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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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ROFL!!! :roflmfao: OMG I just literally LOL'd when I read this... I was thinking the same exact thing hahahahaha!

Just went back to the beginning of this forum and caught up on some of the posts. This forum moves super fast! I did my due diligence of reading the posts before it got archived and got restarted here. Haven't been on until recently now that I am tidying up here and getting ready to leave for Korea in several days.

I am packing my things as I type & doing my last load of laundry for I won't have much time to pack after working my last 2 shifts. I have a couple more errands to run and then off I go to Korea! :biggrin:

I am meeting Zoe on Dec 1st to do my 3 consultations. Initially, I had decided on Banobagi, ID, and Teiums. But after rereading some of the newer posts and going back on the notes I jotted down, I am reconsidering ID. I just got done emailing Zoe to see if I can change ID to Regen instead. Hopefully, it's not too late. If not, I will most likely venture into Regen on my own the Friday I land.

MiaAnn, I love how your eyes turned out! I'm sure it will look even better once all the swelling subsides. I am planning on getting my eyes done and was pretty set on getting partial incision. I may consider the full incision now after seeing the doctor for guaranteed permanent results.

Super excited! Wish me luck! ;)
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Best of luck to u .. :hugs:
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u r welcome! JW quoted me 4 million won for nose as I wanted to correct my hump, refine my tip and reduce alar. 2.5-3 million won for my eyes. So far, cheapest compared to others I have checked with. I dnt have TLPS's email hence I dnt have a way to check the pricing. I guess I will ask after my consultation with them. Chungdam U hasn't reverted back to me yet.

I didn't want any foreign implants, not even rib hence JW gave me an option of dermograft if I want to augment my bridge. I asked if it will be re-absorb back into my body but the consultant said no, it is permanent. It sounds great hence I am leaning towards JW.

But I like TLPS and Chungdam U's b & a pics a lot tho, so I am thinking of going for consultations with them to find out more.

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Hi snowstream,

May I ask where did u hear from regarding Dr Kwon left teium? Oh no.... Bad news for me... :sad:
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wow...excited for u! I wish I can go Korea earlier if I dnt have any work commitment.

Just to share with all my experience with Zoe. I decided to tell her my 3 choices of clinics for consultation more than one month in advance as I thought it is good to give her ample time to make appts for me. Last week, when I mentioned to her if it is possible to change one clinic to another, while we keep the rest of the 2 clinics the same, she threw me a bomb saying that she can't help me do translation anymore as I wanted to change one clinic and she said she had this client and based on what the client went thru, it made her think a lot and that plastic surgery is much more difficult than I imagine and ask me to think carefully which clinics I want to go and she said she can't help me anymore. The same thing happened to my friend as well when she wanted to take ID out of her list. I was taken by surprise as we didn't give her any last min changes but I guess Zoe must be too busy with a lot of clients now.

Luckily, I found another translator and she is really kind and fast with her emails. Thank goodness, for me I still have a few more weeks in advance to find another translator.

So for those who intend to use Zoe, my advice is be 100% sure that u want to visit the 3 clinics before telling her. Maybe wait till one or 2 weeks before u are due to arrive in Seoul, then tell her ur confirmed list.

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I heard from another forumer as we have been exchanging emails and will be meeting up in Korea for moral support after our PS. She heard from someone else though but I am not sure who. I dropped her an email earlier today to ask if she heard from the consultant or another forumer tho. So I am also not 100% sure but if Dr Kwon has really left Teuim, then I won't be going there for consultation hence I took out from my list.

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I am not sure about that but I think Chung DamU's after picture is 30% real and 70% photoshop :smile: There is a show about the ulzzangs girls and boys that had gone through plastic surgery of Chung DamU clinic.. In real life (i mean in the show) they don't look that good...
I think they may be good at eye and nose job but I don't recommend you to do facial contour there.. :smile:
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Do you have the link for the website of TLPS? Thanks!
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For those who didn't know.

TLPS was originally The Line clinic, located near SM town building. Recently, the clinic has moved and splited to 2 new clinics, maybe in the summer because when I last went there was in April.

One is TLPS, at the same building and you could get there only by cab or bus, no tube station near by. The other is The Line ps, at sinsa station exit 8 (next to 365mc). The surgeons, half stay half move.

What im trying to say is, if TLPS has just been established since April, I dont believe there are that many successful cases like what they say in korean cafes, maybe just some adv tactics of theirs? Otherwise, if what ppl said in korean cafes are true, then you should check out TheLine ps as well.
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hi:smile: when are you planning to have your nose done? im also in contact with JW and they quoted me 3 million won for rhino using dermograft for bridge and septal or ear cartilage for the tip. but the price may be more or less after the face to face consultation. Im still thinking if I should go for the dermograft since i havent heard any reviews about it or someone who had done it. But obviously i also dnt want foreign implant but I am tempted to have silicone after seeing eggtarlets result. but at this point of time im still sticking to no implants though im not yet really sure whether to get dermagraft or rib (which is also scares me).

if u are interested we can go together to get a consultation about the dermagraft:smile:
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Just read this after I received a reply from Zoe regarding changing up my clinics. *Whew* I would've been worried to death if it had been the other way, but she was surprisingly okay with it. I did mention that the reason why I wanted to change ID was because of the increasing amount of negative reviews mentioned on multiple forums, but understood if it was too late for the change. She replied back saying she will change it for me and actually do recommend Regen for they specialize in the surgeries I want done.

Maybe she is being more open/lenient since there are other translators out there who may be taking some of her work load off. Or maybe she wasn't really familiar with the clinics you ended up choosing?.. Not sure what the deal was, but hope she doesn't flake on me. :wondering I've been in contact with her for several months as well & she has been great so far *knock on wood*.

Regarding Teiums, I am so sad to hear that Dr. Kwon may have left the clinic! That is one of the clinics I have made an appointment with and I was solely going there to meet Dr. Kwon. :crybaby: Well, I can't risk losing Zoe over attempting to change yet another clinic, so I will stick with the plan and go check it out. I'll keep you guys updated and let you know if he really did leave. I am hoping he hasn't!

Okay, time to hit the sack! Good night y'all! :sleepy:
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Maybe you guys should find another translator and ditch her eventually she'll bend a little. She will start appreciating her clients more once we have other options.
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Thanks Beefsoup! I was wondering why she has been MIA.
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Hello Bella and Anrisu !
I'm also planning to go to korea in April next year to have consultation for mini-V and double lids at JW plastic surgery . Wanna meet ? And where r u guy planning to have consultation ? . Hope to receive your reply .
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