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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Whatever you do,do not book with a clinic before you get here,before you meet the doctor. I pretty much walked into all the clinics yesterday,so walking in as a foreigner is normal. At daprs even though the lobby was full, they let me go first
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I actually booked the surgery date with JW this morning because I did my nose & eyes there 2 years ago and I was quite happy with the result + service. I also got quite a good discount with the full-face fat graft with dr. Seul as well.
This time I stay in Seoul only for a week therefore I feel really like rushing, I don't know if it was a good decision... although my friend who is living in Seoul said JW is good with fat graft and her friend was happy with the result. :smile:
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When I went to pick up the tickets yesterday I realized the date I booked clashed with that TOM so I changed it to 16. but I haven't booked accommodation yet, I'm going with my mom so I'm hoping that she would take care of it :biggrin: and at least ur clinics emailed u back, non of the ones I emailed even replied... so I don't even know how much to budget
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Okay thanks! I think u r right, I should probably book consultation now but the thing is literally none of the 3 clinics I emailed replied so I don't even know how to book consultation anymore :/ and I was gonna but my mom wouldn't let me so now she's coming with me :smile:
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Im also going in march. Ill be there from the 8th to the 20th. I just booked a place on airbnb and it was pretty cheap. I didnt want to stay at a hotel because ill go crazy being alone for days.
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Hi, I will be in Asia within few months and I am thinking about going to korea to get my eyes fixed ... I have slightly retracted lower eyelid(inherited since I am only 23 and had it my entire life), I would probably need to get cheeklift or/and orbital rim implants OR fat transfer to give eyelids support and then probably canthopexy, something like:


This would also get rid of dark circles that I had entire life.

I have no idea how common is my problem in Asia and if there are any experienced doctors for it in korea. I am from EU but via my research I was able to find only a few American doctors who have enough experience with this issue. This is pretty risky surgery and I would only be willing to go under knife if surgeon had done this kind of surgeries plenty of times before and can show before/after pictures.

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Thanks for being excited for me,im going to explain my whole exerience so far for you...

Sooo I landed at the airport in the morning around 5am and before i left I had to declare my $10,000 and over to customs.They made me write the total down and signed my signature. The place I booked was the Emphphatha hotel which is at 20 Nonhyeon-dong in seoul. As I arrived this taxi man approached me and charged me $80usd so after we reached my destination he said I had to pay toll which was $10(bummer). So it's $90usd from the airport to the emphphatha hotel by taxi. My advice is to take shuttle bus 6009 because it literally drops you off at the sinsa station(3 minute walk from the place) and it's only $15 usd.

Sooo before I came here I told the owner of the hotel I was doing surgery and I dont have a translator so I asked her if she could please point me out where to go and maybe follow me to the non-english speaking ones to translate for me.. Boy was I in for a surprise after I settled in she came by my room and said she booked a 10am appointment for me at item and she said she would escort me there in addition to taking me to daprs and faceline.(I wasnt expecting this,she is awesome) So here is my experience from each clinic.

Item(No translator needed)x ray free

We arrived (myself and Bock Soon) and was greeted warmly by the staff. In my opinion they were okay,not shockingly gorgeous. So we waited 5 minutes then the consultant took me to do xrays,it took forever because she had this other girl teaching her how to use the machine. So after the xrays I was taken into a room to meet the Dr. Bock Soon knows a lot about plastic surgery because 90% of her guests come to korea for that purpose,so she sees their results and they talk about their experiences with her. She told me Item isn't famous for bone surgery,just eyes and nose. I met with Dr. Jin Sung Kim and in all honesty by the end of the consultation I wanted to punch him in his nose. He spoke English but completely disregarded my questions during the consult and was ignoring me. There was no eye contact and he was solely talking to Bock Soon. So he explained everything and I pretty much zoned him out because I made up my mind I wasnt going there for anything. Item quoted me $20,000 usd for v line, 2 jaw and cheekbone reduction by email. After my meeting with the Dr. I was quoted $27,000 usd. Bock Soon didnt bother trying to bargain because she knew I made up my mind not to do it with Item because of the dr's rudeness towards me.
Item said that for 2 jaw I would have to go to BK to see the dentist to make wafer and I would have to wait a week for surgery(Bock Soon keeps telling me BK=Bad,every single person that went to that clinic hated their results,1 woman was thinking about suicide because they messed up her face)

DAPRS(translator needed) free xray
OMG everyone there was soo gorgeous I couldnt stop staring and the decor was just beautiful. The consultant was super nice. Keep in mind though that in order to come here you have to know korean. Bock Soon translated everything for me at DAPRS. I told her I had a $15,000 budget and she told the consultant that. So I filled out forms(she translated the whole time), then I took the xrays of my face. Then I met the dr. Dr.Lee was super sweet, I could tell he undertood english but he spoke korean the whole time so Bock Soon translated for me. He showed me the xrays of my face and quoted me $30,000 usd for 2 jaw and v line only(he said I didnt need cheekbone reduction,they all said that but I know what I want). Bock Soon bargained it down to $19,000 usd for the 2 procedures so I told them we'll get back to them. The place was nice but the price wasn't right for me. They are very professional though and if you'll be there,bring a translator. DAPRS wanted to send me across town (30 minutes away) to another clinic to make a wafer for 2 jaw and it would take a week before I could book my surgery.

