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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi guys! May I know why can't we eat spicy food after getting surgery done? Also, I've read somewhere that we are encouraged to walk more after surgery to help reduce swelling. On the other hand, some said we should rest instead of walking. Lastly, is it true that I can't eat contraceptive pills prior surgery?

Btw these qns are directed to about getting double eyelid surgery. Hope to hear some reply from you guys :smile: thanks!!
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My friend did eyelid surgery, basically for her she ate lots of protein food (eggs, fish and all) didnt really have much restrictions for spicy/not as its eyes not jaw . She healed pretty quickly and for pills, you can double confirm it with the doctor, but usually has no effect as eye surgery is external .
having said that, every surgery is risky so please be careful and take good care of your health when you're undergoing it.
I come across this korean article where a girl has 3x eye surgery due to failure.
Know what you need not what you want because mostly doctors just gonna recommend more and more procedures and sometimes epi/cantho arent for every eyes ><

Anyway hope it helps, good luck :smile:
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Via.. do u know where she did her surgery? I used google translate, but result show // Hello ^ ^ Nip Petite Reviewed tteolrineyo do sseulrago blah blah , Three times, I'm living in Jinju eyelid surgery &#12640; I haeteot //

I just wonder she did at Jinju eyelid surgery? is there clinic with that name ? :confused1:
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She didnt mention which clinic -she cant. Since its published at a website, she may get sued or something if she mention the clinic name. I heard this girl did in some popular clinic though.Nevertheless, whatever clinic it is im pretty sure every clinic has cases like this before.

For jung, i have heard multiple bad reviews about it so pls be careful and selective, someone mentioned in forum before that he isnt actually a 'doctor' (idk whats the other term call) . Foreign doctors from other country just need to pay him money for him to release certificate and some little 'operation demo' . Kind of show how he's really not putting patient wellness as priority -3- !
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Lol.. I also had the same prob. Tried using google translate for tlps website but end up nothing's gets translated.. Not sure if its an iPad error.
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ohhh.. I see.. ha ha.. I was just looking for her clinic name.. lucky I asked u.. thanks Via! you are really resourceful ..
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Regarding eating spicy food, it really is just another asian health myth according to western doctors but I myself rather be safe than sorry so what's a week without the beloved spiciness! Birth control is absolutely fine for rhinoplasty, you may double check with your doc but it should be the same. And lastly, as for walking, give yourself 2-3 days immediately post-op (you'll be exhausted from the op anyways so you won't feel up to it) but starting from day 3-4 you can start walking because it really does speed up swelling, its crucial to get your blood pumping if even through a 15 minute walk here and there. Start off slow and nurse your body back to health first off. Good luck!

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Hi all,

I am randomly surfing forum pages here as well as googling to find out about rhinoplasty in Seoul.

Has anyone contacted / done a surgery with Grand Plastic Surgery? I went to their site and saw that they actually published the list of celebrities (complete with photos) that have done (any kind) of surgery with them. That tempted me to try with them. I sent an email to them and asked a few questions and the person who replied my email seems nice and helpful.

But it seems that not many people has talked about Grand here. So if anyone has any experience with Grand could you share, any help will be appreciated!! :smile:

Also, I contacted BK, but I didn't reply to Dr Kim's last email after he quoted me the price, because I was already tempted by Grand. But I'm starting to worry now, given that not many people here actually talked about Grand.

They told me January is a busy period and if I'm sure that I want a surgery after consultation, I should pay a 10% deposit. Obviously, I do not have a bank account in Korea, so I would have to wire the money over. Is it safe? Any comments?

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U got try reading the thread from page 1? The old closed down thread has a lot of info on grand & BK too (400++ odd pages though).

# Grand I've got not much comment but I've heard quite a fair bit about BK which mostly are bad reviews (they r rather popular among foreigners instead of the natives), therefore you might wanna find out more beforehand. actually from those experienced ones who shared in this forum, they advises us to do a 1-1 consultation with the clinics u ve short listed, u need to "know" the doctor who is operating on u, how comfortable u r and how informative is the doctor. I was being told not to limit your choices, the clinics r all nearby each other, just do a walk-ins consultation. And if possible don't make decisions on the spot, no harm waiting a day or 2 to really decide if its what u wanted and r ready to do it. Hope it helps. Initially i short listed regen and Item but i decided otherwise after more reading and some advice from this forum. These are all just plainly my opinions derived and contributed by the experienced ones in this forum, hope it helps u abit. Many thanks to them. ( especially Karime, MiAnn, via, egg_tartlet, ana.dancer and of cos dear strong Iaan).

