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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I had osteotomy, nasal cartilage for tip, and 2mm silicon implant for bridge.

Cost was about 5mil won.

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This post-op care list is incredibly helpful! I was looking for something like this! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :heart:
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Hello egg-tartlet!!!

Don't know if you rmb me, but I'm the girl with super-a-lot-of-qns from cozy! Thank you for answering all my qns in so much details and thank you for updating your progress again!

Since "losing weight" doesn't work anymore, did you tell them you did PS or just laugh it off? O_o

By the way, your features looks more defined again in the recent after pic... Absolutely stunning-looking! I'm so happy you are healing well and can eat anything now! Keep updating us with your progress! Always good to hear from you! :biggrin:
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Thanks egg. Yes I will do. I heard about you I had arrived when you left. They said you recovered pretty fast how was your genio. Tone was telling me about your mini-V i remember he saying you didn't swelled like me.

I know my surgery will take probably 3 -4 months to heal. I will ask dr. park what he did exactly and see what can be done in the mean time. So I can breathe easier.

Okie thanks
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You got it wrong. Local koreans DO NOT GO through facial contouring alone. They have families with them...MOM, Sisters, best friends. Unlike foreigners. Emotional support is really important during recovery.

For someone like me, who never had any nose bleed in my lifetime, then a few days after surgeries, blood suddenly flowed down without warning, these types of things were really not something to take lightly. Or when I wanted to wash my face/hair without getting my incisions wet (I had small incisions up my scalp), I needed someone to help. Or when I needed someone to buy me food/medicine/other supplies.

You will need someone to comfort you. Plus, I always need to talk to someone. If I don't talk to someone in a day, I'd be suicidal...totally bored out of my mind.
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Yeah, Tony is really funny! :smile: I only stayed for 7 days in Korea after surgery.

But I did swell for my mini v, at least 30% more than normal people. I looked so swollen! I pm you the real bad photos..

The genio really changed my face shape, I thought.. I am glad you are hanging in there!

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Hi Ana,

I do remember you! :smile:

My face is getting more normal by the week I think..But for people who knew me, they can definitely tell I look different..

I tell people I had botox to make my face smaller and fillers for my nose. Then they go.. ahhh you look so much better! I think even if I denied it, no one will believe me.. so might as well admit a little..:P

My face is more defined than before, but I am less cute, I am told. So I guess, you win some, you lose some, right?

For my face not moving naturally when I talk, I tell people I had wisdom teeth extracted (haha most convenient white lie) I did have all my impacted wisdoms out a year ago (under GA, in hospital), and my face blew up liker a puffer fish, just like post surgeries took about 3 weeks to go back to normal.

So that always works!

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Thanks! I'm glad they didn't kill me for doing this. So crazy such a big surgery for like a lil gummy smile and a slight mouth protruding. The mouth is suppose to be protruded slightly it normal.
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You're welcome! I actually decided to post it up because I remember someone saying to use a straw after jaw surgery, and I got really worried that some people might actually do that. And I figure some of this stuff, the doctors in Korea will tell you to do, like ice and warm packs. But because of the language barrier, I imagine they aren't able to give you all the advice needed for fast healing, or at least not be able to tell you why it's important. Glad you found it helpful!
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I'm planning to travel to Korea at the end of next year to get v line surgery done at ID ;). Maybe cheekbones too (depending on if I manage to save up enough by that time) so just wondering who else is heading over around Dec? We should all hang out and shop :heart:. I'm planning to stay around 3 weeks, we can all go around Seoul and look fabulous together ahaha.
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Yes that's a very, very good list! I think I did at least 80% of the list you noted and I agree its a very good list. :biggrin:

Straw???!! Hell no!!! I remember I got greedy one of the days and ate a cinnamon waffle. Becuase it was so sugary, I tried sucking (just like how you would to a straw) my fingers because I didnt have any napkins. and boy, was that PAINFUL! And it was a SHARP pain. I think I may have either torn some muscles or something because of that.. and till today, that part still hurts. OUCH!
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Iaan - I absolutely agree with you!

I think it is actually normal to have a slight mouth protrusion. One of the things that I still cannot decide, is if I look slightly better, worse or much better than before.

Prior to this, I have a slight mouth protrusion. Just very, very, VERY slight. I also have round cheecks and a short chin. And my mini-V corrected all of this. However, in my old looks, I look very cute because of what I had. Small face, petite, cute and my small chin + cheeck bones gave me a very 3D face especially on the 45 degree angle. Zoe thought that I was 20 yrs old, when I was actually 29.

However, now after the surgery, while I have a longer face, perhaps more balanced face, I think my face is not as 3D anymore (or more flat looking). I think I may look more sophisticated (it;s still hard to tell because my eyes is still swollen) but also because of that, i have deep set caucasion eyes, long slim face - but I have also realized that I am definitely not as cute as before. And definitely not 20 yr old looking. Someone asked me if I was happy with my result - I honestly dont know yet....

And for those of you in K-Pop, you know Won Bin? Hella gorgeous actor. If you look closely, his mouth is also slightly protruded, but i think that's also what makes him so attractive. I guess what I am trying to say is.... the PS doctors may have a certain set of profiles that is "good looking" - tall nose, eyes with crease, balanced face, etc - but it may not necessarily look better in your face with your set of combined features. And once you change something in your feature, it may influence the harmony of other features and as a result, you may have gained something in one compartment, you may have also lost in others.

So to those of you considering P-S, I would suggest to really try to "picture" yourself in the "After" state before actually doing the P-S.
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Hey Egg Tartlet - I didnt know you went with Zoe and Tony as well. I miss them so much!!
Ohh, TOny may have confused you with me perhaps? I know you swell pretty bad or you bruised pretty bad... I saw your pics. I went after you did - and I did mini-V and eyes. I didnt swell up as bad and no bruising at all. Perhaps its because i didnt get my nose done.
I am the same case are you are - I feel I am less "cute" now, but perhaps prettier. Do u know how long more will you be back to "normal"?
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Hello there,

I know you are excited and also stressed and anxious at the same time. Continue to do as much research as you can.

If I were you and cash and time is not an issue, I will break out the surgeries into 2 separate sessions. That's what I chose for myself anyways. Just like you, I wanted to do eyes, nose and face when I went to Korea. I decided only on eyes and face the day before my surgery and I am glad I did.
I think its fine to do eyes and facial - they are quite separated and wont interfere with your breathing (as opposed to nose and facial). Also, I didnt want too much change to my face at the same time - Not sure if i can handle it. Now after my surgery, while I only did mini V and eyes, I look quite different. So imagine if I threw in a different nose.

I think a few factors you want to consider:
1) Do you have enough time and money to do it separately?
2) Are you young and do you heal well? Younger people, and folks who heal easily will likely have an easier road to recovery
3) Have you told others you are going to have P-S or do you intend to? Dont even think about lying about it - because your face would be painted "LIAR" if you do so. Your face will look different.
4) Regarding epi - the healing time is long. My roommate who did epi just checked in with me and she told me that she's still swollen and the scar is still there at 2 weeks post op. others have asked her "what happened to your eyes"?

I hope this helps! Good luck!
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