-three days ago). That means $USD 3000/month cash! No income taxes. Let's assume income taxes is around 25%. So a person who makes USD $45,000 with income taxes around 25% will have net income of $33,000 USD/person and the translator actually makes $36,000/yr.

Keep in mind translators don't live in Gangnam and they're pretty young, with no kids. So translators keep all money to themselves, and yes the money is worth it for them....just $100 USD per day translation fee is enough to sustain live in S Korea.
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From someone who did mini-V and eyes - I totally agree as well!!!! You will thank yourself for it after the experience.
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I'm arriving at 12:15 PM what about you!? Yes =) Let's meet up!

Uhm. It is after bargaining :S They charged me much much higher before... I believe it because I went to the Shanghai Clinic (which turned out to be quite poshy). I think its too late to rebargain or regret now, so I'm not going to get too distraught over it. I paid it in China, so I don't have to pay any taxes, so that saves a little bit.
What surgery are you considering? (sorry I couldn't find your post)
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Hi, everybody.
I have read everyone's post. I really appreciate each one of you getting me thru this. Holy**** I didn't know i was losing it mentally. I've ran out of painkillers and now my face really hurts I can feel the where the bone was cut now.
At this moment my lips, cheeks, and chin has this tingly sensation. When I try to move my lips it will swell up extremely fast to the point my mouth closes up my chin blows up next.
The good thing is i can finally recognize my own eyes and my nose has come down I'm able to breath out both of my nostrils. This is a sense of relief. I'm able to have some real sleep finally.

I know there's something very different in my lower jaw and inside my mouth. I'm not going to truly know the result because I'm really still swelled up. I have these loud ringing noises in my ears. And my face just really hurts. I decided to stop looking in the mirror continuously. And listen to you guys telling me what's really going on.

I will continue as planned and give it some time hopefully by next week it will only get better. I know it will.

I can't pass any judgement. Dr. Park is very skilled that is why i went to him in the first place. I cant forget... He said i was good I will take his word for it. Even tho i feel i don't like really like it.

I did some craziness i can't really elaborate on to much when I was up for 3 days. A pretty nurse@ID told me...to trust it. You have to. Please trust it...I can't believe I did that. I felt the need to throw this in here. I came to conclusion after reading Mia post that he not going to do something if he didn't think I really need it. Because i did asked him for a genioplasty he said ok and he didn't didn't do it. I was kinda upset. He told me you are good. We will see.

if the final result is not what I expect and hate it. I don't know if want do this all over again even if it was for free and I if had the best doctors in the world. It just why too much to go through.

Thank you all for helping me get out of my head and in isolation mode. HKP had warned me about this. I didn't know what she was really taking about.

I will write a blog on my recovery for those that are thinking of coming to Seoul to find the same things like I did. Theres still a long way to go. Right now I'm focused on getting back i wear a hat, mask and a hoodie to help me walk around.
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Your going to need somebody. Trust me.
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I think we will never quite really know if translators get commission or not. But in my opinion, that does not really matter. What matters is you get the surgery you want, at the price you are willing to pay and the road to recovery is bearable. My roommate who did not use a translator at clinic XXX paid $8M for eyes revision and nose. When I consulted at the same clinic XXX, I was quoted 7M KW on eyes, nose and chin implant and I used a translator. She did not bargain, but I did. So, I think we will go bonkers trying to figure out if translators get commission or not.

However, for those of you considering if you should get a translator, here are my two cents:
1) If you are getting just eyes or just nose, I think it is fine to go without a translator if you are pretty positive person and strong willed/ minded, or if you are going with friends.

2) If you are having multiple surgeries and especially with facial countouring, please do yourself a favor and get a translator. When I say that, I really mean the post-op care rather than the translation services. So even if the clinic has a translator, I think you will benefit tremendously from the post-op.

Please know that while you may have the clinic's translator during consultation and fees, they may not be there for you after your surgery or for any follow ups. I did not see my English Consultant at ID after I went into surgery.

I was very, very thankful to have my translator there for me after surgery. I was so swelled up and I felt like I regretted every moment of it. I thought I went through a bad accident - and my throat hurt like a b*tch! It was the effects of GA. After my surgery, I formed a new sense of respect and appreciation for what translators do. Imagine - this is the time where you are most vulnerable and you've just made a living changing decision, not to mention spent a lot of $$$, and you are alone in a foreign country. What they give you is emotional support, a friend to care for you, a shoulder to cry on, a person to shop with, eat with, and a sense of trust. I think this.... money can't buy.
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Judging from other people's experiences, I don't think it'd be a good idea. But then again, most of them stayed in a room by themselves post surgery. Staying at a guesthouse with others could actually be of great help for you, and you may not even need post-care from a translator.

Anyway, for anyone interested in how to heal fast after surgery (particularly jaw surgery), here are some pointers. It seems like a lot, but you'll probably remember most of it by just reading through it once.

