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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I for one am glad Marir is sharing her research with us. It most definitely is an eye-opener.

I was browsing (i say browsing, more trial and error) View's website earlier today and you can tell they're not after the international market yet, their English website is one page lol. But i think they go after more achieveable looks (can't remember if it was View as i was browsing TL's website as well) rather than dramatically changing it, especially for facial contouring. The girls look a lot more balanced in the after pictures.

Can i have the list sent as well once its updated. I've pmed you my email. Thanks in advance.
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Thank u marir! The forum needs u more than u need us....
I will be going to seoul in dec. So banobagi, regen are popular as well? I was actually leaning towards Grand because I thought since its the biggest hospital in seoul it must be pooular and also I really like the before and after.
I am surprised by how few comments they have compare to regen since their pictures don't look impressive to me. Is Grand not good?

What are u planning to do and when will u be going? I really interested in view but their pricing kinds of sounded a siren... How can their price be 60% of what other major clinics like ID,Regen,Bk and Banobagi have quoted...

I thought I was ready but apparently I am not.

P.s: pls check ur pm :biggrin:
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I haven't done any major surgeries either. New to this forum too, so w8ing for more responses from the drs.
U sound like me w the nonincisional. I'm planning on going to fix my double eyelid/ptosis, but now the drs r suggesting so many other things :/
Cheekbone, they told me 10days in korea for recovery, assuming it goes well, I guess.
Sounds like a lot r going to korea soon, so just stay on the forum to see everyones b/a pics.
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Oh no I am gg for my eye surgery next week. Hope it will be fine. Fingers crossed.
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thanks so much for your input!
where did you get it done?
and also was wondering, do you wear eyelid tape now? or leave it as is?

the things is, I actually already have double eyefold... but because of the fat over my eyes, it sort of droops over. not a lot... just a bit, but enough to make me want to get a permanent solution!
I'm sick of wearing eyelid tape :sad:
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This might be a dumb question... but thought you guys can give me some advice. I'm going to Korea in November, from Canada, and am wondering... how do we pay for these surgeries?

I'm going to be exchanging CDN to KRW but do we pay the surgeons in cash? Cuz that will be quite a bit of cash to carry =S
It just occurred to me right now, because I have finally finalized my trip dates... just haven't chosen the DR yet =/ I'll be going from Nov 16-26 if anyone else is there during that time!

I'm actually pretty nervous now, as I'm only going to be staying in Korea for 10 days, and the main reason for going is to get double eyelid surgery... I hope I don't get pressured and go with the wrong Dr. After reading this forum though, I want to get facial contouring, but don't know much about it. Is it quite invasive? If not, I was just thinking of getting Botox injections on my massater muscles to thin my face. Can someone fill me in on what "zygoma and v line" is?

Also, has anyone heard of Angelababy? An HK model that is absolutely GORGEOUS! I read about her earlier in this forum, and I am obsessed with her!!! She was pretty ugly before but had a lot of surgery and is such a huge star now! I actually heard she got her surgeries done in Japan, but was wondering if any knew what she had done. The main thing that caught my eye was her jawline.... if anyone knows what kind of surgery this is, please share your info! Thanks guys! :smile:
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I don't wear tape yet because it is not that bad, a little asymmetrical. I had my procedure done with a Korean dr in the US for cheaper than what that place quoted you. But this was several years ago.
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View have chinese website, I was gonna go for them but they only have breast/face/eyes+nose , I was looking for lipo+jaw T-T !!

Anyway im set to fly in one month!! god this is so exciting yet nervewrecking
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Not at all! The forum has been just as much help to me, if not more. :smile: I owe everything to my awesome Korean friend, who has provided me with the resources.

On that note: He actually corrected me about the number of consultation inquiries from View. Their consultation page is set up differently, so I counted the questions + responses, which was double the total amount. The real total is ~18,500 inquiries, which is less than Regen, but more than Grand and ID. TL PS has the most I've seen so far though. ALSO, my friend noted that I miscalculated Grand's total as well, which is actually ~14,200, not 9,560. So sorry about that! I hope I didn't mislead anyone. >.<

You're going December? You're a brave girl lol. Make sure to dress warm. Winters can be killer! And yes, I believe Banobagi and Regen are popular as well. Thank you for bringing up Grand, because I probably would have never asked my friend if you didn't do so. I think Grand is a good place, as I remember reading about how a consultant at Cinderella told a girl that Grand and Regen were just as good as Cinderella. Anyway, I think it all really depends on the doctor, because even the biggest places can have average or bad surgeons. I read in the previous thread that if you're planning on going to Regen for V-line, go with Dr. Seo (he invented 3d rotation). If you need 2-jaw done, Dr. Kang is the best choice.
Anyway, I'm still a little confused as to why no locals have not mentioned the previous clinics/hospitals. I've still got a bit of asking around to do before I know for sure.

