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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I just want to clarify something as I think some of the forumer made a wrong assumption about me going to JW Clinic for nose surgery under DR Suh. I did went to JW clinic in June this year but not for nose surgery .End of the day I didn't get any surgery done because DR Lee, the anesthesia doctor made a mistake and failed to find my airway and almost got me killed . All the doctors were panicked and they slit my throat during the emergency situation. After 6 months I still have scar on my neck . For those who decided to go to JW for major operation and required general anesthesia, please think twice because if DR lee is still JW's main anesthesia doctor. There is a chance you will be ended up like me the unfortunate one. Although she claimed that she has more than 20 years of experience but she has proven herself that she is not skillful or knowledgeable enough to handle various cases. And for your information JW clinic did not do a good job in preparing the customer before the operation eg the anesthesia doctor is not wearing her uniform and cap. So think again before you choose JW clinic, their doctors might be skillful and popular unfortunately they have a unskillful team of anesthesia doctors.
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Hi, I was reading about your Experience and I'm highly interested...just to clarify, who exactly is Anita and does she run a service that provide translators to foreigners that visits Korea? I am looking around Beverly Hills California for a rhinoplasty surgeon but I would like to consider in Korea as well.
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Hi im going to korea in few months time for ptosis correction and full face fat grafting and V lift. Can anyone recommend best doctor for full face grafting (with highest Survival Rate) and V lift, also need a suggestion for a good translator too. I've read a lot of good feedback abt zoe the translator, can anyone let me how can I reach her? Email add, phone info, etc..? Any help willbe just great! Thank you.
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Just a question regarding translation service- did you have them contact the clinics to schedule appointments before flying to Seoul? Or you contacted the offices yourself? I have no idea where to begin if I'm considering nose surgery in Korea!
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Hmm I didn't see Rex on there. I've been seeing that clinic come up a bit in my search for the right place and doctor.
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Hi, what exactly is the price range for nose surgery in Korea? I have only started to consider it and barely start my research. There's so much to learn!!
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Hi applejax21,
Thank u for sharing your experi3nce in detail. It absolutely helps people likr me who has never had a plsstic suregry experience before, but am planningnto have first ps done in few mths time. I have bought my plane ticket and have accomodatin booked, but still doing my research for good doctors & korean clinic to get my dream face. :smile: . Also, may I know the email add of your translator? here is mine: [email protected]. Looking fwd to your reply. Thank you.
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hello. my translator told me that they do not get commission, but i found this hard to believe. i do think that she gets a commission and i'm sure i was charged more for it. there is a difference between local korean pricing and foreigner pricing, with foreigners getting charged more. what my translator got from my surgery, i do not know.
however for me, it was worth using a translator because i do not speak korean and cannot read korean language. the consent forms were all in korean as well as the medications and post-op instructions. my translator helped me with all of that as well as provided transportation to the clinic and airport. she also booked all my appointments for me.
i would have gladly paid the commission to my translator for the services they provided regardless.
also my pricing was higher because i used a credit card.
In the end though, you can still bargain down the price to where you are comfortable paying.

i'm very satisfied with my results so far. i have received only positive comments about my new nose.

ps. i used Anita's translation services. she has multiple translators working for her, so she might not be the one you actually work with. her email is [email protected].
also note that there are only a few translation companies that are registered with the korean government, Anita and Seoul Touch up are the two that I know of. Seoul touch up is a lot more expensive though.
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Where can I access before after photos from TL ?
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Is the best way to contact the clinics is just to email in your photos along with photos of the desired results? And ask for a quote along with it?
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hii all, im a new member to these forums but ive been stalking for a little while now....
im contemplating two jaw surgery (in the early stages) can anyone recommend a good hospital? I've only heard of ID (which quoted me 17million won) as well as grand but i dont have any prices or anything :sad: I cant do the surgery in my home country because its quite expensive and is not covered AT ALL by insurance
sorry if this is not the right place ^^
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