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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Yeah same. I'm really nervous about going to BK. And I emailed them and the girl was very very vague with the information I wanted. Causing me to become discouraged in going there at all. Thinking that the translators are like that there. Are they? I'm so confused into which place I should go to get my Rhinoplasty and my chin done.

If you don't mind, can I see a picture of the after image of your face? If you agreed and to speed things along. My email is. [email protected]
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well said...
pple often forget that the translators are not obliged to provide after-care services...
after all, their main job scope is jus to help with translations and arranging consultations...
they expect too much from them just becoz few forumers experience 'such said services'

oh well... i'm keeping all options open regardless anything...
i may end up not needing one depending on the clinic i may eventually go when time comes
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does anyone know if 2-way jaw surgery is needed to get a nice jawline?
i'm getting mixed reviews on it.

some docs said that zygoma reduction to reduce my cheeks will help to give me a nice oval face which currently i have a long face. but i have a small face already. should i do ?

which clinics is best in facial contouring, zygoma reduction or jaw surgery.
is View, BK and TLPS clinics good in these?

anyone going to korea next mar-april
:smile: thanks all
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T kn

Well said :smile:
I have learned so much from all who have posted on this forum. I would not know how to start searching for info if it weren't for the people here willing to share their experiences.

Like I said earlier, contact all the translators and see which one works within ur schedule. If it weren't for this forum I wouldn't have had any links to any translators. I was lucky to have had to opportunity to come into contact w 2, both of whom helped me in my journey.
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Hey thanks for sharing the experience. Do you know Zoes email address?
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From my understanding, 2 jaw is the best way to achieve results if you have a really bad jaw, IE protruding mouth/chin. If you're profile view looks fine then you probably won't need.
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hello, yeah i understand that. if im not mistaken, according to a few members on this forum, her reply was kinda rude. personally, i think its okay if my translator was too busy to provide "full service" but should at least be nice to everyone whether its his/her client or not.

No offence to you ya, but i think if she'd avoid high maintenance people by sensing through email or whatsoever then i guess her patience isnt that good after all. *note: ofcourse im not talking about clients who insist on full service. hehe =) for me, patience is very important as going through surgeries is already stressful. well its just me=p

well, what do i know=p..i've never had any experience with her before. again, my opinions are solely based on reviews. ;)

I bet some other translator do get commissions too. Not all ofcourse. but bear in mind, translators that have "hidden charges" dont only liaise with 1 clinic but a lot more.

*If anyone who is reading this doesnt mind paying more, then sorry i've wasted your time for reading this post =p

oh yes and thanks to everyone who shared their good and bad experience with translators!=)
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then as a client who's paying for translator and planning a surgery thousand miles away, gets moody too if he or she gets a rude reply.

yeah we wouldnt choose the one who has potential attitude problems would we?

but i must say, i'm not saying Z or any other translator is wrong. it depends on the situation, it could be that the client was rude in the first place too. who knows.=p
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Yeah, the person emailing might have phrased their words in a way that sounded alittle demanding, but at the same time, since she's running a business it really is important to respond in a pleasant way. =/

Imagine if you're in pain with you face all bandaged up and they tell you they can't go buy you a drink because it's not part of their services. =( that would suck. Oh well, guess it's better to have a family member or friend there to help then.
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I can send you my before and after pics :smile: but do me a favor, do reply w/ your thoughts. I sent my pics to some folks and never heard from them again hahaha.

I'm fluent in Korean so i didnt need a translator and plus my native Korean friend and my mom was w/ me. Also, my friend got her nose done at BK and I liked her outcome.
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All this talk about translators... am I the only one who wants to know where they came from in the first place? :lol:
Zoe and Nicole kind of just popped up in purse forum one day, but I couldn't find a post explaining how people learned about their services in the first place. Website? Word of mouth?
Korea gets A LOT of tourism, especially for plastic surgery, so I'm confident there are many other available translators that probably offer great services for their clients as well... and *inner penny pincher speaking* maybe even at cheaper prices? I just feel a bit restricted having to choose from only 2 translators. So if anyone knows a website that lists different translators, or something of the sort that may help add to everyone's list of choices, please share. I've been trying to search for one such resource but I've had no luck. :nogood:
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