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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Where did you get rib rhino done??
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it seems like yu did exactly what im looking for is it possible for you to show me vefore and after.id quoted you a great price,they quoted me 32,000 usd for the same procedures
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Hi guys,

I see a lot of you wanting my friends photos but I only want to share through pm. I'm sorry, but I'd like to keep my identity private (as my email contains my first and last name) just because I am still grappling the fact that where I live plastic surgery is very taboo so that's why I rather use the pm system.

And also putting your email on this thread makes you a target for spambots, since that's how they collect emails. It's also hard to edit posts or ask the moderators as they can't delete it for you.

Sorry again! I'll be more than happy to pm you anytime though.
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Hi folks, I am going in Jan middle next year but have not finalized the accommodation yet. Anyone interested to go at the same time and we can split the accomodation cost and possible to get more discount if we go to the same clinic. I am planning to do eyes and nose. Have not confirmed on clinic yet.
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I think hotel gives you more privacy but I'm so glad I chose a guest house instead because it has the privacy of a hotel and I met so many wonderful girls here... We go shopping sightseeing "plastic party" as we would like to joke around where we drink pumpkin juice and watch tvb together while putting ice packs on our face... Guest house provides more support and I really don't know how I will manage to get back to my room after surgery if I was by myself I was so weak my throat was killing me ... I'm glad I had my host mom ...so I guess you have to weigh your pro and con
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Hi Icy C,

I'm only going end Apr 27th.

Yes, I've read about Soong Sister's case and feel sorry for her. But I have read rave reviews on JW and pray that hers is a "one in million" case as I am still quite keen on JW.

I have contacted Zoe to be my translator and have requested her to bring me to 4 clinics, Regen, TLPS, View and JW and I will decide thereafter.

I don't want to do any more research on other clinics cos I will be made confused and more undecided which clinic I should settle on. Nevertheless I will still continue to follow this thread for latest updates and stuff.

Is this your first time doing PS in Korea? Cos this will be my first.

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Yes they definitely charge more I'm sure if you look hard enough you can find local translators like college students or etc.. If I could do it over again I would not hire Anita cause with them I go quoted so much from my top clinic choices causing me to cross my clinic choices off my list and I had to start a new list cause even if I drop their translating service I wasn't sure if they would lower the cost.. I know a girl on kakao dec group knows a local translator maybe you should try to contact her for her translators info
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Hi I know a lot of you have questions regarding some of the so called black listed clinics so I'll share what I learned so far...

I met a Indonesian girl who went to item for epi and nose she stays at the same guest house as me and she's such a sweet girl three days after her epi she decided she wanted to do revisional eyelid to make her fold higher I went with her to consult at faceline and dr lee said no she was still too swollen so he didn't suggest for her to do revisional just yet... She called item and they said yes u can still do revisional even though you are swollen -_- I didn't like their answer but she was really set on doing her eyes again.. They charged her 2.8 for revisional eyelid and they are non negotiable at all... I never knew there would be such a clinic :/ but her eyes turned out nice (she had it done yesterday) and she's happy with the result.. I noticed the people working there all have upturned noses and they suggest that type of nose to their patients as well ... Met a lady there who complained the consultant said her nose was too long they suggest turning it up to make it look nicer , I personally don't like upturned nose but if that's your thing you can consider this clinic

Bk dong yang ... There's a Mongolian girl who staying at my guest house that had her nose done in bk a couple of years ago..maybe two.? Dr kim performed the job on her nose and did such a bad job she had a hump on her nose and when dr kim did rhino for her he made a big tip and added silicone without shaving down the hump and for some reason the tip kept falling down, she went back to bk to do a revision last year they charged her $1000 for revision when it was the doctors incompetent work that caused her nose to droop -_- after the revision a few months later the Same thing happened (tip drooped down again) and this time she is going to a different clinic. She highly doesn't recommend bk and said the doctor isn't friendly, kinda cold, post op care isn't that great.. So I guess since I heard this from an actual person I wanted to share it with you

There's another girl here whose Thai and she's so pretty she had her mini v and jaw done at ID she had it done for 6000$ they removed her previous chin implants and moved her jaw forward I think she looks really pretty already and I don't see any scarring so maybe they aren't that bad ... But she plans to do revisional nose and eyes (no idea why since she's already gorgeous) but she isn't going to ID to do it :/?
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Hi thoebee,

I hope from that incident JW have learnt to be more careful and give their staff extra training or something.

Because you're using a translator you are almost certainly going to be quoted much higher prices for your procedures :/

Yeah it's my first time too, have you seen those videos on YouTube how the double eyelids are done? It really scares me :sad:
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Hi can I know the full name of the dr. Kim from Bk Don yang u mentioned? Is he still in the same clinic?
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Hi Bkzabii,

Please share your guesthouse details! Appreciate it much!! ;)

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Hi Keching,
I'm planning to go on the 23rd of Jan to Feb 4th. When r u planning to go?

Anyone else going in Jan and like to meet up?
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