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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Sorry fantasy face, I didn't know I had to set up my account through email. I've been chatting with other forumers and clinics for the past week so it never occurred to me my account is incomplete haha

My new username is chicbunbun86
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January 2014doudouattsu : 8 January - ?
trishul : mid Jan 2014 (12th or 18th for 2 weeks) kakaoID :ladyboss
shuong: 14 Jan - 27 Jan ( trip confirmed)
keching : 15 January - 27 January 2014 (trip confirmed)
sundaeloveCinderella123: Jan 16th - 28th (trip confirmed)
Penguin23: Jan 19-30

February - March 2014
Makeover: February 4th - March 10th
ThuyTrang: February 4th - February 12th
Mizubunnie: February 17 - ?

April - May 2014
chicbunbun: April 21 - May 15 Kakao: chicbunbunt
hoebee May 11 - 25cinch87 May 15 - 25
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Do you happen to know how much he used to charge back at View? Im still in the process of negotiating the price and managed like a thousand off. SIGH
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Last year when I had my surgery at View, another forumer also had V-line and eyelid surgeries with Dr.Lee at around the same time as me and she paid more than 10 mil, I don't remember exactly 11mil or 12 mil. I actually think 11 mil is a very reasonable price for V-line and eyelids.
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Heyy,thats awesome and yes i booked the perfect place .sooo,once i get off the bus at the airport itll drop me directly in front of my hotel. I purposely waited last minute to book it becase i wanted to make sure the places i go for surgeries are walking distance,thats important. Im contemplating whtether to use anitas translating services because im not so confident in her because. Mwol told me i can pay $15,000 usd for 2 jaw(orthognathic surgery), v line and cheekbone reduction. So i thought may e i can throw in implants for $20,000. She told me thats too cheap. So im thinking i should do this alone because why would i go with someone whos not gonna help me bargain the price i want to pay. Btw i am going to item,daprs,everm and possibly faceline. These places are literally walking distance from my hotel i checked,so i can do this myself.the only problem is i dont read or speak korean. Omg im nervous and excited at the same time,i leave in a couple of weeks. I have a few questions for you guys though

1. Can i pay the airport shuttle bus in usd or does it have to be in krw?
2. Does it count as paying in cash if i wire the money from my usd account to my surgeon's after i meet him? ( im really afraid to take that cash on the plane)
3. I have a chase account in the us and they told me i cant use my debit card in korea because it wont work,so should i open a citibank account?
4. Since i dont speak korean at all,and i mean at all, should i just suck it up and get a translator?
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It was marir's friend that managed to get a great deal on it because she went with her host's son. I thought I remembered it to be around 4000? But that was a few years ago so you won't find vline that cheap anymore. I'm at work right now so when I get home I'll find you the post.
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Please add me.
Kakao id is neoh2006
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You choose Mwol clinic for your plastic surgery?
I had booked Lex hotel from Agoda page, because my translator advice me about location of Lex hotel is near all cinic in Kangnam "Though the clinic is in Gangnam, it is very near from Shinsa."

1. You will only need to bring USD because you can exchange money at the bank at the airport. After that, you can pay for taxi or bus with Korea money
2. I ask Shin - my translator for your question, but she said that isn't count. You need paying in cash with clinic, this will help you have best price when bargain with clinic.
3. I'm not sure about activity of bank, so I can't advice you.
4. I don't speak Korean too! And I have poor English.:nogood: You are better than me because you have good English. That's why I need hire a translator, maybe I just use her service in first day and second day, because after I did plastic surgery , I just stay in hotel and sleep ...sleep ...sleep. Shin talk with me, when I stay in hotel, she will help me order food delivery to my room. After that, If I have enough health and free time, I want to go shopping clothes, Korea cosmetic, ... with her.
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oh, after you booked hotel, please tell me, maybe we can meet together in Korea.
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Here's Marir's friend's email posted on December 13, 2012 post #2113:

"Hey girlie sorry for getting back to you soooo late!! Finals drove me into a little cocoon. I just spent an entire quarter in a class talking about nothing and I had to write 50 pages about it. I thought it'd be ok to go to Korea for a month since it was just an online class, but I was sooo behind from all of the procrastination. Still, I'm really happy now. The one guy I told you about asked me out on a date so we're going to see the Nutcracker this weekend. I was kinda sad though because he didn't recognize me from before and that night, I bawled my eyes out in front of a mirror. I don't know how to tell him I've had plastic surgery! SOS. Should I tell him right away or later on? In a text or in person? ARGHH STRESS. Plastic surgery is so hard girl.... if you still want to get a lot of things done, be sure you're prepared for the change. Like I'm really happy with how I look now, and people tell me I look "natural" and "beautiful", but it's the first time I've ever heard these compliments from people I've known my entire life. It makes me really sad.... like was I really that ugly? Will he be disgusted if I show him a picture of how I looked like before? I just want to get that part over with but I'm so scared of what he'll think or say! ARGGHH STRESS. We need to schedule a coffee meditation sesh soon! I've missed you and I hope finals haven't sucked the life out of you like it has for me!

Gosh so much of my banter, I almost forgot to answer your questions! Anywho! Without further a due....