Ps. Apologies to those that I've missed out their names. Many thanks to all ya contributions as well. Good luck to all of us. Cheers.
Hello, I'm new to this forum but not new to plastic surgery. I had my double lid surgery done in seoul, korea 12 years ago. Recently, i think the technology has advanced a lot so i'm looking to get them redone plus with age my eyes have also sagged a bit. Not that they look bad but my double eye lids have become thinner over time. I've been wanting to get my eyes redone and get the epicanthoplasty as i have the mongoloid fold and 12 years ago this surgery wasn't as popular.

I recently went to Seoul for a consultation with Grand, i was planning to check out a couple of others but time didn't permit it. First of all, this place is really really busy even with their 7 locations. Also, there are a lot of foreigners, when i went at least, there were a lot of chinese people, but some korean locals as well. The good thing is that they provide their own consultants for your language. I speak korean but i wanted to have an english translator just in case their were things that i missed (more of the technical terms which i do not know in korean).

I can only speak from my experience, I was looking for 4 surgeries. 1. epicanthoplasty 2. revisional eye surgery 3. the bulbous nose surgery to lessen the width of the base 4. higher nose bridge. The english translator consultant fills out all of your contact information and purpose of visiting. then you meet with another surgery consultant that gives you a basic break down of the type of surgeries that would be best suited for your face. She told me that I would probably not need the revisional double eye lid surgery but just the epicanthoplasty should give me the effect that i wanted. as for nose, she recommended nose bridge and could see that my nostrils were visible giving the appearance of a wide nose and that could be fixed as well.

After all of this, you wait around a while until you can meet with the actual surgeon. When we met with the doctor, when he saw my face, before he even looked at what i wanted, he told me exactly the areas that i wanted to fix. He said right off the back that i would benefit from the epicanthoplasty and it would open up my eyes and face appearance and that i would need revisional double eye lid surgery to even out my eyelids (my left eye is a tad smaller than my right eye) I was surprised because he saw this right away. As for my nose, i always thought that my nose was too wide at the base because my nostrils are a bit more visible than most others. So i wanted to get the surgery to make it less wide. When he saw my nose, the doctor told me that it wasn't that my nose base is wide, but its that my nose tip is turned up a little which makes it shorter in length, exposing more of my nostrils. When he pointed it out to me and then took q-tips to show me what the procedure of adding a tip to my nose would look like and it all made sense. He drew a picture of what my nose is like and how it would like like after the procedure. Very easy to understand.

After having this consultation I was pretty much sold. The only downside was that i didn't have the time this trip to actually get the surgery so we're planning on returning sometime early next year. I will need to spend at least 2 weeks there. Oh another downside is that after having this consultation, all i can see in the mirror is all the things he pointed out about my face that i want to have fixed. lolz.. go figure. errr even my bf can now see those things about my face after they were pointed out. Luckily, he thinks i'm pretty without surgery but he can also see how it would improve my looks post surgery.

Anyways, i've read through this forum and i didn't really see anyone mention this as of yet, but when you get to your consulation part when you discuss price, i'm not sure if ppl know this but they try to get you to put in a 10% deposit at a better rate than if you were to come back. also if you pay cash, you will get a better rate too. I'm planning on paying all cash for my surgeries so i think i got a pretty good rate quote. I didn't plan on putting down a deposit but i decided to ask her whats the best deal she can give me right now to make me commit. She recalculated everything and gave me a better deal. So i'm almost positive there is wiggle room on price anywhere you go (because plastic surgery is so competive in seoul.)

I put down a 10% deposit so i'm pretty sure i will be going here for my surgery. Although just in case, i think i will also go get consultations at 1-2 more places when i go back for second opinions. The good thing about grand is that they will allocate your money to other people or other treatments if you decide not to get the surgery done like botox or something like that so I'm not to worried. I could also give the gift of botox to my aunt or someone that lives in korea.

I hope this helps although its only the consultation piece. If anyone has any before and after dealings with Grand.. i would appreciate any info very very very much! thanks!
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