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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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They didn't say anything. He just said your upper teeth was so protruded I'm going to push it back 4mm. Zo assistance said whoa!!! That's a lot. Angle the front upper teeth I had no clue would mean spinning the jaw around. Meaning i have no jaw now. Because you must keep the bite. No one explain it to me. If I would of known there would be no way. It not natural and I just asked for an asymmetrical face.
So yea it now basically end of a hanger. I was going to fly back to HK to chill. Now I can't move around do too much or i feel like passing out. I wont be doing nothing now for awhile at least 8 months to go thru it again hopefully i can restore back the T.
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Oh no way!. It be impossible to do a revision after just got jaw surgery right away. it must heal first.
There's a story about a girl that came to Seoul to get a 2 jaw. She had to get a revision over and over.


Okies thank u.
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Wow just v-line surgery? o_o Her cheekbones look so less protrude! She has a similar facedhape as me, if just v-line works then i would be so happy n_n. I wanted to do mini v-line, zygoma reduction and chin lipo. But I'm afraid for sagging if I do zygoma..
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H Iaan,

Read your experience for the few days, please stay strong! I had mini V line and rhino about 5 weeks ago. I had a recess chin and it was moved forward. I am now 5 weeks post OP, and my mouth still feel like it's wired I smile and talk. I think it will be at least another 2 months before I can start feeling normal. You are only 8 days, give it 1 month, and it will be better.

The road to recovery is a slow one, but it WILL happen! I remember at 1 week, my nose was constantly runny, as in when I walked, liquid will spill out. Lucky I wore a face mask. I thought I would have a runny nose forever and stressed about it for a few days. Now, runny nose is completely gone.

My face did not move at all when I talked, and l looked very plastic, and again that has improved with time. At 5 weeks, I think I am at most 60%. So if you can, stress less, you must believe and know it will be better.
I know all sorts of ideas and worries run in our head when we look so swollen and distorted! After my Rhino, my eyes had 4 folds for about 3 weeks..Now, I still have a double chin when I stick my chin down, and I still have dark circles under my eyes from rhino, but I do believe they will improve. Stay positive!

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Uhm, She says ID quoted 14 M for Zygoma + Vline.
Regen like you said, quoted zygoma 6M, jaw reduction (NOT VLINE) 5M.
VLINE is more than just Jaw reduction, it also involves chin reduction.
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A quick update. At 5 weeks, mini v line and rhino (osteo/cartilage/2mm silicone)
No eye surgery was done, but my eyes look different. I look different. Very different, I thought i could get away with telling people "I lost weight" But nope, not convincing at all! So you WILL look different. Maybe if only one surgery is performed, it is possible.

Still feeling tight/stretched, chin pad still numb. Got a double chin, when I press my chin down a little.

I can eat anything now, even steak. But even if I try, i still can't stretch my mouth to show all my bottom teeth. I think it will take more time.
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Glad to hear that your family is coming.. though we don't know each other, I really relieve when i saw your post... stay strong, Iaan..do believe magical will happen.. . aja aja fighting.. !!! :hugs:
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After several online consultation with various doctors and reading up more, I feel like more is needed to be done to enhance my existing features. My goal is to harmonise my existing features to make improvements on my face and to achieve a cute look (rather than a sharp chiselled look) if possible.

I has initally planned to undergo eye surgeries (epi, lateral canthoplasty and double eyelids) only but now I think I need to undergo these procedures to achieve my goal:

Nose - I have a low bridge and bulbous tip so am considering alar base reduction, osteoplasty and either septal cartilage/rib rhinoplasty.

Eyes - As above. But I'm now quite wary about epi as a Thai surgeon and a Korean surgeon cautioned me regarding scarring (which is my worst fear for eye surgery) as it looks like I have "thicker" upper lids from my photos. Thai surgeon is against epi for me, I'm not sure if he's just conservative or epi is really not suitable for my eyes. Korean surgeon mentioned if I follow his post-op instruction diligently and apply the scar cream that is provided, scarring will go away gradually.

