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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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those of you that went for surgeries, did u tell ur family members that u r going for operation? I am very worried because my family members r against plastic surgeries and I didnt tell them I m am going.

I was hoping the change wouldnt be too noticeable... I am gg for vline n possibly zygoma. miann said her face changed quite a bit after just mini v...

I amscare nw
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i broke it to my mum already... my initial plans for p.s (double eyelid, rhino, buccal fat removal), quite slowly... now, it seems she's ok with double eyelids/buccal fat removal but not really for rhino...

after advice from Miann i think i will skip buccal fat removal... and may go for mini v... but that is not confirm, still considering...

here's how i do it: after a good dinner with mum n aunts, otw home i told her to look at my eyes, and i commented how its not open 'properly' like most eyes... there's slight ptosis etc. then she ask what can be done? double eyelid?

then bingo... i went home to tell her bout my intention for surgery in korea then she ask abt swelling and downtime... so i reckon she agreed to it but when i told her about rhino she's like NO!, and mention both our noses are the same etc... then she's also against about mandible reduction but ok with buccal fat removal coz i insisted i only want subtle changes so she's 1/2 1/2 on that...

before that, I went for liposuction in medan after telling my mum even thou she's like dead against it but then she knew no one could change my mind after i decide on things. so she kept bombarding me with sms asking if i was ok while i'm there. (i went alone)

my own logic is since i'm paying for my own surgery, they cannot stop me if decide on it. i'm doing my duty as a daughter to inform them of my decision. with that said, should anything go wrong, i cannot blame anyone but only myself.

since urs is vline.... i dunno how bad ur situation is but try breaking it slowly to your parents... coz i think they have the right to know. Its natural if they are against it coz they are worried for your well-being. As a member of the family, surgeries as such should not be kept from family members... you know... just in case if things happen (which cannot be predicted)
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Hi MiaAnn, just to check with you, did you go to Seoul to have your jaw line fixed, or were you there for another purpose and decided on a mini v after the surgeon's suggestions?

the more i look at b&a photos, the more tempted I become to get a mini v, but i'm super scared of pain. I have wisdom tooth extraction and swelling as a result, but I guess that level of pain I can still withstand, although I did come down with a fever.

So from your experience, is it as bad as wisdom tooth extraction or much much worse?

to have the jaw shaved off, I know they have to put some pins/screws on your chin. Do you still feel the pins there when you touch your chin?

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lol no worries. information overload on this forum ;)

I had mine at bk w/ dr. kim.
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I did (well, only to my parents though. Not to my brother...I'm not going to tell him and just let him figure it out)! My parents are actually really supportive of it! My dad is like sure, do whatever you want! But my mom however, is really against me getting V-line since it's so invasive and involves bone shaving. I'm still going for it anyways.

The worst part for me however, was breaking the news to my boyfriend (I only told him I'm planning on getting a nose job, not V-line). He was super quiet when I told him. I asked him what he thought and he just said, "Just do whatever makes you happy."

I told a few of my close friends too. A few responded with, "NO! I LOVE YOUR NOSE/FACE. GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY. DON'T DO IT!" and a few with: "I think you are beautiful now. But whatever you do I support you!"

In the end, it's your body. If people (even the ones close to you) do not respect your decision, its their problem and it shouldn't be yours. I think your parents might be upset at first, but once they see how happy you are post PS and good results, they will learn to deal with it. They are family, they love you.

I know people are going to judge me on my plastic surgery, but people will judge you all the time regardless. Stick by your choices, even if it means you will lose some people out of your life.
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Hi Ana Dancer,
Dont worry about asking too many questions - you are doing the right thing researching this yourself.
For me, I did NOT thing that I needed epi - you can judge for yourself when you look at my before. I thought even if I needed it would have been lateral epi and not the inner corner. JW suggested me to have epi, but ID said I didnt need it. Also, initially I was also thinking of doing nose. If you do the nose, it will make your eyes seem closer (due to higher bridge) - So imagine, I didnt think I needed epi to begin with, and JW suggested me to have epi... if things didnt turn out good, my eyes may have been a lot closer together than I would have liked. So, I am a big proponent of doing a lot of research so that you can filter out B-S, or perhaps the doctor may not have the same "beauty definition" as you are.

My nose was a big surprise to me. If you knew me, you probably think I just need a tip refinement and maybe a slight height at the top of my nose. My bridge is fine - in fact, many would say I have a rather "tall" nose for Asian (something that runs in the family). But Dr. Kim (being as precise as he was), told me I had the following issues:
1) A very slight hump
2) Nose is slightly deviated to the right
3) Silicon implant of 3MM
4) Tip Refinement
5) And when I asked him for a columella? He looked at me and said perhaps a 2mm reduction on each side.
6) lastly, he felt my nose and said the middle top is slightly hollow.

ALSO, because my nose is slightly deviated to the right, he can't just put an implant on it because it will magnify the deviation. So he needs ot customize the implant to make my nose straight.

After saying all those things and writing on my client/ profile sheet, he stated at it and said "Wow, this is a complicated surgery!" I nearly fainted! I asked him how long it would take (the surgery), he says for eyes about 1.5 hours, nose about 3-3.5 hours (and later I found out that my mini-V was going to take about 45 minutes).

So you can imagine I was beyong speechless and was left very nervous after my consultation. First, I didnt want to do a mini-V - I only wanted genioplasty. Although the difference is only the shaving of the sides and a 1M KW difference in price, I thought the idea of having a Mini-V was outrageous. And then, I got bombarded with this whole slew of nose issues which i never thought I had! If anything, people usually like my nose! So, I was very very nervous.