I consulted with a total of 5 places: Regen, Small Face, Cinderella, ID, then View. I'll go into my experience with all of the clinics in person because it would take forever and a day to type it all out! As an overview though, I picked View in the end because I felt the most comfortable there. The staff was really attentive with my neverending questions and even though Won-shik was with me, the manager sat and made small talk with us. She even recommended different restaurants she heard good things about for the next time I come to Korea. She was so sweet and made me feel very comfortable. Definitely the best experience I had with staff compared to all of the other places I checked out.

What also had me was the pretty girls in the waiting room! Especially a Korean girl sitting near me who was going in for a check-up. She was all puffy but still obviously very gorgeous and natural like a Korean actress. Even Won-shik was sneaking glances at her hahaha. I had him ask her questions like if she got her surgeries done here, what exactly she got done, who her doctor was, how she looked before, blah blah blah. Then when she showed us her before photos on her phone, my jaw dropped. View should seriously consider using her as a promotional model because her transformation is movie-worthy! Real talk. This was right after I saw that poor girl in ID I told you about so she really made me more confident about View because she was hands down the prettiest girl I saw in Korea. I wanted to take a picture but I didn't want to be creepy hahaha.

Anywho! I consulted with Dr. Lee for cheekbone reduction + square jaw + v-line T osteotomy + incisional double fold. I know it looked like I had a higher nose bridge when I came back but scout's honor, I didn't have my nose done! I think it just looks prettier now that it meshes better with my features. I wanted to get rhino done too (Dr. Choi's field) but Dr. Lee said I didn't need it. He also said I didn't need cheekbone but I wanted it done anyway. He was definitely the doctor I clicked with most. I liked that he wasn't selling surgeries to me like some of the other doctors I consulted with. He was very professional and so likable! He made me feel very comfortable and less nervous about the actual surgery.

When D-day came, I was really hungry haha. I met with Dr. Lee and he marked my face for surgery. I then got GA administered in a different room.... knocked out for a couple of hours. When I woke up, the surgery was over and the cutest little nurse was with me. When Dr. Lee showed me how I looked with a mirror, I about died! My eyes were so swollen and my face was so puffy I wanted to cry. My throat was dry and I had the worst headache. I used the PCA which helped a lot though. Looking back on the experience now, I don't think it was THAT bad compared to other experiences I've read about. The swelling and bruising was much worse for me around days 3 and 4 but by then, I was at Won-shik's. I don't know what I would have done without him and his family. I cry just thinking about it because they really did everything for me. They bought me my liquid diet, encouraged me to move around by showing me around Seoul, kept me company and seriously made me feel like I was an honorary Korean. But you've already heard that story hahaha. Anywho! The day I got my stitches taken out, Dr. Lee and the nurses all agreed I heal really fast. I think it's because I'm young, healthy and exercise a lot? Their skin care and massage system helped a lot too because it reduce a lot of the swelling and breakouts I was getting haha.

Fast forward to several weeks later, I had fat grafted in my forehead about a week before I left Korea. I didn't get fat grafted in my cheeks but it seems like that because I did a PRP treatment with View that filled in hollowness and acne scars. I think the jaw, cheekbone and eye surgeries made me look most feminine, and fat grafting + PRP made me look the youngest. I was kinda stressing right after I saw my forehead though because it looked a little fake.... but after about a week, it turned out to just be initial swelling and looked natural.

Cheekbone was 450 million, square jaw was the same price, v-line was 350, eyes were 100, forehead fat graft was 150. I was quoted the same price as locals, but I don't know if it's because Won-shik was with me or because I had multiple surgeries. In the end I paid about 14,000 usd including the multiple surgery discount. Freaking expensive but I have no complaints! Fist pump!"
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Didn't really know where to post this and unfortunately I don't have the member privilege to start my own thread - but does anyone know of a good place to get cosmetic tattooing (for eyebrows) in Korea? I'm going in May for eyelid surgery and ideally it would be perfect to get my eyebrows done at the same time.
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Hi I am going to Korea next month (from 12-27) for eyelids revision . I can't find you though you Kakao ID.

Anybody will be there next month?

My mine is meiliu1020
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Good morning All.

Finally after 5 years, I have booked my airfare n guesthouse.
Going alone n without translator. Singaporean :smile:
I have arranged airport pickup. If u r same timing n day, we can share.
February 27 - 9 March
Kakao: AnnaC2506
PS: 1st time Nose, Eyes, moles removal. Maybe botox vline & skin treatments.

Please copy below n add yr info for update:

January 2014doudouattsu : 8 January - ?
trishul : mid Jan 2014 (12th or 18th for 2 weeks) kakaoID :ladyboss
shuong: 14 Jan - 27 Jan ( trip confirmed)
keching: 15 January - 27 January 2014 (trip confirmed)
sundaeloveCinderella123: Jan 16th - 28th (trip confirmed)
Penguin23: Jan 19-30

February - March 2014
Makeover: February 4th - March 10th
ThuyTrang: February 4th - February 12th
Mizubunnie: February 17 - ?
AnnaCrush2506: February 27 - 9 March Kakao: AnnaC2506 (trip confirmed)
April - May 2014
chicbunbun: April 21 - May 15 Kakao: chicbunbunt
hoebee May 11 - 25cinch87 May 15 - 25
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