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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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hey all, I just got back from Seoul after double eyelid surgery, well I guess I just wanna give back something back from this forum. i've been reading and following everyone and occasionally asking sth , and I never really provide answer to anyones question.

I was planning to go to three clinics pitangui, wannabe, and the line clinic.
and was also planning to do double eyelids, med epicanth, and tip-plasty(without any implant).

i stayed for 8days in total, which is why I'm kinda in hurry. so I landed at 12am, and my appointment with those clinics were at 3pm.

i went to wannabe clinic first, because i remember i read about this clinic in this forum before somewhere, i also forgot, anywayyys, I arrived at the clinic, wasn't that big it was lk at the 2nd floor above suhhyup bank in apgujeong.
I went in and saw the receptionist were quite pretty. and the clinic was PACKED, well with koreans, turns out they dont have any english translator whatsoever, and the doctor spoke little english and chinese. My chinese isnt that good so I just spoke in english mostly and hope he understands. lol

(his english was enough to explain to me, I would listen in context tho)
They have 4surgeons over there, I guess 2 of them were famous, but the one im meeting isnt the famous one, anw, I dont really care as long as he could do a good job,.. he was really examining me like whether I have ptosis or not, and also asking what kind of eyelids i rather have out fold-infold whatev.
and my mum also like him. so because I was lazy to go to other clinic, and actually I was quite happy that the clinic was packed with koreans instead of foreigners, and their price was quite low. I paid 1,3million KRW for double eyelids surgery.

and I asked the doctor that I want to make my eyes bigger and i asked him if he could do medial epi and he measured my interepicanthal distance and he said it was normal already and that I dont need it, that was the point where I think I can do the surgery safely with him, he really wasnt recommending me to do anything more than double eyelids, i mean i couldve paid him more, right?
so I scheduled the surgery directly that day, at 9pm, so I cud have the 4hrs fasting.

I arrived in the clinic that night, feeling nervous a bit, since this wud be my first time doing things lk this, and I changed to the clothes they provided, and the dr greeted me and talk with me again, making sure this is what i want and making sure the height of the lines again, and basically explaining everything again.
i went to the surgery room, quite big and quite nice. and then lay in the beds, and the nurse prepping me and all. after that i can still feel the doctor keep making sure that the line he drew was even and identical between right and left, I felt safe.
and he did that over and over and over again, til I knocked out.
well, but somewhere in the end of the surgery i woke up I feel pain and I moved my finger basically telling them I could feel the pain. and i think they inject the local anesthesia,.
and then cut it short it was over.
and of course i feel dizzy and all, they lead me to the recovery room, and the doctor visit me again, asking how am i doing and stuff, and that I could stay in the recovery room as long as i want, tho it was 11pm already, and that the nurse will stay until I got back. THEYRE so nice.
i like their nurses, so caring and nice. they will hold my hands, and really serving and smiling tho they really dont speak english, basicallly no one there does.

they gave me a bag full of pumpkin juice and meds for 3days, and also ice packs, which i nv used haha, because i came in winter and it was so cold and i think it s cold enough already.
the swelling was bad only at day 2, and i can just wore sunglasses and looked fab instead.

well i got my hair washed one time and also some laser treatment.
I got back in the 7th day and they open the stitches. I did the partial-incision
too bad my left eye hadnt healed yet, so the doctor stitched it close again, but my right was okay. the result was good, I had no complain and im satisfied.

and i didnt do rhino because i think i better do it with dr wang instead, Im a fan of him. hehe..
hope it helps anyone..

I went with my family and we go around by ourselves, by subway and sometimes taxi
clinic: wannabe
stay at Pacific hotel near myeongdong, great location!!
food: u guys have to try twotwo fried chicken, super delicious
go to: nami island when it snowed, i went there it was just pretty.
good luck and God bless!
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Congrats on the surgery. Your eyes look so natural already on the 7th day. Sometimes it's better to go with a doctor not as well known since he's able to allocate more time towards your surgery. Happy recovery 😄
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Wow! Your healing looks amazing so far, congrats!
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Hey guys,

For anyone trying to pay by wire transfer, don't do it. It will take a very long time if you're not transferring the money from a major bank. Clinics will also not go ahead with the surgery until after the payment actually lands in their account. I've been sat here for four days and it's driving me up the wall, and I've had to extend my stay here.

On the bright side, the consultants at the clinic I'm with have been nothing short of amazing and responsive. They even went as far as to help me negotiate with the Korean bank here to try to get them to speed up the processing of my payment. I think it's at times like this when I feel so alone and lost in this place that such angels like this makes me so grateful.

Also, I do want to give back to this community too. I did my first tipplasty and alarplasty at Pitangui, and will be writing a review on it soon. I'd refrained from writing anything because if i'm not wrong the consultants monitor this forum, and I was actually planning on going back to them for a revision. I am very confident in this clinic I am going to now, and not just because of their lovely lovely consultants, but will definitely reserve judgement until I've had the surgery.

Meanwhile, to all you guys out there. Gambatte. You are not alone *insert cheesy uplifting music*
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Good luck on your surgery ! It's a bless to have people really help you and take care of you like that ^^
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Hi muppets

Please PM me quick2014. Pitagui is definitely on my list but have other questions if you don't mind. Thank you,
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Hey Quick2014,

Send me a pm with your questions and I'll reply to them. I'm waiting to see if I can do my surgery today though so I may be slower in replying (though it does not seem to bode well... gahh idiotic inefficient banks :rant:).
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Thanks babyrose12!! I agree. I only hope it continues post-operation; experience has made me wary!
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Question about changing money in Seoul. I know to avoid doing it at the airport (unless it's a very small amount) but I've heard in-order to get the best exchange rates you should do it at the dedicated money changers in Itaewon. Anyone have insight on this?
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Hi All,

This is my personal experience about BK Dongyang and I would definitely tell you to save your SAVE YOUR MONEY and you are better off doing it at other clinics. The clinic is beyond overrated and I was just foolish to have not done all my research before heading to Korea and spending so much money (10K USD) where this money would be much better spent at other clinics WITH BETTER RESULTS.

