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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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You mentioned PRP postop, which should be platelet-rich plasma injection made from one's own blood and concentrated in platelets, as the name suggests?I was wondering more of any hair wash, who removes the stitches (doc or nurse), any hospitalization, the service of the care-givers, any skin care treatments etc.

For surgery method u only mentioned "cutting method that minimize(s) bleeding", I am wondering about usage of screws which was not mentioned until your post above. Plastic surgery is a life-changing procedure which is why most of us get on forums for information even more than a year before planning to go Korea, sorry if I ask too much but where else can I get info if the website is incomprehensible to me lol.

For your B&A, all 4 girls have v-shaped chins. Exactly what I don't want. Which was why I made a passing comment about the need to login. Please don't feel a need to respond to all DAPRS posts or feel a responsibility to "mother" this thread abt DAPRS, You would agree the more opinions/reviews sought from DIFFERENT entities about a clinic, the more reliable are the reviews. So I'm trying to seek others opinion as well. Still you have been extremely helpful so really appreciate that lots! :smile:
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i didn't mean to come off as mothering (i am only 19 lol). and actually i am collecting it from different entities. this is not just my opinion. i found those in korean cafes with THEIR entry. i also found those different reviews on purseforum that i emailed you. they aren't my opinion.... and daprs is a new clinic so it's hard to find more comments and reviews from it for people who are foreign. all i was trying to do is be the middle man and help translate and spread information. (btw if you look at the before and after link you will see more subtle results of facial contouring with no vline...)

i will stop mothering people about daprs and keep my own opinion and research to myself i guess then..

good luck on your surgeries and researching~
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Appreciate ur input on DAPRS! I have actually seen many B&A pictures on kpsurgery.co without crediting the clinic name so it was a pleasant surprise to know tt they operated at View/DAPRS.
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as nice as kpsurgery, it's just nice to see before and afters. the site is runned by a teenage girl who has only gotten double eyelids. she also suggests alot of blacklisted clinic (she is not a native korean or full for that matter- i've contacted her) so take her advice/info with a grain of salt.

she recommends clinics like jewellery and grand which is blacklisted. and falsely says some idols go to grand to do their plastic surgery when actually it is CINDERELLA.

but anyways i guess i'll stop proving my translating research then since you want other people's opinions *~*
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U may wanna consider JK hospital, from what I've seen and read they seem to produce good results. They have both lots of foreign patients and lots of local patients, it's about 50-50 split which gives me a good feeling too. For those clinics with like 80-90% foreign patients (ID and BK for eg), it's worrying cos why don't locals go there? And conversely if they have only local patients and hardly any foreign patients, it's like they aren't good enough to attract those rich discerning foreign patients who fly to Korea for the very best. Also then they may not be so good at communication in English which makes it hard to get your ideal result.

I'm having email discussions with them now and I really get a good vibe from the clinic. I'll almost certainly be leaving this Sunday for Seoul and having consultations with them on Monday morning. :smile: Hopefully having V-line surgery on Tuesday. I'm still recovering from a minor rhinoplasty done by Woffles Wu 4 days ago, so unfortunately I'll be flying with a swollen nose! lol
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Hey mwol, u need to rmbr tt my response is as such cos u took my post personally and find it "annoying" that I asked for specifics and details. That's why I told ya to chill cos when a person asks for advice on forum, the more response the merrier?

I just look at kpsurgery purely to see consolidation of B&A in Korea. I'm aware tt it is a student who is an overseas born half Korean. She prob can't read Hangul so only recommends big well-known clinics? So no worries, won't take her advice seriously.
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Hey thanks, I quite like JK for facial contouring but can't find much details on the English website. What are the prices they quote u? So they have an in-house English coordinator then! :smile: Are u staying overnight? tell me more ok? I will prob email JK soon...

Whoot u went to Woffles Wu for nj! How did it turn out? He is ranked top 10 for PS in the world but we rather go Korea hehehe...
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Does anyone know where that list (I think it was from a Chinese website) that had the blacklisted and which surgeries that are performed well etc..?? I saw it on one of the threads but know I can't find it :sad: Ty in advance!!
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Please let me know about banobagi, I've only read people recommending them and was super impressed by their before and afters so it would be very helpful to know any negatives as well .

Small face has really nice results too but less dramatic with the men I think at least compared to the other clinics where the face contouring is more drastic.

I absolutely love the result at TLPS, I would never suspect he's had anything done if I never seen his before!

I actually want to have my cheekbone reduced too for a more balanced appearance but I'm scared of it. I definitely don't need to have the front side altered because I have no problem there, do you think reducing the sides only would still possibly cause drooping?

I will be asking for lifting procedures for the lower face cause as I mentioned earlier, after loosing more weight I noticed a tad bit of sagging under the chin which is only visible from the side when looking down and I'm 100% sure this will become more obvious after my procedures so I want to take care of it at once. I'm also tempted to get the prp treatment now that you mention its benefits.

So far my choices are set with TLPS, DAPRS, Banobagi, and Regen.

Thank you so much mwol for all the details and info, your posts were super helpful and I really appreciate them, hope the pm option will be enabled soon :smile:
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I havent done facial contouring yet but in going to korea in february so i will definately share my results if it will help anyone else..
Im getting v line,cheekbone reduction, 2 jaw, and acne clearing
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You asked me why I dont do mynose in korea,i initially planned to do that but anita my translator advised me to wait 3 months because I wont be able to breathe so i figured id do it here in the us.. I really wanted to do it there in korea though by the same doctor to ensure that i like the results
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JK quoted me US$9000 for V-line surgery, which is a bit above SG$11000. That includes general anaesthesia, taxes, follow-up visits etc, but excludes the medication costs.

I didn't ask if they have in-house English coordinator, probably they do. But I've heard the doctors speak good English, and also they have bilingual Chinese staff to help Chinese patients. And in my email correspondence with JK staff, the lady speaks perfect English. I first heard about them in the online CNN article "Welcome to the plastic surgery capital of the world".

Yeah I think after V-line everyone has to stay 1 night in hospital, after that will stay in hotel.

Oh this rhinoplasty was a fairly minor procedure. There's still swelling cos it's open rhinoplasty. Basically ten years ago I had a major rhino done with Dr Woffles Wu, a lot of changes like narrowing the bridge, taking away a nose hump. I've been happy with the results for years. Unfortunately recently a piece of cartilage graft shifted, so I had to have surgery to remove that cartilage. Dr Wu is very expensive, he said he'd charge a 'nominal fee' which still turned out to be more than $6k once u include GST and medication. :shucks:

Yeah Dr Wu is really good, but he doesn't do facial contouring surgery anyway. Even if he does I don't think I could afford it. His breast implant surgery is SG$20k! Lol
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Jamaica here too...St. Ann ;)

I'm still searching for a clinic too although I'm leaning towards EverM, but that is just
based on what I'm reading here. So frustrated that I'm struggling so much with the language on the sites. I've earmarked where I hope I can find a room to stay but need to figure out translation help.

I hear you about the excitement..sometimes I just want to head to Korea, win or loose.
But then I come to reality, tell myself to calm down and keep planning. I see you're spending a month? Good for you! I think the longer you can stay the better. I may only be able to do 3 weeks. Wish I could set a date but not there yet.
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