I'm actually planning on heading to Korea after I'm done with my research, when I'm confident in a handful of clinics/hospitals I can consult with. I'm not sure when that will be though, sorry. Hopefully by the end of the year.

And I'm a little skeptical about View as well, just because their prices are ridiculously low compared to other places. A girl told me she had square jaw surgery for 4k, V-line for 3.1k and cheekbones for 4k, making 2-jaw just 9k. It's ~15k at ID, and I thought this was the standard for 2-jaw. I always thought paying anything much less would end up being a horrendous job. Then again, Samsung is just as cheap as View, if not cheaper, and the director there is apparently a famous surgeon among locals, always appearing on TV.

So I don't know what's going on. :huh: I'll have to wait until I gather more responses from locals from various cafes, to see if there is a mutual agreement that said clinics are as good as people say they are.
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Hey sure do , Im set to fly soon and was gonna go ahead for lipo+jaw procedure and View doesnt have lipo service so I guess i'm not going with view now. View clinic have chinese website and some chinese speaking staff (Im not chinese but I can speak it ) . The technique they use is basically the same as any other clinic , maybe more people go there for a cheaper price or cafe's review.But I guess when it comes to good result its largely depend on your current face profile and doctor's expertise and some luck too ?

Anyway, I have an aunt who have jaw surgery a while back and she mentioned how her jaw tend to have short sharp pain esp. on rainy days.
Scares me a lil bit, but yeah :O
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I have emailed some of the clinics last nite and OZ clinic, Dr Park, was the first to email me back.

I wanted to do my nose and eyes and his reply is as below. Do you think the price reasonable? Also he mentioned that it is necessary to put implant but I read in some of the posts that you can use cartilage instead of implant. I'm gonna email him again. Also, he doesn't want to do my eyes but I want to make my eyes more dolly-like and bigger.

"Thank you for your interest in my clinic and sending your pictures.
In the pictures, you seem to have bumpy nasal bridge and bulbous nasal tip.
I want to recommend you open nasal tip-plasty with cartilage graft, implant insertion, alar resection.
The expected cost of this rhinoplasty is 3,300,000 to 4,400,000 KRW.

I know you don't like any implant in your nose.
But implant insertion will make your nose much better.
All the girls in your photos have implant in their nose.
How can I make your nose similar to them who have nasal implant ?
If nasal implant is used properly, it is safe and you don't have to worry about that.

I don't think you need eye surgery.
Your eyes are beautiful and attempt to make it perfect can ruin the result.

I usually recommend the foreign patients to stay in Korea for more than 6 days for these procedures.
If there is any fault in the previous surgery, free revision can be done.
The result of rhinoplasty is permanent."
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Hey, what type of jaw surgery are you going for? Because some girls said they had 2-jaw, square jaw, V-line (T-osteotomy) and chin surgery done there.

I'm so excited for you! :smile:
I want to get liposuction done as well, on my abdomen and lower body area. You should look into Gangnam Stardom PS, as a girl said it's a "famous hospital for liposuction," with Sinwoojin as the best doctor. Anyway, all of the results I've seen have been nothing short of amazing, so if you get the chance, you should check them out. ^^
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Yeah, that's what I think too. The cheap price and cafe reviews is probably what draws a lot of locals to View. May I ask what places you're considering?

On rainy days? Yeah, that sounds a little scary... do you know where she had her jaw done?
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Thanks for the recommendation!
I think for lipo I'm set with 365mc , I have heard nothing but good reviews on them too.
They specialise in lipo alone , has many awards and rated as top 10 Arirang Korea's best last year as well xD !

For Jaw I'm not sure I think V jaw as I heard 2 jaw can be really quite invasive. But then again, that have to wait until my consultation. I have some post op concern on jaw though like sagging/short sharp pain etc...I innitially was gonna go to Banobagi , they quote me a decent price for both jaw and lipo but I stumbled across
cozycot and whilst theres good theres also a bad review from a few girls , they mentioned (in detail) on their experience there in the clinic.
They said the pain is too much for such a minor change and immediately after the surgery some regret on having it done as the face is totally swollen esp when you're travelling alone. (important factor for me as im travelling by myself xD)
But I understand the swell and pain is at the worst on first few days , then another girl mentioned a few month later on how she consider to have revision jaw surgery due to sagging, her x ray did show the drastic bone change ( so much narrow) .
But her results didnt show as much , maybe due to swelling but yeah....theres many more description i can go on forever xD
It strikes me that jaw surgery needs constant care and management... but well..
if I didnt go ahead with jaw I would do lipo + some skin treatment instead. For now I still place my hope on TLPS if their price is within my budget, I would go for it.

I didnt ask her where she did it, I will ask her later .She said the pain is like when old people experiencing ankle joint paint - that kind of pain
And wow TLPS must be so busy, over 30k enquiries? :O!!
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