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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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From what I've heard, he is a doctor alright, but an ENT doctor, not a surgeon or even plastic surgeon.
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Spartakooks, thanks for your reply. I will probably tell them I wouldn't make the deposit and would decide after a 1 to 1 consultation.

After a rhinoplasty, how long does one take to recover/ have the swell subside enough for one to go out to the streets without people staring? heh, want to plan my time in Seoul a little to know when I can go shopping for some stuffs. But of course, my main aim is to get rhino there, so that's why I would want to proceed with the surgery first.

Also, how long does one consultation at one clinic takes? Maybe I would like to visit 2 or 3 places before making a decision.

Anyone have a rhino and eye surgery to make her/his eyes bigger (sorry, I'm really not good with medical terms)? Would it be painful, since my eyes and nose area will swell like a bun?

any input will be appreciated!! thanks!
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I'm staying at Seoul Station. Abit far from Gangnam though.
Yes, I won't mind consulting together! We may even get a better price if we happen to choose the same clinic!

Although I have shortlisted 4 clinics. I'm leaning towards Teium and ID.
Reaching Seoul on 6th Jan Sunday, so arranging my consultations on 7th and 8th Jan. :P
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Hi Ian,
I have read your post and I feel for your pain. I am sorry that you feel terrible and trust me I was like you. I had my 3rd nose revision in the states and woke up felt like a truck hit me. I could not breath. They kept me in the hospital for 3 days since was kept have nose bleeding and starting to loose too much blood. I had a blood transfusion. After 3 days I got released my blood count became normal, but my first time standing up I saw everything turned white. I was so dizzy that I fell on the ground. I couldn't walk more than three steps without feeling dizzy. I hated to even stand up. I decided to stay in bed for 3 weeks after that. Even after 3 months I was still dizzy. My nose however didn't not looked anywhere to my liking. It was so swollen that my surgin gave me extra tapes to tape it down to help with the swelling. He said I have thick skin. Blah blah. I was crying and cussing the world and him. My nose surgery alone was 15k. It didn't included the extra 3 days staying in the hospital and blood transfusion. After 9 months I was very happy with the result. My dizzy finally went away after a year. So trust me give it sometime. Even with God takes 9 moths to make a baby. So hang in there. I know it's hard without a doubt. But you have to let yourself heal before judging it at this point.
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That's really helpful! thank you so much :smile: Btw do you happen to know what is 앞트임 (google translated it as Korea government's tax policy) The website you've showed me is really insightful too.
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앞트임 is the inner corner fold surgery aka epi procedure.
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So for me, i was able to walk around w/o a mask after the stitches were out (it was on day 6 post op). My nose a bit swollen but not to the point that people noticed i just had rhino. I drank a lot of pumpkin juice and avoided food w/ a lot of sodium (especially spicy food). Since sodium holds a lot of water, it just makes the swelling stay a bit longer. Hope this helps.
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Where did you go? Are you happy with the result?
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I got mine done at BK w/ Dr. Kim. And yes, i really like my result though its not a huge change, its what I wanted :smile:

I'm crazy, I'm going back to korea next month to just do EPI :smile: Plastic surgery is so addicting.....hahaha. And I'm not going to BK for my eyes..i'm considering Teuim and Banobagi. Do you have any recommendation for eyes?
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I can't remember now my top, but I know BK and Regen were two of them.

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I'm no expert, but it seems that you want sort of the same thing as me which is several minor changes. I am interested in eyes, nose, chin, and forehead adjustments. I think it's best to talk it over with the doctor. I don't know what you look like, but I am too scared to get many things at once. Also, if money is a factor, I wouldn't push it either.
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hihi! Thanks! Saw some people pointing the benefits of pumpkin juice too. Is it the same as hobakjuk? the korean pumpkin soup? I also saw some people wrote that the pumpkin juice can be bought from/near (can't remember exactly) from the pharmacy next to BK. Is there anywhere else we can get that?

Another question for all who have done some fixes to their faces, was thinking, if I will face problems at immigration borders? After surgery, did the surgeon/clinic actually write you a letter explaining that you had xxx surgery and may look slightly different from the passport photo?

Thanks again!
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hobakjuk is actually pumpkin porridge... as for the pumpkin juice, you might want to try ur luck at those supermarkets. they might have it....

i think its possible to request such a letter from the clinic... but i recall reading somewhere they dun actually state wat surgery was done but in general like so n so has done surgery in our clinic with the clinic's letterhead. So far, i did not come across anyone posting a problem with immigration in the forum
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Hi Swallow86,

Thanks for your reply! :smile:

Oh so sad! You are going in early Jan. I am going there in late Jan. Have already booked my ticket and hotel.
Like you, I am very inclined towards Teium because of many good reviews in this forum plus Soompi forum. For ID, I heard they are good but more specialized in Jaw. The other I heard that is very good with eyes is Jewelry ps but they don't speak English/Chinese at all. You would need a translator.

I am also interested in Banobai but they are rather expensive which is out of my budget. I have been learning Korean for a year and now I am brushing up to learn more so that I can communicate freely with them.

A pity we could't consult together. Would appreicate it if you could update me your decision to go with which clinic after your consult in early Jan!

Thanks thanks! :smile:

Good luck!
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My eye surgery in Korea is a massive failure, the doc completely ruined my eyes, now other docs dont even dare touching my eyes

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