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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hi petiteminime,

My mom always advised me not to eat seafood after surgery although I am not sure why. I had an operation before and secretly ate some seafood when she didnt notice, the stiches marks later developed into scars and visible mole which is very ugly, luckily it was hidden under my hair. So I'll never eat seafood again after surgery. On the other note, I was reading your blog and thank god I found you because I am thinking of going with Pitangui too. I wanted to comment on your blog but something is wrong so I thought I'd ask you here. I understand there are always risks associated with cosmetic surgery but it seems that Pitangui has caused the least defects and I dont see many negative comments about them neither. Also I like how all their faces turn out to be quite natural. I also got in touch with Nicole lately and she seemed trust worthy. To be honest I probably visit Pitangui only and don't shop around because I have exactly 2 weeks in Korea. I understand you get promotional discount from them but do you also negotiate it down further? I also might do the same if they offer me, how much discount do you have?

I want to ask where do you get Purtier in Singapore? I am from the UK but it seemed they dont have distribution here so I'll ask my friend to buy it there. some of the sources online who sell it seem a bit dodgy and since it's expensive I hope to buy the real products!

Did Nicole help you arranging the accommodation? How was it? Also did they allow anyone else in the operation room? My bf is probably going with me and he is so worried :smile: and keep on insisting he wants to be there (how cute). Is it guaranteed that Dr Yoo is performing the operations? He has good reputation, I hope to have it done by him!

Sorry for so many questions, it's hard to find sb who did it in Pitangui on here among a few hundred pages of this forum. Thank you so much!
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Oh and here is a post earlier in this forum (p474) about food to bring to surgery and stuffs that should not be eaten after surgery. Hope it helps!


If you are having any surgery that will restrict mouth movement then I would recommend you bring the following with you:

1) Protein & Carbohydrate Powder, buy two flavours ie; chocolate and strawberry otherwise it becomes a bit boring. Buy these from health stores I bought a large 2kg tub, they are the sort body builders drink as an alternative to food. You just need to mix with water and drink it like a milkshake. Make sure you bring a plastic drinks bottle with a large top so you can shake the mixture, similar to bicycle drinks bottles. If you don't buy anything else buy this, it was my lifesaver, without it I would have lost more than 10lbs in two weeks. This will keep your hunger pangs at bay, two mug fulls and you will feel like you've had a good dinner.

2) Powdered soup, the sort you make in a mug with hot water. Be careful to not buy any with bits in, like croutons as these will get stuck under your stitches and are not easy to rinse out and could cause infection.

3) Juices, especially pineapple juice, again with no bits in it. Pineapple has an enzyme that aids recovery more than orange juice. If you can't get a hold of pineapple go for Mango juice, it does not have the enzyme but it does hold more vitamin c per mouth full than orange juice and vitamin c also aids recovery.

4) Pumpkin juice. This is free if you have surgery with ID Hospital, otherwise you will need to buy it from pharmacies, not many food marts stock it.

Do NOT drink milk at least two weeks before surgery, milk produces phlegm and mucus and will restrict your breathing even further, take it from me, you will struggle to breathe for the first few days.

Do NOT eat any seafood for 2 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery. Seafood can cause infection.

Do NOT drink any alcohol or smoke at least one week before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery, this will slow down your recovery time considerably and you don't want to be flying home with stitches still in your mouth because you haven't healed sufficiently for them to be removed on day 14.

Do NOT have oatmeal until your stitches are removed you will get bits trapped in your mouth wounds and will be very difficult to rinse out.

Noodles are fine so long as you swallow straight down. I had noodles from day 7 onwards but I had to eat them very carefully and slowly. Same with bananas, ensure they are really ripe and soft then squidge them between your tongue and palette to swallow.

Surprisingly for the first few days you don't feel hunger at all but you will be very thirsty as your body is wanting to rid the general anaesthetic in your system.

I hope this advice will help you.

From <#
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the smoking bit is actually minimum 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after. But most surgeons will tell you a month is the best amount of time as that is how long it takes for your body to flush out the nicotine. Its actually not so much the smoking but rather the nicotine because it thins out your blood. If you are having skin flap surgery esp, you better make sure you stop smoking for that good month because you cannot restrict blood circulation for those kinds of surgery.
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Hi everyone,

I'm new here. This is actually my first post :smile:

I'm writing to seek for advise regarding ID hospital. Currently, I have already paid USD1000 deposit to the hospital before Feb. So the staff at ID hospital told me the prices offered to me will be before the 10% increase. On top of that, they will further discount 10% off total surgery bill provided if I do an interview before and after the surgery. I sent in my photos and the staff recommends me to do V Line, Cheek Reduction, and Rhinoplastic, but all is not confirm upon consultation.

I have booked my consultation on 28th April, and surgery day on the 29th. The staff recommends Dr. Lee Ji Hyuk to do the facial contouring part because he is known to have "natural" outcome. As for Rhinoplasty, Dr. Kim is the best, however, he is not going to perform any more surgery for the time being (I think he wants to take a break) so the staff recommends me to take Dr. Joung Soo Woo who is equally skilled and reputable.

I know that cheekbone reduction will cause the cheek area to sag, and I voiced my concern to the staff of ID, and what she told me is that, they cannot guarantee that there is no sagging. However, because I am young and sporty, the fats around my cheek would be lesser, thus have a lower chance of sagging. However, is the sagging is severe, she recommends me to do a v3 face lifting at 4mil KRW.