So this Doctor does this in country consultation in Singapore, and during my brief consultation with Singapore he told me all the ridiculously nice things which I found hard to believe. But being naïve as this is my first time embarking on plastic surgery, I believed everything he said. Who hasn’t heard that Korea is the Plastic surgery capital of the world??? He told me I needed work on the following areas as recommended: (i) Rhinoplasty/Alarplasty/; (ii) Blepharoplasty. After he finished, he tried to UPSELL. He told me that a facelift would help with my acne scars. As mentioned, as this is my first time experimenting with surgery and his words was like the bible back than.

After much consideration, I took the plunge and paid the initial deposit to fly to BK Dongyang for the surgery. The clinic told me they offered free accommodation. I informed them of my impending trip, upon arriving at their free accommodation guess what there was noone attending to their accommodation. Mind you I was tired after a 12 hour plane ride and I kept calling the clinic assistant to come open the door for me to get in. When he arrived, he looked dazed and confused and did not even know that I was arriving on that day. After settling in the room which is really a tiny room with just a TV, the assistant told me he would pick me up next morning to go to BK for my surgery.

Next morning came and the assistant did not TURN UP. Well he did turn up, but he was half hour late. Than when I reached the clinic for final consultation, HORROR OF ALL HORROR- Doctor told me there was an up charge from what was agreed upon from our email correspondence. So I ended up paying 10K USD instead of the lower amount we agreed upon in our email.

Now let’s get to the review of my operations:

  • Rhinoplasty/Alarplasty : Well this surgery I didn’t feel a thing as I was completely knocked out and went to sleep. But let’s get to when I woke up from the surgery, and looked into the mirror my nose was crocked and look worse than my original nose. What was worse is that I couldn’t breathe properly after my rhinolasty for 4-5 days. I tried calling doctor and he said my breathing will come back. I actually went online to do further research, and taking into account there may be intial breathing problems from rhinoplasty mine was serious enough that I had to wake up many times in a night just to catch some air. Upon another consult with doctor, he insisted that I had breathing problems before my operation which I found hard to believe. And to be perfectly honest, it looked like I didn’t even had rhinoplasty as it was too natural. Very unsatisfied!!! Emailed, call him for review, no reply. So if you would like a hit and run, go for BK DongYang

  • Blepharoplasty/Ptosis correct: Lets be fair, the intial results was good. I liked it a lot and my mono single eyelid were finally away for good. But after 6 months, my eye lid drop back to single eyelid. WTF!!!!!!! Doctor didn’t stitch it properly enough to have it stick and I paid 10K to have back my single eyelid. I have even attached pictures of the final results back to doctor asking for an explanation, and he said I have heavy lids to begin with.WTF AGAIN!!!!

So upon further research, I finally did all my revisions in Thailand for half that price. And I am definitely much happier with the customer service and accuracy that the Doctors in Thailand have managed to help me achieve. So in conclusion, more money doesn’t mean better. Don’t believe all this hype. BE YOUR OWN JUDGE!!!!!!! Wasted 10K USD but great lesson learnt.
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Hi Muppets! Good luck to your surgery today! May I know the name of your clinic, as I've also had a bad rhinoplasty/tiplasty with Pitangui? Wishing you the best and the nose you really want.:smile:
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Hello, all dear purseforumers.

The main reason I'm writing this is to keep the promise I made to myself before I had my surgery. I gained so much valuable information here but somehow for some reason, I felt it a bit discouraging and depressing as I read more and more from this forum. I truly appreciate the ones who posted their negative experiences and am sincerely sorry for their agony that they have/had to go through. Yet respect their courage and good hearts that they still decided to share their experience for others' good sake. I cannot imagine...I mean..it is something I COULDN'T DO MYSELF... I had rhinoplasty 2 years ago and the result didn't turn out well. The shape kept changing and ended up with an upturned nose..like a pig's nose. Yes, I underwent all depression, panic disorder and etc..well..not really severe ones but..didn't want to meet anyone, didn't want to look at a mirror, hated people standing beside me because felt like they were just staring at my nose. Although I wanted to just drop everything and just give up, my family, friends, and purseforum actually gave me some courage to try it one more time. And the promise I made at that time..is to come back and write a postive, hope-giving post if my second surgery ever turns out well. I know writing a postive post here may get suspicions as a 'promotion' so I will not mention anything about the clinic here. I just wish this can give at least a bit of more hope to all those ones who are suffering from failed ps.

1) right before surgery. You can see my upturned nose. It was actually worse, somehow the picture came out not that bad.

2) right after the surgery and 3 days after. Not that much pain but breathing was hard. It still looked a bit upturned so was worried, but it has been only 3 days and knew that the tip drops down more as time goes so I tried not to worry too much. I sure did pray a lot though.

3) two weeks after. Oh I did fat graft as well.

4) Present ; 3 weeks after the surgery. Everybody has different preference but I personally really like it and am very happy. My mom cried with happiness after seeing me again.(16th day) Me? I feel like I got my life back.

Everyone out there. Do not give up. I could overcome it and I'm sure you can too.
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Those two are difference clinic. TLPS stands for The Luxury Plastic Sugery and it has nothing to do with The Line Clinic.
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