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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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oh goodness!! top10 sued clinic? sheesh! Where can I obtain such a list? Yeah, seems like ID, JW are more popular in the purse forums, but I'm getting more confused as I read more. There are always people who aint happy with one clinic or another. Nevertheless, I would like to know why people are happy / aint happy, so it's easier for me to make my own decision.

Anyone tried Dream?
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hopefully that dimple thing will even out soon... other than that i like ur chin!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you so much. ;)
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Oh btw where did u do yr rhinoplasty? I kept forgetting, I'm already re-reading the threads the 3rd time and I still forgets and mixed up. I only pen down notes on the clinics, food intake, specialization of the clinics, price etc. should ve take down who did what down to avoid repetitions of Qs & As. So sorry abt it, having u to repeat.
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Hi guys,

Just wanna trouble you guys again, I've known you guys mentioning that we could sent them emails like an online consultation, I only manage to find Regen & teuim emails, does any of you have the email for the line ps (tlps), view ps & banobagi? viewclinic.com doesn't load on my side, wondering isit ipad's error. Many thanks if u guys could help if u all ve the emails for me to sent them my enquiries.
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Hey Plastic_korea,

I managed to know u done it at BK. found the ans in the threads. Thanks once again. :smile:
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Hi SpartaKooks,

Cartilage graft rhinoplasty is the the safest and most permanent method with the lowest risk of complications and infection.

Usually cartilage grafts are either obtained from the septum (parting wall between right and left side of nose) to create or reshape the tip/lengthening the nose. Another option is obtaining it from the ears (usually to reshape nose tip as well).

In the case whereby there is not enough cartilage, for example to create a nose bridge on a flat nose, cartilage from septum/ears is not enough thus surgeons will suggest to harvest the rib cartilage for your nose structure.

If a strong piece of cartilage is needed, either rib (I heard it makes the nose rock hard :hrmm:) or septum cartilage are the best but if a softer cartilage is needed, then ear is the best source.

Fat graft is another option and can be used as a substitute for cartilage. It's rarely rejected by the body and it feels softer than cartilage. But this is easily absorbed (can be up to 50% or more) thus doctors will take the absorption into consideration and inject more fats which makes your nose look bigger than before but the "big nose" is temporary and will subside gradually and *might* turn out to be a nice result. But I'm not so keen on this as results seems dependent on the absorption thus very unpredictable?

If you choose to have artificial implants for the nose bridge, I feel in general, gortex is a better option than silicon although silicon produces a nicer shape. Doctors usually recommend silicon as it's the most "convenient" material. But as far as I know, silicon has a higher chance of warping (change in shape) in the long run. I didn't really read up much on implants yet because as much as possible, I'm not considering foreign materials in my face. But if I do come across more information, I'll keep you updated!

I believe osteoplasty in layman terms is the pushing of the nose bridge (or nasal bone narrowing).

I think it's pretty common to undergo nose and eyes surgeries together. What sort of eyes surgeries are you referring to? In most cases, especially if you are doing epi/lateral canthoplasty, the eyes swell up pretty badly and you might not be able to open them fully in the first few days (but it'll get better though eyes takes a longer recovery time than nose).

Are you short-sighted? If you have a high degree, you have take into consideration that it might not be advisable to wear contact lens or spectacles (since I heard it's not good to put pressure on you new nose bridge) for the first two weeks maybe? I think for me, I will be as blind as a bat because I have short-sightedness. :O

Anyway, these are all my own opinions from what I gathered so far but I'm in no way an expert (thus the layman terms) on the issues above and may not be 100% accurate. I highly recommend you do an adequate research if you are keen on the surgeries.

Hope these helps. Good luck with your research! :tup:
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Hello MiaAnn,

Thank you for contributing the factors for me to consider!

Oh god, I'm so worried about epi because eyes surgeries can be so easily messed up if not properly done... :shocked:

Was the longer recovery period the reason why you chose to skip epi or was it because you do not need the "opening-up-eyes" procedure at all?

What nose procedures did Dr. Kim recommend you? Did he recommend implants? As much as possible, I do want any foreign materials on my face. :sad: What made you skip the nose procedure in the end? Are you going to consider a nj in the near future?

I'm definitely consulting Dr Kim when I go to ID and see what he recommends for me!