Faceline(translator needed) 10 bucks x ray
This place was packed when I walked in,unlike the first 2. But I was serviced within 5 minutes.So Bock Soon and I filled out the forms together then they did my xrays(which is 10,000won). Everyone here was sooo beautiful I couldnt stop staring,they all had babyfaces. The only reason I came here is because Bock Soon said most of her guests go there for facial bone construction and they love their results. She also speaks highly of the main dr(damn it I forgot his name). So before we met the dr the consultant was explaining everything to Bock Soon who then translated it for me, boy she was soo descriptive showing me a million pictures with cases like mine and explaining every little detail of the surgery. I was sold and ready to book right then even before meeting the dr. So I met with the dr and boy is he hands on. He was touching my face,studying the angles,he was inside my mouth and I was impressed by this because the other 2 doctors didnt even touch my face. He pretty much told me what the other 2 docs told me. I could do v line and 2 jaw but i dont need cheekbone reduction,he would do it if I wanted to though. So by the end I was ready to book,until I met the consultant again. She quoted me $36,000 usd. I was appalled,then Bock Soon went to work. She brought it down to $31,000. Then Bock Soon went to work again.The consultant finally said $24,000 usd for only 2 jaw and vline without the cheekbone reduction. I ran out of there soo fast my body couldnt keep up with my feet. At this point I was exhausted because of the prices quoted and I just wanted to sleep.. So I asked Bock Soon what about Everm. Faceline had their dentist in the building so I could make my wafer there and wait a week for surgery but the price just wasnt right because that would mean I would pay $12,000 usd for 2 jaw and $12,000 usd for v line

Everm(translator needed) free xray
This place is literally right next to bk but they have no affiliation with them. Its hard to find from the outside so ask someone for directions if you go alone. Out of all the places i've been to,the prettiest girls i've seen was here. This main girl took my xrays but what separates everm from everywhere else is this girl took a million pictures of my face from all angles,she took pictures of inside my mouth.Which I liked. The whole time she was taking my picture I was just admiring how beautiful and natural looking she is. So after the pics I met Dr.Yoon. He is soo cute,lol. He sold me because when he was showing me my face on the computer(x ray and real life), he included measurements.So he showed me where my face was and showed me also where it needed to be with lines on the computer.He also pointed out that my face was slightly crooked but its not visible to the naked eye. This man sold me because

1. Everyone in that place(including him had that beautiful baby face that I want)
2. He was very well mannered and answered all my questions(translated)
3. They would make the wafer the next day and the day after that would be my surgery day
4. So they quoted me $15,000 usd for the price by email. The consult said $18,000 usd,so I just didnt argure because I was tired after trying to bargain with facelne.

So I broke the price down to
$6000 usd for v line
$6000 usd for 2 jaw ($20,000 usd normal price)
$6000 usd for cheekbone reduction
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I did my wafer today at ever m.The wafer is a mold they do of your teeth and it is needed for 2 jaw(orthognathic surgery). They took my blood and did a urine sample. I had to go to a place not too far from them to do xrays of my chest and to check my heart rate. To make sure my body is ready for general anaesthesia. I was told to not eat from midnight tonight because my surgery day is tomorrow at 9:30am. Im excited and ready. You know what im calm right now and the reason is because of Bock Soon. I was sooo scared when I landed because I didnt know Seoul and I was lost and didnt now what to do. Bock Soon is a second mom to me,Shes my Seoul mom,she even said it herself. She took me to my appointment this morning at everm and translated the whole time. Shes going to follow me for the surgery and will be checking on me each day im in the hospital. She exchanges my money for me and I'm just soo thankful for her because without her i'd be lost.Im not trying to sound sappy I just deeply appreciate her kindness. She told me she would do this for free but i plan on paying her because id feel bad if i didnt. Anyway im going to write about my experience after surgey. Btw everm said im going to stay in the hospital for 3 days and 4nights and after that ill be discharged. The clinic is a 5 minute walk from the emphphatha so im all good. Anyway ill write more later after surgery and im including pics.Wish me luck
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Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I can see that this thread has hundreds of pages which will take me forever to read. Me and my GF are considering of getting cosmetic surgeries and after some googling, I think this forum has a lot to say about the industry.

I'm looking for South Korean surgeons, and we're looking at nose, eyes and chin jobs. My GF might also be interested in boob jobs.

Recommendations and experience-sharing are very much appreciated! Thanks!
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I made thiscomment because brfore I came here I was extremely positive about Item and was deeply disappointed after I met with the dr. I wouldve been even more pissed if I made a deposit because they dont return deposits and either i wouldve ended up doing surgery with the even though i didnt like the doctor or i wouldve lost $1000 usd dollars because like i said they dont give back the deposit.So please take my advice and boo after you meet the doctor to make sure he knows what you want,is kind and is willing to do what you want,not what he wants
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