I will be meeting two other surgeons in Thailand and Japan for consultation (to gain a second opinion) in the next two weeks but I should be doing all my surgeries in Korea next month. I guess I will have to go for a face-to-face consultation before I come to any conclusion for my eyes.

Face - I have a wide face and prominent mandible so am considering mandible and zygoma reduction OR v-line and zygoma reduction (many consultants/surgeons suggested fat removal as well if I undergo zygoma reduction but I'm quite reluctant as we lose fats as we age and I really do not want to keep going back to inject fats on my face).

Problem is I'm not sure if it is even realistic to undergo so many major surgeries in one trip. Many Korean surgeons, consultants and translators had advise that multiple surgeries is not an issue at all but I'm not sure if they are down playing post op complication(like not being able to breathe properly, cannot open your eyes fully due to swelling) as face-contouring recovery on it's own is bad enough.

I also heard that swelling from zygoma reduction will squeeze your nose area as well and am quite worried this will affect the result of my nj.

The only reason why I would want to get them all done together is because I hope to suffer through the pain and long recovery time once and for all.

However, I read that multiple surgeries means a higher chance of revision as well so it defeats the purpose of why I wanted to get multiple surgeries done together in the first place.

If multiple surgeries is not advisable, pls advise me if I should:

(i)Undergo facial bones surgeries only on this trip 1st and then do my eyes/nose to fit the new face shape on a second trip.

(ii)I do my face and nose on this trip and see how they turn out before returning for a second trip to define my eyes? (I read that I should get my eyes done last since it's possible that my eye will look bigger on my new (smaller) face and eyes shape may change a little and 'stretch longer' due to the osteo (pushing in of nose bone) or zygoma reduction.)

(iii)Or do you think it's ok if i undergoing multiple surgeries?

I am so sorry for the long post but as my Korea trip is nearing, I am so anxious and feeling conflicted and confused now... any insights will be deeply appreciated! :help:
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Thanks Mia, I was so afraid to call at first. I didn't know what to expect. You know I cried every day since day 2. This was killing me. Than trying to pych myself up. It didn't work that long. I was still bananas!

My face it is still swollen i can only put about 2 fingers in my mouth. But it also feels like bunched up skin stitched to my gums.

Anyways i read it would be impossible for a revision at this time. My brother facetime me and said just maintain before you make any other decisions. Let it heal, test it out you still look good without a jaw. << >harsh) but he said don't worry I got you. I'm already tapped out coming here i didn't know when i can afford to restore my jaw.

I did talk to spartan when I was bugg'n out hard. He said he wasn't as swollen as me. And all I needed was a genio it looked like. Dude even photoshop a chin in for me. Told me to cool out. I think he said he was fine by day 5.
I'm still having problems still.

Yo, There is no way ever again I'm going to mess with what my parents gave me. And I've seen many of you peoples B&A's. Your B's were A's already.

Ok thanks Mia and everyone in PF.
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Iaan, I'm so glad your family is coming for you! I think with the company and support of your loved ones at home, you will feel so much better. I wish you a gradual but speedy recovery and do keep updating us on your progress! :hugs:
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I look forward to receiving your updates in after your consultation in March! If I decide to separate my surgeries into two trips, I should be in Seoul some time in April. :smile:
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Yea I most definitely will update the info that I managed to gorge out from the clinics and the tour guides. :biggrin:
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Hey Karime, I think it's a great idea we should try to hang out given that it'll be Christmas season (my favourite holiday!) and my birthday falls on New Year's Day (which will be spent recovering in Seoul :crybaby:).

Maybe we can all go eat pumpkin porridge and go shopping together so it'll not be too lonely for us all??? n_n

Do you mind telling me when is your travel period and where is your accomodation?

p.s. I like the reality show in making idea! :roflmfao:
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Hi egg_tartlet,

Can check with you what kinda of rhino did u do? Rib cartilage, derma graft or implants? How much did you spent on it?
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I arrive in the morning! Where are you staying at? I just posted the surgeries I am keen on in an earlier super long post... you can check it out there! :smile:
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