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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi Itsumobaby - Could you please elaborate on why and how the surgery failed? how long has it been? Perhaps you want to give it some more time? I think someone posted here a few pages back that she hated her eyes after the 2nd week, but loves it now after >6 months.
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Hello Sorbet,
Pumpkin juice is different from the pumpkin porridge. You can get pumpkin juice from selected pharmacies. you may need to hunt it down though. My roommate got hers for 30,000 KRM - which has about 25 packets I think. I went to ID and they gave me a full box of it after I left.
I did request for a medical certificate and so did my roommate. For ID, they would detail the procedures you had, and hence your picture may be different from how you look. When I left Korea, the immigration lady checked my picture 3X before letting me go! i didnt bust out the medical certificate though ;)
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Hi MiaAnn, thanks for your reply😃. Just another quick question .. Do you have any sagging skin problem after your mini-v? Oh ya before I forgot your eye look great !
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It's much better than before i would never thought i would say this but i look pretty good everything is asymmetrical. My jaw and chin is still swollen my deviated nose even looks straight. There's no uneven sides I can see my swells are even evenly swelled. I still have atleast 3 months of healing.

Like you said, please see your self in the after state before you consider PS.
I don't know but in my experience I guess I went into shock.

I did 2 jaw, zygoma., genioplasty and v-line. That's brain damage. As you all know already that's nuts. And to do it in a foreign country alone.

If you ever have had any type of suicidal tendencies. I suggest you think it over or have some faith like Faith Evens and believe. I was diagnose with trauma.

Thank you all for holding me down with your unconditional support. Trust it!

God bless!
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Yo! Good to hear from you man! How did your consult with Dr. Park go? Have you been walking and eating at least semi-solid food?
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Hi laan, I am very sorry to hear your story. But pls hang in there dun give up yet. I do have some friend that did p/s (eg: double eyelid,nose&chin) they would normally feel emo/down during their recovery process and say things like they swear No more ps for them.... Once they recover they start to plan next surgery.So is really normal for you to feel sad or emo especially you are alone out there.I read across this from word of wisdom by Daisaku Ikeda it say,where there's life there's hope.hope only disappear when you decide something is hopeless. So dun give up there is still hope and a pyramid isn't built from top to down. The apex is attained only by laying strong foundation stone one by one. So pls stay positive ,believe and trust.. And not to forget .. Have hope ya!!😊
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Hi Sporty,
I dont have any sagging problems - my chin was short before, so he makes it a little longer I think and push it out. Instead of sagging, my skin feels stretched.
However, for some reason, i have noticed a little indent/ or "dimple" like right under my lip and above my chin. I have attached a pic here. Can you see it? I wonder if its going to be permanent.... NOoooooo!!! :jrs:
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My checkup consultation was a bit shocking he went with 5mm more than I wanted. Dr. Park did this for a reason and I guess it's working. I'm still morphing back to the original me but better. :smile:

Been eating porridge every day and protein shakes. I just started to really walk again and in a faster pace. Life is slowly coming back. I was always a quick healer this time I wasn't.
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MiaAnn you look great ! I like your chin sooo much! I dun think the dimple is permanent but even it is .... Is not looking that bad too! Haha. Oh did your doc in Id cut some of the bones from each of the side jaw? If yes , is there any sagging skin ? And did you do any surgery on your cheekbone ?
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Thank you! I'm just discovery that right now. I don't know if i plan on doing anything else. With the support of everyone here & my family has helped me out very very much.
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Goash.... I can imagine how pretty u'r .. after seeing your eyes and chin.. u must look stunning after all the swelling go off...
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Failure surgery alone have make enough of frustrating and depression. People usually will not think of going to sue the clinic unless it is life threatening and family members might choose to go for legal case. Legal cost is also not cheap le, :yucky::still have to save $$ for revision. :faint: not so sure whether it can win the case or not, because he/she already have sign in the form before surgery. So, legal case is really the last resort and that's where all the big bullying issue is happening in PS field.
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I remember one member posted in thread#1 , Grand is in the top10 sued clinic. It doesn't mean they are not good too. Just take precaution and do more research.. good luck !
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U did rhino and double eyelids surgery on the same day? Your eyes u went for incisional or non incisional method? What kinda of rhino u opt for? rib or septal cartilage or silicon implants or derma fat graft?How much did u paid for both surgery? How many days u stay in Seoul? Sorry for so many questions. Arson me. :smile:
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No i only did rhino and i got 3 things done 1) nasal bone narrowing 2) tiplasty and 3) short nose extension w/ cartilage. I didnt add any bridge so silicon or other stuff wasnt needed.

I paid 4.2mil won and i stayed in korea for 12 days and that was plenty.

No worries on your questions - ask away. I know how this all can be overwhelming :smile:
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