Regarding nose job in the future, I think it really depends on my recovery this 1st time. So far, I still think that PS is a very emotional process and the long road to recovery is not making it better (of course, its becasue I had eyes and facial countouring!!!). I've heard that nose alone is pretty easy peasy and the recovery is much faster. So, if I end up LOVING my results after all the swellign is gone, I think I would be tempted to go. If the results is anything short of fabulous, i think i can live with my nose for now. LIke i said, it's relaly not that big of a problem to the untrained eyes.

Yes, the consultant was very insistent on the price policy - but it may just be part of their gimmick. I think we spent 15 minutes or more just on the price, and Zoe had to talk to their head sales person separately on 2 occasions. I did most of the bargaining - I think it was easier on Zoe as she didnt want to damage the relationship with them... but i also think it makes it a stronger case for the Consultant. She did teach me what to say though.

I havent told my family yet - but I dont live with them which makes it easier. I think for my face, i will just say i broke my chin. For my eyes, I still have yet to find a good excuse. Arrggghh!!!!!!

Wow - this was a long reply!
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Ohh I sooo wish I could join you ladies!!!! Not for the P-S but for the fun! I miss the food, the shopping and Zoe and Tony!
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Hey Ana,
Prepare yourself for the face stiffness. The meaning of "PLASTIC" surgery really came to light after I had the mini-V. Literally, your skin is so tight and you can't really control your muscles. So if you want to smile, you CANT smile, or you can only smile 20% of what you had before (and you will slowly regain it back).
1.5 weeks after my surgery, I came back to the US and my friend who observed my face told me that my skin seems very "smooth" and "tight" that I looked like i just had a face-lift! I was like - WTH??!!! And you are talking about someone who is considered rapid recovery.
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It's funny how you said the last sentence -.... "As a member of the family, surgeries as such should not be kept from family members... you know... just in case if things happen (which cannot be predicted)"

For me, I didnt tell my family. BUT, I did write an "emergency letter" and kept it in my purse on the day of my surgery. I meant to give it to my translator, but I was too anxious. However, (touch wood), if something happens, there's contact to my family and a short note to the love ones.
I shredded the note the day I left Seoul.
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Hi Sorbet,

Initially, I was dead against facial countouring or any bone-cutting related surgery. However, I knew that my short/ receding chin was a major issue on my face - and hence, I researched a lot on genioplasty and it seemed like a not so invasive procedure and recovery didnt seem that bad. So, I was slowly accepting genioplasty (cutting of the chin bone and moving it forward).

When I was in the consultation room, Dr. Park agreed wtih the genioplasty and then in a carefree manner simply added "and a little shaving on the side" would make it good. i was like - OK!

After that, when the Consultant came in for the pricing, she mentioned Mini-VLine. I was like - HOLD ON MISSY, I dont think I needed a mini-V. That's when she told me that although Dr. Park didnt use the official term, the combination of a genioplasty + shaving of the sides literally meant Mini-V. The price differnece between genio only and mini-V was just 1M KW. So, I decided OK on the mini-V.

When you had your wisdom tooth extraction, did you get all 4 out at the same time? I only had 2 out at the same time, so it wasnt all that painful. As compared to the 2 extraction vs. mini-V, I would say mini V is probably 10x harder to bear. It's not just the pain alone, but the entire swelling of the face, the effects of GA, the terrible soreness from your throat (I think my throat was actually scrapped from the tube), and your body feeling extremly weak, and the whole shi-bang on all the IV drip, hospitalization, etc. That beign said, the painkillers they gave really helped - and it IS doable. Just not quite an easy ride as you think it is. You need to be extremely prepared for what to expect, emotionally strong, very patient and should have someone there with you as support.

I cant feel the screws on my face (I actually tried!) LOL but there's a slight indent on my chin - i posted the pic a few pages back. I wonder if that's where the screw is... :sad:
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Hi Ana.dancer,

A million thanks for yr great contributions, so nice of u to shared so much with me. I totally agreed with u on not having foreign materials in the face therefore implants r out for me too. Seems like I might need to go for rib cartilage cos I doesn't seems to ve a bridge at all (its really that flat and wide). I wonder if the scar on the chest will affect me wearing low cuts clothings. :sad: seems like what most forumers said r right, when u gain some, u lose some as well. For my eyes, I wanted to go for double eyelids surgery only but it seems like epi is rather commonly suggested by doctor therefore I might end up doing it too. I'm not someone that heals well n quickly, i bruises easily too (a simple knock or hit will just do the job :shucks:). I'm short sighted as well but I can do without glasses ( less than 200 degrees on both eyes, no tendency to squint when i cant see far) except for meetings n to hide my panda eyes being lazy to put on make up then will i put on my glasses. if its any consolation, my sis will be joining me n she has perfect eyesight but she is going to do her eyes too, both of us will be blind like a bat if it really swells to the extreme. -_-"
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Hi MiaAnn, thanks for sharing!!:smile:

Wow, I think I'm still scared of doing a Mini-V. I only had 2 teeth extracted at the same time. So if its much more swelling and discomfort, I think I shall just stick to rhinoplasty first and see if I can take the swell/discomfort and the subsequent difference to see if I still want to make more changes to my jawline.
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the thing is, it HAS been 7 months and my eye is still disgusting, the scars are deep and thick and my eyes are totally asymmetric and the crease line intersect each other instead of being a smooth line.
Its like the doctor just used a knife to slice my eyes randomly

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Hey Bro, I just went thru this entire thread and finally realize you a guy, delighted as I was hoping for more info on a nose job on males. How did you actually settle on who to go with beside your gf was pleased w/ hers. I am a newbie hence I probably cannot PM, so it would be cool if you can PM me your before and after pic and maybe some word of advice on this matter.


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