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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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wow... eyelids are pretty 'easy' procedures but yet the swelling is probably the most obvious and longest to heal huh? and epi.. woah~

was reading on another forum bout problems with zygoma n mandible reduction and got pretty worried and so, i may postpone those 2 and do double eyelids and rhino first in ID based on the online consults.

but not sure if i could stand having that swollen n red eyes for months... sigh~

p.s. i wonder if they have mole removing procedures... may add that into the surgery list when i'm there... LOL!
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Hi MiaAnn
Did you give Dr. Gim pictures of eyes you wanted for reference? If so, do you think he came close to your desired results?
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Hi everyone. I have been reading these threads for about a year now while saving for visit to Korea for PS. I have booked my flights for 12 jan !!
Is there anyone else in Korea about this time? Would love to share experience with others.

I have consultation booked with ID for face contouring and going other consultations when I get there.
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Hi egg_tartlet...hope your recovery is going well. Just another few questions if you don't mind, seeing that my facial profile is similar to yours. I'm also thinking about a vline or mini-vline and rhino (osteo).

Just wondering if anyone's commented on your nose looking different? There's no implant right? Also, did you have breathing difficulties post-op, esp with your chin being bandaged up and face all swollen?
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Hi Karime.. keep posting.. it really help a lot..I'm sure the rest of forumers agreed it too. I've read somewhere in first forum about top 10 sued clinics and BK is one of them, but just can't remember another clinic which quite popular in this forum, but still lazy to browse thru again... after i saw your listings, i go to that page then... no #1 sued clinic is "Grand"... After you finish the first forum, and if you decide not to post here, please PM me.. appreciate it..
So far... ID, Regen, OZ and YnY are in my shortlist. btw.. have you ever read any of forumer done eyes ps in OZ? .. i still can't find it .. and anyone done rhinoplasty in YnY before ?
And still not sure should go OZ or not, thou London_chick post is quite promising, there are still other forumers JennLynn/moicreme (Asian nose job 2, page #100) not happy with the result.. :confused1::confused1: confused liao ..
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random: jus told my mum casually after dinner about gg to korea for p.s

well.. i break it slowly, like asking her to look at my eyes, it doesn't exactly open fully... then she was asking what can correct it.... double eyelid? then i told her about gg to korea for the procedure coz its more common then local, doc there got more experience etc... THEN! i told her intention to do the nose... but she doesn't seem to please... she say my nose was ok and i have the same nose as her.. =|

i didn't press on abt nose then i went on to say at first i thinking of zygoma n mandible reduction but in the end thinking buccal fat removal instead since i didn't want to drastic change then thats when she was telling me, she saw pple who do too much on their face n look very ugly BUT i told her thats becoz they wanted drastic change...

told her i think buccal fat is sufficient to sharpen the sides a little then she was telling me the fat that give me a youthful look etc... but she does not seem to be against it as i told her i didn't want to touch the bones...

i insisted i only want jus minor changes... so it seems on the whole she's ok with double eyelids and buccal fat removal... how i know she's ok with double eyelids? she ask how long i have to stay in kr and i answer her minimum 1 week, doc will remove stitches after couple of days and she even say like this must wear sunglasses already. =D

so... i will find another day and casually bring the topic up again with more details like swelling, stitch removal etc..
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Did any of you experienced this? I just called Banobagi to quickly chat about epi procedure and note that its about 10am in Korea and strangely a girl picks up and she sounds like she just woke up. So I ask her, did I wake you? and she replies "yes". I'm like WTF! She replies "I'm sleeping, please call me tomorrow".

OMG - what is going on here?
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Sorry, I don't remember what was said about OZ and I don't know if I ever read about YnY. Haven't really been paying much attention to nose though because I don't think I m getting it done this time around. Will keep my eyes open now and let you know if I read anything about them.
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I can attest to Regen's post op care. I think their post-op care is minimal. I had cheekbone and zygoma reduction surgery. Only saw the doctor three times: during consult, after the operation (because he was the one who took me from OR to my recovery room) - he didn't say anything to me, didn't ask "How are you feeling?" etc., and the day before I left Korea. Didn't even see him @ 2 days post-op checkup, I only saw the nurse. But my aunt later on, she said the doctor was smoking outside while the nurse was checking my wounds, etc.! WTH, why didn't he see me instead of smoking outside?
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Ha, thats hilarious. I assume she was on a night shift or something, they have to be with the time differences i guess.
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Hello all, woohoo surgery was completely successcully. Now I want to prepare you all for those who will be doing your procedures under General Anesthesia. When they tell you you cannot be alone for the first night, this is damn true!! I was not able to do a ****, pardon my language, and I really cannot imagine having gone through that alone. I am swollen like a jumbo blue basketball and one eye is barely opening, not pretty at all!! My rib is so freaking sore but seeimg as today is my third day aka the worse day of swelling, it should be going down from tomorrow on, and I probably should do more walking but he painkillers and antibiotics are making me feel real tired and without energy. Will update more later when I am able to see and think more clearly. Good luck to you qll going under in the next few days, may we have a speedy recovery together! Excuse any typos as I am typing on phone with one eye:P
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Congratz! Im sure all will be worth it! Do keep us updated! R u there alone? If u feel bore u can talk to us here n sharewith us ur experence there. Wishing u a speedy recovery!
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