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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Jespere que tu irras beaucoup mieux ;)

Btw can we have your before after picture please

Thanks in advance :smile:
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sorry it took so long to reply i just got back to the states today. they said 150000won for me. how much did they say for you?

And a question for everyone else who have had chin implants before. Has your cheeks like gotten narrower than b4? I am not sure if it's cuz I lost a bit of weight while I was in Korea or if it has something to do with getting the chin surgery. All of my friends has told me that I look like I lost a lot of weight (i only lost like 2-3kg) and that I look kind of sick..
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Chin surgery did t promote weight lost it is generally your body is weak and you didn't eat well or rest well during your surgery time in Korea . I lost 3 kgs too and was so weak after surgery . It is also depends on your age you get people don't get this problem that much
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Don't bother hiring a translator unless you want the cost of your procedures to be increased by at least 30%. Save your money and use the in-house translators that the clinics already have.
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they quoted me $3000 for eyes and it was just for an incisional cut...
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thanks a lot.
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Excuse me, I want to ask : If translator don't working at any clinics, so I can believe her? Because I think if my translator not working in clinic, she can not take commission from clinic :help:
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those are the ones that make the most commision its best to use the inhouse translators that the clinic provide, if you hire a translator group like (zoe...anita) they will charge you 3000-5000 more unless its some local student or something...i dont think ill ever forget the quote that girin gave me -_- 11,000 for rhino and eyes PRIMARY SURGERY...
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you can check out airbnb guest houses...best to do research on the clinics ure going to so that you know where you want to stay...sinsa area is a good place to stay...less transfer of trains :biggrin:
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i suggest item or faceline, those are clinics i can vouch for cause i seen results for bulbious tips
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OMG i meant to say 1.5k (1,000 won = 1$) I think i wrote 150 dollars LOL ;;

is the incisional cut with a knife? i don't know how much that is.. but if it's just the 'sewing' it's like $2000. Maybe you have more of a complex eye? I used to have one double eyelid and one mono-lid. and my eye shape is fairly easy to do. but they did my eyes really well~!

My left eye is more swollen then my right, but my right eye looks really natural. My friends all told me that it didn't look like i got my eyes done (if you just look at my right eye).
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Hi everyone,

It has been more than one year since my mandible reduction surgery with Dr. Lee at View clinic and I think now I can confidently say that I am very happy with the result although I needed a minor revision on my right side (which was done free of charge) 6 months post-op due to my bone looking a bit asymmetric.

Before having had my mandible reduction, I spent more than 2 years doing research because this type of surgery involves a lot of risks and side effects but my surgery went very smoothly and I don't experience any complications. I felt 100% normal even 1 month post-op, no pain, no nerve damage, no sagging, no tightness or mouth opening difficulty. I think this must be attributed to the skill of the doctor.

I recently sent Dr. Lee an email to thank him and let him know that I am very satisfied with the result. He emailed me back saying that he just opened a new clinic named DA plastic surgery clinic and he is working on the new English home page. Anyone who is interested in his new clinic can send e-mail to [email protected] for appointments. I don't know if he has an English translator but he speaks enough English to get you through the surgeries I think.
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Hey Thuy Trang, I'm Vietnamese also and is going in June. Which clinic did you choose? I heard of pitangui and a local friend has found out that it does mostly celebrities and they quoted me for very cheap for my eyes and nose. If you'd like to travel together that'd be nice. ALso, I've heard your post about a translator for surgery name sophia shin. Is she good and reliable? Have you met her personally and talk to her yet? I want to know before I make arrangements with her.
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11,000 for rhino and eyes ??? :faint::faint: Too much !!
Thank you for your share. Do you think about Pitangui?
My translator is a Korean girl stay in Korea, so I think I can believe her because she promise with me : she don't working in any clinic in email she send to me. How do you think about that?

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 5:02 PM, SophiaShin <[email protected]> wrote:

May I ask you what your plastic surgery plan in detail is?
According to your last mail, you mentioned the nose, am I right?

I found out information about the clinic (PITANGUI) you mentioned in your last mail.
It took some time for me because I needed to find useful information from sources that were not related to the advertisement of the clinic.

This clinic seemed to be visited by Korean celebrities rather than normal people.
That means the surgery results could be very successful.
If there are any other clinics you wish to find out, just ask me. I will find out more for you.

I hope you find the right clinic that suits you and soon be able to come see me.

By the way, Ms.Trang, there are very important things to keep in mind when you choose a guide.
You should not choose a guide who makes you follow his/her plan. It is best to find a guide who wishes to follow yours.

I will guide you to wherever you wish to go to.
Whether it is the clinic, a restaraunt or a shopping mall, I will not request for any commission from it.
I will guide you safely to eat, to buy and to go wherever you want if you tell me.
I will always be with you for your safety.

Furthermore, I am Korean so I know about Korea more than other guides in other countries.

After you choose the right clinic for your surgery, I will search for the right hotel that you can stay, so you won't have to worry.

You should know that the hotel you stay has to be as close as possible so you could save your traffic expenses.

As much as the surgery is important to you, and based on my experience from past surgeries of my clients and myself (eyes, jaw, breasts), I hope on being great help for your surgery to be successful. "
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