On bargaining, was the consultant very insistent on the one price policy? How did you managed to knock off 1m off the price? Did you do most of the bargaining or Zoe helped you with it?

I'm 24 this year but am not too sure if I heal fast from injuries/bruises... my worst fear is sagging after zygoma/mandible reduction. I've been told during the online consultations that sagging is not an issue because I am "young" but I'm not sure again if they are downplaying the reality of this sagging issue. :sad:

At this point of time, I have no idea if I want to admit outright that I did a "full over-haul" PS... because where I'm from, people are still rather judgemental towards PS. Maybe I'll just admit the eyes part (since that's difficult to get away with) and say that I did botox or something for my face. :x

Did you tell your family and friends that you plan to undergo PS? If not, what did you tell them? Were their reaction positive or negative about it?

*information overload mode at the moment* haha!
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Thank you for the advanced bday wish! But I think I would be even more delighted if you wish me again when it's nearing the day! It's always go good to receive birthday blessings :lol:

Or better still, say you'll hang around and check in on our progress in Dec? I want you to "mommy" over me with your kind words too (post-op)! :heart: Will probably need a lot of courage and encouragement to get over that ugly recovery period. *shudders*

And the thought of the four girls still having a good time despite all that bandages and stuff reminds me of the gorgeous four from Sex & the City. A heart-warming Christmas to remember. :love:
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You are SUPERB! :rockettes:

I kept worrying about post op miscommunication due to the language barrier and that the translator might leave something important out. Now I feel better equipped with your list (and have printed it out so that I'm not at a total lost post-op! I will definitely stick it on the wall of the place I'm putting up at. heheh!).

Do you by any chance have any pre-op list as well? :greengrin:

Are you planning to do any surgeries or have you done yours?

Thank you again! :heart:
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I agree that it's not possible to get away with "no procedures done at all" unless you want to be deemed as a liar... lol. So the reasons you gave are really good... I might need to borrow them when I'm done with the surgeries. :lol:

When did the bruising subside? I remember it was really bad during your first week. I'm scared I might suffer from bad bruising as well so might be a good idea to pack the concealer along.

Actually I can't really imagine "the face not moving naturally when you talk" part... Is your mid-face very stiff with no expression? If so, does it look funny/feels tight when you laugh?

Totally hear you regarding the give-and-take situation, I hope in time to come, you'll fall in love the end result more than the cute look so everything is worth it. :heart:
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I'm really thinking of a "complete overhaul" to achieve the look I want but as much as I would hate to suffer the agony of recovery twice, I am more scared of the complication of multiple surgeries.

I will be in Japan and Thailand for consultations these two weeks. Hopefully I will gain more insights on the procedures I want after speaking to the doctors.

Are you planning to get any procedures done any time soon? If yes, have you shortlisted any clinics? ((:
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Thanks Sporty!

Yes, the doc did shave some of the side jaw - just a little. It's part of the mini-V. So far, I havent noticed any sagging in skin. And no, i didnt do any cheekbone. But one thing i did notice, after my elongated chin, I noticed that my cheekbone is not as prominent as before.
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I know!!!! It's kinda weird... and in some days, it looks more obvious than others!

I wonder if Egg Tartlet has the same problem.... Egg: if you are here, can you let me know??
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Doing more research today....
Thought I'd Share =)

Silicone implants are the best implant and tolerated quite well if used conservatively in an Asian patient’s face. The cost of a rhinoplasty is approximately $6000, which includes the operating room, anesthesia, and the surgeon’s fee for performing the procedure. On a rare occasion the implants can get dislodged or crooked and needs to be removed and reimplanted, which is a relatively easy touchup procedure.

Gortex has is more likely to become infected, has more tissue ingrowth, is very difficult to remove, and can be problematic if it gets infected. We do not recommend it.

Cartilage augmentation from the patient’s own septal cartilage is an excellent alternative, although in the flat low Asian nose there is simply not enough cartilage to sufficiently build up the bridge, so silicone silastic implants tend to be the best alternative. We recommend small and medium sizes so as not to put extra stretch on the skin, which can cause tissue necrosis and breakdown.

Web reference: http://www.seattlefacial.com

William Portuese, MD
Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon
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