Healing after Surgery

1. Leave your bed two to three times per day and walk as much as you are able, or as your doctor advises. If you are lying down, make sure you sit for one minute before standing. This is because suddenly standing up from a lying position can make you dizzy and cause you to fall.

2. Lessen your pain with alternating cold and heat, deep breathing techniques and elevating your incision. Less pain means you can move about sooner.

3. Ice packs will be used to help minimize swelling. Constant use for the first 12 -24 hours is most effective. The nurses will assist you with ice packs which should be applied for 20 minutes and removed for 10 minutes. After 36 hours, ice has no beneficial effect. Warm packs to the face after the first 48 hours will help increase blood supply and reduce swelling, speeding the removal of the black, blue, green or yellow discoloration associated with bruising.

4. Use the "head up" position for the first 7-10 days after surgery to help reduce swelling. Expect the peak of your swelling to occur 48 hours after surgery and most should be gone by 7-10 days. In the hospital, the bed should be flexed in the middle to prevent you from sliding to the foot of the bed. At home, propping up your mattress at the head of the bed and under the foot of the bed will help also. Spending a lot of time in a "Lazy Boy" type chair is an excellent alternative. Remember, keeping your head above the level of your heart is what helps reduce and minimize swelling.

5. For the first week, try to avoid instant broth, packaged stuff with a lot of sodium in it, and sports drinks. The salts will encourage water retention which sort of defeats the purpose of trying to reduce swelling fast.

6. When your doctor says it is alright to brush your teeth, a small toothbrush (like a baby toothbrush) will help make oral hygiene less difficult. The importance of cleaning your teeth and mouth cannot be overemphasized. This must be done several times each day to keep the mouth and incision sites clean. This will help the wounds heal quickly without getting an infection. No rinsing of any kind should be done until the day following surgery. The day after surgery you should begin rinsing at least 5-6 times a day especially after eating with a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt. Rinse gently without force. Gently let the solution roll out of your mouth. Do not spit forcefully.
REMEMBER: A clean wound heals better and faster.

7. Talk. It is difficult to talk with a bound jaw but not impossible. Sometimes writing things down is easier but the best way to build up the strength in your jaw is to put your muscles to work.

8. Take pictures of your recovery so you can remind yourself that you are healing. Improvement is difficult to witness on a day-to-day basis but, weekly, it is a much more obvious process. Photographs document this and remind you that you are, in fact, improving even though you still feel horribly. It is important to be patient and know exactly what to expect, or your recovery may be very frustrating and upsetting for you.

9. If the corners of your mouth are stretched, they may dry out and crack. Your lips should be kept moist with an ointment such as Vaseline.

10. Always have a wet washcloth on hand. Breathing through your nose is often nearly impossible after jaw surgery. You have to breathe through your mouth and your lips and they will dry out along with your throat. A wet washcloth is the best remedy for breathing. Place the moistened washcloth over your mouth as you breathe and your throat and mouth will become less irritated from the dry air coming in.

11. Following jaw surgery there is frequently some numbness in the upper or lower lip, or both. When this is combined with facial swelling and soreness due to incisions inside the mouth, a task as basic as drinking may present difficulties. There are several tips which may help you:

a) You should be drinking a fair amount of fluid after jaw surgery. Daily amounts should be between 2 -3 liters. Fruit juices are an excellent source of fluid, especially apple juice, and prune juice for normal bowel movement. This is a major goal after surgery. The most frequent cause for a delay in healing is a lack of adequate fluid intake. Always have some fluids in front of you and drink frequently to consume 2-3 liters in 24 hours.

b) Attempt to drink from a cup if possible. While some fluids may be spilled when drinking in this manner, this is still the most effective way of taking fluids. Place a small towel under your chin if necessary and place a small amount of fluid in your cup. Tip your head back slightly while pouring in the fluid slowly, a little at a time. Close the lips together and swallow. If you have difficulty with this, then try doing it in front of the bathroom mirror over the sink. You will find this gets easier the more times you drink. Or, if you can, drink from a sippy cup. Sippy cups don’t spill when turned upside down and they are easy to use.

c) Someone earlier said to drink from big straws, but you should NOT drink from a straw at all. The sucking motion can cause more bleeding by dislodging the blood clot.


12) Watch feel good movies and shows, but if you've had jaw surgery, make sure it won't make you laugh.

13) Listen to music. Music reduces stress, aids in relaxation and may make your body produce endorphins, or the "feel good" body chemicals.

14) Q-tips dipped in saline are great for cleaning out the gunk in your nose. Gross I know, but they do work. Saline nasal spray can also help with the congestion.
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this was the quotation she sent me.
case 1.
1. non incisional double eyelid surgery (KRW 1400000)
case 2.
1. non incisional double eyelid surgery (KRW 1400000)
2. lateral blepharoplasty (KRW1400000)
case 3.
1. non incisional double eyelid surgery (KRW 1400000)
2. lateral blepharoplasty (KRW1400000)
3. Fat reposition, low blepharoplasty (KRW 2100000)

Do you think it is over priced?
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