My concern is that, firstly, I have never heard of Dr. Joung Soo Woo, and I feel very pushy of them to persuade me to get Rhinoplasty before the increase in prices. Secondly, I am worried for the cheekbone reduction procedure, do ID hospital do it by mandible rotation? or the insertion method? and I really don't want to spend another 4mil KRW on v3 face lifting if I can minimise the sagging by doing the mandible rotation method.

So should I proceed on with the surgery? since I already paid for the deposit. Maybe I will not do Rhinoplasty, just the V Line..
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First thing - DO NOT pay deposit until you get to Korea. If you have read this forum thoroughly you will understand why. (e.g. #

Secondly, I am really sad to tell you that ID is really bad - I wish you came here a bit earlier before putting the deposit down. There are many testimonials of their failures on here (Check out
# AND # ) They used to be on my list but I crossed them out immediately when they tried to push me hard to do 2-jaw surgery during the email consultation whilst all other clinic say I just need a chin implant (I dont feel I need it and also it's a very complicated procedures that can cause many side effects - I cant be sure whos going to perform my ops at ID so I cant trust them) I am also intending to go Korea for cheekbone reduction also.

ID is famous for switching surgeons also so beware.
did you pay the deposit before you consulted with them :S......

Also if i were you, id do a detailed search on this forum regarding the many botched jobs id clinic has caused. While i have had one friend who got a nice nose revision from at ID, after hearing of numerous negative feedback, photoshoped before and aftters and legal scandals i steered the other direction. Plus when i went for my consultation it irked me the same way bk did.

There's a thread someone started on this forum. its called ID Hospital Victims Here. You should go have a read as several people contributed.

Id try to get the money back if I were you. If your surgery is not like, a week or less away there is no reason for them to eat your deposit. You shouldn't have to pay for a service they are not providing.
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They are different. Pitangui in Korea is opened by Dr. Yoo, I watched one of his videos on Youtube and he said the reasons why he named his clinic Pitangui is because he is a close student and follower of the legendary Dr. Pitanguy in Brazil. Dr Yoo studied his cosmetic surgery degree in Brazil (and I think for that reason Pitanguy allowed Dr Yoo to use his name) plus he can speak fluent Portuguese also.
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Hi guys,

So I will definitely be in Seoul from April 28th-May 11th. Just in the process of buying tickets, booking a place to stay etc.

I've narrowed my choices to Pitangui and Teuim. I really like the results from Dr. Kwon from Teuim but they haven't replied to my email yet regarding the pics I sent them (it's been two days so far but it seems like a long time for me LOL I really want to just get everything settled). The only thing that's making me hesitate to go with Teuim right away is because of the more expensive prices they quote... I'm only getting double eyelid + epi (most likely) so do you guys think 3k would be enough? Would there be room for negotiation?

Also... did you guys do any Seoul exploring while recovering? :P:P
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As I am doing research on clinics, I found that it's important to look at the Korean version of the clinic sites. Usually clinics' English website counterparts aren't updated frequently.

I looked at 365MC's Korean website, played around with Google Translate (web and mobile app), and found even cheaper prices. I saw at least a 1mil won difference! I'm sure this can be an advantage when bargaining with prices.

If you can't translate through text (most are html images) use the handwriting feature on the web/app.
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Can you pm me, I visit different clinics for different surgeries, its quite easy as I am flying in from HK, a long weekend will do . not doing multiple at one clinic. sometimes the doctor speaks better English than those English/Chinese translator in the clinics.
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Its not so much dependant on the size of the clinic but rather the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, his team etc. That said the mid-bigger clinics do tend to have more health safety protocols which are implemented because they have to have more of an infrastructure. I would not recommend OZ tho.
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If you read both the thread I quoted people did mention at ID they switch surgeons once you'r knocked out. So the one who gives you consultation is not always the one who is going to perform ops on you - especially Dr Park. You can ask them if they can guarantee no switching but last time I ask the sale people they ignored my question completely about this. No one dares to confirm this at ID because they can't and also they do not want to be in legal troubles once patients sue them.
Also if you try to dig this thread since the beginning, there are at least a few who attempted and have asked about suing ID for switching surgeons and false advertising. It's been really long time and I cant rmb exactly where but there has been several mentions. Since I switch my focus to other better clinic I just surf and quickly skim thro and dont pay attention to the ID complaints anymore tbh.
I will never go there if I was one of you, I just can't risk my face. I only have one of it. If any of you insist, do secretly record all conversations from consultation to the end in case you need to hold them responsible.
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I have yet thought about OZ to be honest because they did not reply my email last time. But so far I dont recall it being particularly bad. Small clinic like Dream (Before&After) and OZ have only one or two doctors so you can feel secured that there is no switching. However you should consider their after-care might not be as good. I do recall there was a girl who posted her detailed experience from consultation to post ops with OZ in this thread, I cant rmb which page (gosh - why does it have to have 6-freaking-hundred pages! More than reading a book already - my bad I should have really noted everything down) but there must be one or two within this thread so pls dig it in ur free time.
My first choice right now is Pitangui so I don't researched on others as much. But I might re-email OZ again and see what they say about my face. - and free simulation as well *v*
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