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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Sigh, How many days do you think eyelid surgery will need to heal? I'm going on the Saturday and I actually lose a day because all the clinics seem to be closed on Sunday!

I got an email back from banobagi... but the prices seem quite high! almost 3500 +! when other clinics offer the same for 1500 USD. so I think i cut banobagi off my list. i'm considering now Teium, Regen and possibly Dream.

ahh why is it so hard to find a good clinic. sucks!!

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ugh so guys, i was just on the internet and talking to mom and the KRW dropped quite a bit. just a few days ago it was about 1400 KRW = 1 CDN and today it's around 1100 KRW = 1 CDN. so now i have to pay a bit more for the same surgery. ;*(

something for you guys to consider!
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have you booked your surgery? Or coming here for all the consultations? Good luck :smile:
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I've booked my trip... but still trying to make consultations...

sigh it's not easy! i think most likely my friend is going to take my clinic shopping all in one day and have me book the surgery for the next.

what do you plan to have done?
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Yeah i know what you mean, I had to get my Korean friend to help me book consultations. Some clinics do not really respond to English emails :sad:
I had my nose done 3 days ago, so am just in the de-swelling process! Are you just getting your eyes done?
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Eurgh thats annoying!
I just checked mine too. Used to be £1 to 1800KRW now its 1700

Aiyah >__< hopefully the korean won will weaken a bit by January :P
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I hope you'll post pics after the swelling goes down! Happy Healing!!!

I also want to get a rhino. Was the pain bad? Is there major swelling/bruising? Where did you get it done? And how much was it, if you don't mind me asking?

Sorry, I've got so many questions!!!
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Hey I done mine a year ago, for my case I dont get bruise until day 7 when all stiches removed. I dont know why >< haha
Anyway for me the most painful one is when they removed that cotton thingy inside your nose (the one they put after surgery to prevent bleeding from nose), I have mine removed in day 2. For stiches, its not painful at all. I dont feel the slightest pain .

Do you have tip done as well too? implant/cartiledge?
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V line is more focus on your chin/side jawline. If you are like me , have pointy chin but wide cheekbones doing V line wont help ><

Anyway just an update from me , was about to change money today but the rate gone up so high and bad :sad: hopefully krw gets lowerrr!
Still considering whether I should visit View at least for consult during my stay in korea, few more weeks to go , still checking whether I got everything ready.

Any additional advices on what I should take note/ bring?
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Ah really? Not until day 7? I had bruising around my eyes on the 2nd day, not sure what its like underneath the cast and plasters yet; I'm probably in for a surprise!
Yeah i got the "tampon-like object" removed on the 2nd day, and that was very uncomfortable lol.

I hope like you I don't experience any pain during stitch removal... fingers crossed :smile:

Yeah they extended the tip slightly with ear cartilage.
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Thank you :smile: Hope the bruising goes down soon ^^

For me, I didn't feel any pain during the surgery; besides the odd injection or two on my arm. I was completely awake during perhaps the last 15-20 mins of the surgery, and it was only then when I experienced slight uncomfortable moments.

I guess the most difficult time for me "so far" was the first night, when they stuck two cotton things up my nose to soak up the blood. So you had to breathe through your mouth the entire night, and that got your mouth and throat really dry the whole night, and on top of the anaesthetic you had, so the body was pretty desperate for water.

The swelling was the worse on the day after my surgery, when I woke up it was as if I had been crying for endless nights. But it slowly got better during continuous 15mins intervals of ice packs.

And the bruising was the most severe on the 3rd day; which was around the inner and upper corner of my eyes. So fingers crossed, that it only gets better from here :smile:

I had my rhinoplasty done at Siwoo PS at 3.2M won.

PS I love questions! Ask me anytime :smile:
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Yes, I know what u mean when u say it is hard to find a good clinic. I am struggling too to find the best fit. I heard that 12-14 days is best but for me, after consultation day, and if I can't get a slot the following day for surgery, I have only about 10 days left. I am praying hard that I can do surgery the following day after consultation so that I have more time to recover.

I heard that Banobagi messed up a nose job before and gave free revision to that person. Not sure how true it is but I decided not to take any risk and deleted it away from my list.

I am leaning towards JW cos they can achieve my nose with any implants but I dnt hear much comments/feedback abt them. I really want to know if they can do good eye surgery or not. I am keen to do hair grafting as well but again, no one seems to have done that before.

I like Regen but they seem to like putting implants for nose jobs.

Teuim said I dnt need to do my eyes at all and didn't recommend what to do with my nose but quote me nose job for 5.5m won.

Is Dream good? Any reasons why u choose Dream in ur list? I think I will email them as well.

Don't kw which one to choose... sigh!

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Anyone has View email address so that I can send my enquiry to them? I looked through their website but can't find it at all.

Also, anyone has comments and feedback on JW? I searched on the forum but not much comments.

Has anyone check out La Foret clinic before? I saw their Korean website and the transformation seems amazing with girls getting nice big dolly eyes but I don't understand what is written there cos the words are in Korean language and their English version of the website doesn't show the same thing.
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