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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry that post-op care was so bad....
I was just wondering if they gave you a preview of your results. Because on their website, Wonjin claims:
"Not only WONJIN's experience but also know-how will predict the result of the actual cosmetic surgery."
Good luck with your recovery!
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Happy New Years everyone ,

I know the forum has been moving fast, and I haven't been here much due to school and work. anyways I am still planning on going to Seoul to have forehead augmentation ,Since I just did the V line surgery in the states. I only have two weeks vacation and the surgeon that did my V line said he has done it before and he was one of the top doctors in 2013. I added an album on my profile. I had surgery Dec 15 .

If you know the best place for forehead let me know .
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Hi Trishsul,
Hmm V-line surgery was definitely painful for a short period, I woke up at 6pm from surgery, and until about noon the next day I had quite a lot of pain and discomfort. So about 18 hours for me.

It's not just that your jaw and chin hurts alot, it's also that u feel so nauseous till u can barely sit up without wanting to throw up, and u can't eat or drink for several hours before or after your surgery because of the General Anasthesia. (Not drinking water for so many hours is no joke, believe me. Especially when the tubes from General Anaesthesia hurts your throat and makes it so dry and painful) All these added up makes u feel like u got into a car accident, lol. And there's extra pain from all the injections they'll give u, like anti-nausea injections and painkiller injections.

I can't remember the exact degree of pain, maybe about 8/10. But I have a low tolerance for pain. I remember reading on a surgeon's website that jaw surgery is considered the most painful facial procedure.

Uh chin implant and botox is definitely less invasive, and may give u the result u want. Plus it's reversible so u don't have to worry about screwing up your face. But personally I did botox injections for many years--since I was 18 till 25, and it's expensive when u add it all up. It's much cheaper in the long-run to have surgery instead. The botox is REALLY effective in slimming the jawline though.
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I really can't imagine what you went through... That sounds rough :sad: I really hope you have a good recovery and will have a great result after! May I know if the botox effect is permanent? ( as in your jawline becomes slim eventually or if the jawline becomes slim only after botox and will go back to normal size after the botox's effect is gone?)
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Hi Trishsul~

Botox jaw injections unfortunately don't give a permanent effect, but u will need less of it over time. For first 2 years, I spent SG$3000 a year on it ($1500 treatment twice a year). But I went to Dr Woffles Wu who is probably the most expensive Singaporean surgeon, u can probably get it for cheaper.

Then after that I spent about SG$1500 a year on it, a $1000 treatment every 8 months. (The cost of the injection depends on how much Botox u need).

And there was a 2-year period where I had some personal difficulties in my life and I didn't do the injections, and although my jaw became bigger, it didn't return to anything like my original jaw size, it was still much slimmer than my original. So basically the botox effects start to last longer and longer over time.

Some doctors claim that there is some permanent effect, because they say when the muscle is weakened long-term, the jawbone actually shrinks a bit over time. But even if this is true, the permanent reduction in jawbone can't be compared to what can be achieved thru surgery.

Personally I think it's worth considering doing just botox for jaw and the chin implant. The main reason I did surgery is because my chin was really wide and couldn't be reduced without surgery. :smile:
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hi winter can i have your before after pictures please thanks;)
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I have been reading your posts for a while on over 600+ pages (including the old topic).

I am 21, male, and from France, but with Chinese origin. I arrived in Seoul on December 19 in the morning, and I visited View Clinic and TL PS the same day in the afternoon as they are the most quoted clinic in those topics. I went with my parents and we booked with Chinese service. I returned to France on January 2.

View Clinic

Located at Gangnam Station. The clinic looks great and all the attendants have undergone plastic surgery because their faces look all the same, with the same eyes, noses and breasts.

I was quoted 14 million KRW "reduced" to 12 million KRW as we were always insisting about the price. Square jaw reduction was 6 million KRW (3 million for each side) and chin reduction 3 million, and nose job at an undisclosed price. There would have been two surgeons for the surgery. + they offered to tooth whitening for me and botox for my mother for free LOL


Located at 5 km away of Wiew Clinic. A whole building is dedicated for them, and it was surrounded by Abercrombie & Fitch, D&G, Nespresso, and Cartier. You can see their ads on some buses. The attendants look more natural than at View Clinic and the surgeon told me that I do not need to do some operations, like the nose job for instance.

I was quoted 14.7 million KRW. But my parents told them that "another clinic offered to us to do it at 10 million KRW so you have to reduce the price or we will go with them". It worked. They reduced the price to 10 million KRW for nose job and square jaw reduction to the chin to reduce the size of the chin by the sides, but it is not a real chin reduction. Only one surgeon, Choi Sewoon, can do both operations and he appeared on TV some times.

So I did it with TL PS. The operation was on December 20 at 6pm and it was quite OK. The operation room looks great and seems to have all the appliances you can expect in a general hospital in a Western country like France. There was a dozen of nurses in the room but I am not sure they were all dedicated to me.

When I woke up after the operation, it was about 5am and my mouth was incredibly dry, I could not breath through my nose and it was hard to talk. The first day, I did not eat anything. The following days I ate porridge (I hate that), then dumpling, and after about ten days I could eat small parts of meat.

On the thirteenth day it was not sure they if they could remove the stiches in my mouth or not. Finally they did but they would have prefered to wait the fourteenth day, and in case of any problem they would not have removed them, so think about it if you go in Korea and that you do not want to remove them in your own country.

I never really suffered from pain. Maybe on the third day in the morning there was some pain, and when they removed the stiches from my mouth on the thirteenth day it was a bit painful too. But it is more about discomfort all the time than real pain.


Today is my fourteenth day. My mouth where there were the stiches is a bit painful but it is OK. After those two weeks I lost about 7kg.
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Thank you so much for your detailed explanation! You really helped me a lot! At first I was hesitant to get a botox because I'm still relatively young, and I heard that botox are usually for older people with sagging skin (I don't have that problem). But reading your experience, I become more open to the suggestion of botox. Thank you so much!


Glad to hear your experience. Hope you will end up with great result!!
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hi everyone, i'm an african who is new to this forum. i want to do my surgery in korea because i think i have similar features with some asians. I want to do the v-line surgery and rhinoplasty, and intend to spend at most a month in korea. what clinic would you recommend i go to, for the two procedures, and because i speak english i need a friendly and exposed female translator when i come to korea. Who would you recommend?
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